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 14m August
And I'll look at the sky and search through the stars for validation of this feeling, and when I find the moon I'll think of you and suddenly my heart is reeling,
Do you look to cosmos and wonder where my mind goes when suddenly I am silent?
I'm just lost in your brown eyes hoping you realize that maybe you want this too.
But maybe you won't and I study stars all alone, finding signs that were never really there.
But I've read them constellation for constellation,
Searching for the love we share.
Some nights I find it and others I don't, but I blame that on the clouds, if we can't see it I promise you'll hear it,
My love for you is quite loud.
If you look at the moon
When I look at the moon
Can you feel me?
 15m August
i stick my fingers in the hole
and dig around

and then

deep breath, harder this time

and then

deep breath, it hurts

and then

******* the hole
you left in my heart
hurting for you
gets me off
 15m August
if i was a better woman,
i would be capable
of wishing you
the best

if you were a better man

 16m August
(i think of you
as humanity lies in her casket)

when the sky spills her guts
with organs pounding on the tin roof
blood clotting in the gutter
and brains clogging up the drains

(i think of you
as the earth is drunk by fire)

with fingers smearing ****** palms
washing sin from my hands
as the world outside is embalmed
formaldehyde petrichor irritating my eyes

(i think of you
as my soul collapses under the sight of god)

and the world rots with catastrophe
you sleeping in its teeth
content to be the earth's cavity
my squashed tears eroding enamel
lacking inspiration lately.
 6d August
head on my chest, I
trace his curves with my fingers
like a book in ⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑
 7d August
i hate you with such a passion
that it could turn into love
in a matter of eye contact
we’re beyond toxic

i hate you

but i’ve never
wanted someone more

look at me,
and i’ll be yours again
 7d August
i feel hollow
without your body
in mine
i have to be ovulating

this is excessive horniness
even for me
 7d August
you came back
because you can’t leave me

i left
because you can’t love me
we gave this thing
a second chance

you’re still obsessed with me
but you still don’t know
how to treat me kindly
I knew there was a turn
but it never turned up
and I kept walking straight
in search of it.

The road was familiar
the turn was on the left
in every known way
yet in the broad daylight
it left me.

I know you wouldn't believe it
neither did I
as alike a puzzled wayfarer
I kept on looking for the turn.

It happened to me.
P'raps it happens in other lives too,
the turn always there
keeps eluding.

Then when found,
it's no longer needed.
 Sep 11 August
I hang onto your every last word like it's the last bus home at midnight but the driver is inconsistent and now I'm stranded.
Do I wait under the flickering lights
Do I start my walk home alone
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