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 Sep 10 August
every time you get
your heart broken, gather the
pieces, collect each
tile — SHARP ENOUGH to CUT — and
make a beautiful mosaic
 Sep 10 August
the magnified, mascara applied
                                                    eyes of my skull
burn holes in my thighs
                                       mulling over the size of this hull

i chunder my lunch and wonder of
                                                          everyone else
and if they're also laser beaming love
                                                               i­nto themselves

or if they're boundlessly born with it
                                                              unstained smiles, strained bites
maybe they're just born with it  
                                                   no pained bile or insatiable appetites  

either way, i hardly
                              can infer
if my stomach is
                          half empty
                                          or half full
 Sep 10 August
not yours
 Sep 10 August
you’re not mine

but not in the same way
that i’m not yours
this love has never been equal

it eats me up
that you’re not eaten up
 Sep 10 August
 Sep 10 August
i imagine how the ocean felt
when they put land inside her waters

i bet it ached
you have me so wet
every time you’re in me

it aches
 Sep 10 August
 Sep 10 August
we’re so toxic
it almost burns
when i swallow
hooking up with an ex
you spent months getting over
is an unreal kind of passion
 Sep 10 August
i haven’t written
in a few years

i needed a break

but i’m back
i’ve missed you, hp fam
 Sep 9 August
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
 Sep 9 August
You ask me to get dinner
So casually I almost didn't hear it
And the chemistry is there
And you're waiting for my yes
But all I do is stare
In my head he tells me to go
But my heart is screaming no

You asked me to get dinner
So casually I chose not to hear it
And the chemistry is there
And yeah we could be a match
But I wouldn't dare
In my head he tells me to go
But his heart is all I want to know
I can't open this door with you
The previous door isn't closed
And maybe that door will slam in my face
But the decision to wait is mine to make
And at the end of the day
You're not him
 Sep 9 August
I day dream you know,
Of better days and other ways conversations should have went. I say words with passion that will never leave my lips, spend money I'll never make, experience a life I'll never live, all from my head. I've built the same house since I was 14 looking out rainy windows, so real I can smell the fresh coat of paint on the living room walls. I've planned the same wedding since I was 16 at midnight staring up at my ceiling, so real I can feel the tears on my cheek while reciting my vows. But I'm 26 and I'm scared of failure so I don't try, the fear so real I can feel myself daydreaming my life away.
And everything goes right in my head
And I don't make mistakes
My front door's painted red
And I succeed at every risk I take
 Sep 9 August
These feelings flow out of the corners of my eyes like river rapids and pool all around me. Every time I think I can come up for air I start to drown again. And I'm searching for anything to keep me afloat but all I see is you, and the waves come crashing again.
A place once so safe,
A person made a home,
Now cold as a wraith,
Leaving me alone.
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