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uv 16h
The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to explore yourself,
your impactful part.

The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to believe your truth,
your dreams, your heart.

The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to show, to lure,
to grow, be pure.

The thought of art
has a meaningful part—
to show the world
your love, your heart.

The thought of art
captivates your heart
and makes one wonder—
Is this the end, or just the start?
uv 1d
Today is my birthday.
In the last 15 years,
I got married twice,
Divorced once,
Gave birth to three kids,
Started two businesses,
Shifted to two cities.

Broke my knee once,
Mended it twice.
Published a book,
Traveled a lot,
Learned a lot,
Cried a lot,
Laughed a lot.

I taught,
And I talked.
Understood love,
Drowned in self-doubt,
Learned to be proud.

Had a lot of hair fall,
Found the courage to stand up tall.

So, today is my birthday.
In the past 15 years,
I understood age is just a number.
I am still that 15-year-old,
Wondering what adventure
Is in store for the next round.
uv Jan 30
Conspire to inspire,
Inspire to admire,
Admire to aspire,
Aspire to set fire
To your demons
That conspire.
To be an inspiration, one must first strive, work hard, and embody goodness, reaching a place where others can look up to them. But true elevation comes when the inspiration shifts inward—recognizing the vastness of the world and admiring the greatness beyond the self. In this space of admiration, we realize that the greatest challenge and victory lie in overcoming our own demons. Through self-reflection and continuous betterment, we find the strength to inspire once more.
uv Jun 2024
It has been 34 years;
Another 30 would pass in a wink.
Do I want it to be the same,
Or do I want to rethink?

How do I change something
That refuses to rearrange?
How do I make my heart lighter?
How do I be the change?

Expecting the world around me
To be as my mind pleases,
Seems like a battle that should never
Have been commenced.

Only if I could train my heart,
Then all my worries that
Seemed like worries
Would vanish without a thought.

How do I change a pattern
That has lasted all these years?
How do I find who loves me
And takes away all my fears?
uv Apr 2024
He got up one morning
All charged up for the day
A long to-do list
And passion on his mind lay

A belief in his talents
Strong in his ways
To capture the world
To provide value that pays

To reach the stars was his aim
Work hard he did, never lay
His time was too precious
Successful he was, some may say

He thought the world needed him
Things would not work night and day
There were very few
To take his place in a way

But the world has its course
Its plan, its surreal own ways
Things bound to happen
Will happen anyway

The stars will shift
The oceans will drift
The air will greet
The sun will beat

The things bound to happen
Will happen anyway.
He is needed , but it will happen anyway
uv Mar 2024
A Labyrinth is enjoyable when you know there is a way out
Its colours are enticing when you know they will fade out
The glamour might intoxicate
The novelty might instigate
But as time passes
The colours, the glamour, the novelty of it starts to suffocate
In "Labyrinth," I delve into the fleeting nature of allure and novelty. The labyrinth serves as a metaphor for life's journey, where the initial excitement of finding an exit is soon overshadowed by the realization that the vibrant colors and glamour will inevitably fade. As time passes, the once-thrilling novelty begins to suffocate, highlighting the transient nature of superficial attractions. Through this poem, I invite readers to contemplate the importance of seeking lasting fulfillment beyond fleeting pleasures.
uv Mar 2024
Reaching out for great things
Even when they are far
Your hands might be small
But your mind has no bar

Seeking out rare things
May be bright as a star
Your eyes may be keen
But it might be better afar.
Reaching out for great things, even when they seem distant. Despite physical limitations, the mind knows no bounds. Sometimes, the pursuit of greatness is best admired from afar.
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