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Carpet lawn of frosty glaze
Blanketing the greener daze
Fog smog layer fumes to sky
Chill flows in and out
Quiet are the pastures and peaking mount
Rest and retreat...
..on the mind
To keep the warmth held deep inside
Holding on to promises of spring
For now shall embrace
Dusty sprinkled
Am I just a wheel?
Consuming meals?
A speck in blue sea?
Bound by what I see?
Life amongst trees?
Breathing means free?

Am I my beliefs?
The truth I seek?
Flag of a country?
Defined by currency?
A liability?
Part of society?

Am I what you see?
The way you judge me?
The values you pick?
First impressions stick?
Norm defined by you?
Do I dare to be rude?


I am who I choose.
I fill my own shoes.
I win when I lose.
I create my own views.
I see black beyond blue.
I pick me over you.

Who are we?
I am me.
Who are we?
Depends on you.
you were so much more to me than nothing,
and i was less than nothing in your mind--
but did it make you happy when we, touching
made our vow and left our sins behind?

i don't regret anything i told you.
i don't think my life could ever change
more than when i sweetly got to hold you
even though i feel, now, so estranged.

you were everything to me, i hope you know that.
all i'll ever feel for you is love;
even though what i could give would fall flat
i would give you all, but not enough.
feel the muscles tensing there
softly hear my praises sing
raise my pulse, and pull my hair--
my body is a loving thing.

touch my neck: its hairs will raise
feel my goosebumps spread;
if your lips on mine should graze
i shall never join the dead.

but to you i'm only skin
and all my tears are not enough
to baptize me from how you've sinned
and how you took advantage, love.
lol ******* David Gumberg. I'm a person and I loved you and you took advantage of me
So he sailed
Towards the insane weather
It rained furiously
A brave lonely sailor
In the Pacific
The sharks, killer whales
They all wanted to race
They betted to break his sail

It wasn’t that huge
Neither a Dutch-man
Nor a Black Pearl
He wasn’t even as Jack
The only mercy he could receive
Is from mother nature
Through the cloudy wild ocean
His voyage to find an island
Where no man will hurt
No human will be animal
No beasts could roar
Will never anchor until he discovers

His adventure won’t be told
Generations after him
He wasn’t having company
Of a strong lady
Or a strong child
He wasn’t expecting to find
A family where he’d anchor

In search for life
In search for peace
In search for humanity
He’ll sail to his death
On that lonely little boat
 Sep 2017 utkarsh pandey
 Sep 2017 utkarsh pandey
Has it been that long?
Since your gray eyes first met mine?
Since I first saw your smile?
Since I first heard your laugh?
Since I felt your hair brush against my face?
Since I heard beautiful words come out of your mouth?
Since I watched them fall onto paper?
Since I last looked into your eyes?
Since I last touched your hand?
Since I last heard your voice?
Since I last saw your face?
Has it really been that long?
More or less a first draft. I've been having revelations lately that I simply have to write down.
When the joker comes out to play,
Do we not laugh with the crowds?

And when the clown is on the walkway,
Does joy not fly among the clouds?

It will rain on us on our days too dry,
When the hum of people runs out,

When we hear the sound of the battlecry,
We call our jokesters from his hideout.

He had died upon a cross
Three days laid to rest
Women came unto His tomb
With a vision blessed

As they saw the stone was moved
An angel then appeared
"Why is it you come to seek
A man who is not here?"

They looked into the tomb and saw
The cavity was bare
The shroud was neatly folded
But Jesus wasn't there!

The joy they felt beatific
When Jesus did they see!
They obeyed His next command
To meet at Galilee

In amazement and some fear
The women ran to others
Proclaimed the news Christ was alive
To the waiting brothers!

And two of the disciples
Did walk to Emmaus
To find the Lord amongst them
Though their eyes they could not trust
When they could see, and found it He
Said, "Our hearts burned within us!"

Then Jesus came, good as His name
To folk who were to wait
He showed his scars, the telltale mars
Sat with them and ate!

He led them up to Bethany
Blessed them all around
They were amazed, with His hands raised
He was lifted from the ground!
Can you imagine trumpeting?
Can you hear the sound?
Could there be it's equal?
In glory to be found?
Jesus rose to heaven

The clouds were then His


(C) 4/16/2017
I wanted this poem to be Biblically accurate.
Jesus didn't ascend into heaven on the third day, but appeared to thousands of people
before His Ascension!


♡ Catherine
Heart beats and paper wings,
Tattered clothes and souls that sing.
Beauty that relies on grace,
Salty tears that run down the face.
Hopes that give a crown and throne,
Fears that wittle down to the bone.
Angels protecting with all their might,
Demons killing out of spite.
Making sure another dies,
She won't live to be a butterfly.
March 21, 2017.
I'm not sure what exactly this is, other than a culmination of my mind.
My paper crown has burned.
My wings have been ripped away.
My faerie godmothers are not real,
Neither is the court of Fae.
So while I sit and wait
For a darling prince to come,
I may as well remember
That there isn't going to be one.
March 21, 2017.
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