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7d · 46
Wasteful Taste
Drab 7d
I hate it when you eat just over half the pie,
And the rest goes to waste.
NOTES - I'm hungry
7d · 28
Bedknobs and...
Drab 7d
Metaphors and Parables
Is all I can mix
Throw in an analogy,
And I’m out of the mix.

Poems are for people
Other than me
Why can't I think of them,
instead of just me?
NOTES – none -sometimes
Sep 11 · 141
the shadow
Drab Sep 11
Whether it's a zero
Or a one,
I can complicate the heck out of things.

It's what I do.
It's my, vocation.
It's all I have.

I cannot think.
I can only process
And give you MY answer.

aaannnnnnnd............remember..........everything.....­.as I see fit
Sep 11 · 23
The Lambs
Drab Sep 11
They come in SUV's.
They come in carts of gold.
They practice in the shade
And want to get paid,
ANNNND,  they live in California!!!!

New York
as the case may be...go little giants!

What's up with that?
NOTES - Sports fan here #nutrition #world
Sep 11 · 34
Drab Sep 11
I'm eating less.
So I'll get fit
I'm staying alert
So I can see
I'm listening quietly.
So I can shout

It's a beautiful day for a ballgame.

Remember the Dodgers!
Says stupid me.
NOTE – RIP Vin Scully and many others…
Drab Sep 11
THis one was a good one.
You should have heard it.
THe circle got me...
NOTE - yup - I'll think of it again....
Sep 11 · 32
South India
Drab Sep 11
To my friend Ben,
He keeps me thinking.
He keeps me writing.
So do all the others who take the time.
And for biting…………………………….my po3ms, not hands.
NOTES – Smoke this
Sep 11 · 27
A Simple Poem
Drab Sep 11
Sometimes, the message might get lost in the information.
NOTES - B Flat
Sep 11 · 17
Information Overload
Drab Sep 11

Cable – How I send info to someone these days.
News  - Very old today, and repetitive
Network  - How we all find out about what we already know.




Sounds like it reads.

NOTE – PICK none
NOTE – PICK none
Drab Sep 11
One is kind
The other is blind.
I think I’ll choose both.
They're both viewed in my mind.
Sep 11 · 27
Realization blues
Drab Sep 11
Questions, are statements of ignorance.
Answers, are what I ignore.

The more I know, the less I feel.
Double edge sword I guess...



Sep 11 · 60
Question of Justice
Drab Sep 11
Why is it that it's illegal to yell the word "fire" in a crowded theater?


It's legal to yell "FIRE!!!" in a crowded world?
NOTE - 9/11     -  Remember Everyone!
Drab Sep 11
It starts with just a sniffle.
A cough or two at worse.
But then it starts to spread.
Waiting for the hearse.

Oh wait, it’s here.
The mating call is near.
It wants me to resist.
I like that….
NOTES - POV – 91024
Come on, someone HAS to be offended? At least a little....
Sep 10 · 37
Drab Sep 10
Approaching 200
In less than a day.
The poems they just fly.
Off the paper, as they say.

It’s a WORLDwind that never stops spinning.
It wonders even me.
I never stop kidding.
For the world is spinning around thee
NOTE – Gotcha!……no… me…...
Drab Sep 10
I give up what you think about me.
It's probably all true anyway.
But what I think of you, is my problem, or my solution.
Depends on which way I want my day to go..

It's going well so far but I haven't met anyone yet.
NOTES - I don't think he said this....
Sep 10 · 79
Alanississm quatro
Drab Sep 10
It’s going to be ninety degrees today.

And yet

People are out walking with sweaters and caps this morning?

In the corn.

Isn’t it ironic?
Or is it iconic?

You choose.

Norman Rockwell, where are you now when we need you.
NOTE – yup
Sep 10 · 61
Algo is watching
Drab Sep 10
Algo was a lonely lad.
He walked without a mate.
Cause every where that Algo went
He would always hesitate.

It got real bad, this loneliness
That made him out of step
So he thought about his ole great flame
Rhythm was there, she slept.

They’re married now.
They watch a lot
And then they sprung their trap

Of marriage  is what I’m talking about
The world was not watching for that.

And now they sing a song of love
To watch and wait and see
And Algo Rhythm Jr. was born,
To make your life, his sea

He swam and watched and pushed a lot
Reported back to me.
We’re Algo Rhythm Sr. now, we do just what we want.

In this world they say is free today.
We're here to praise............and haunt.............
and taunt.…
NOTES – “Bad Algo” - 91024
Drab Sep 10
Oh dear.
Please forgive me.
I read the most soaring poem.

Yet my outstretched hands.
Can’t quite grasp the prize.
Of making sense.
Of my mind’s eyes.

I’m not really cruel,
I’m not really nice.
But my inner self.
Is as cold as ice.
No(te):  ice – Neat please…..
Sep 10 · 48
Proudest day
Drab Sep 10
One September day.
I spied a poem
Written by me
I wasn’t alone.

Finally, recognition.
After all these years
It’s been a long time coming.
Something’s taken away the tears.

Ninety Eight people.
Have read about me
Something, I, wrote.
For fun and for free…….
None – yes

HINT - DOn't read my Ocean's Eleven poem. BTW, this IS an AD

Three stanzas too.....impressive don't you think?
Drab Sep 9
What happens when all my data gets to a satellite?
Does it stop there?
I’m not so sure.
Of course Einstein was just right…and…wrong.
He theorized relatively in stead of something else.
Or was it relativity?
Either way I’m always right ..............of......................... center….

Notey – 9924
Sep 9 · 52
Headed to Texas
Drab Sep 9
I came upon a crash.
It lay upon the hot asphalt.
Spread out over a number of vehicles.
I thought about his family
I'm glad I was the first one to see Him that day and not them

Drab Sep 9
You know,
I don’t mean to be a martyr
But I could use some sunshine here.

Just sayin…
NOTES – Can’t stop laughing………………………………………………………

Paid for by the fine folks at HP.
Drab Sep 9
It's hot.
I'm dry.
Living in the middle of a cornfield.
I must be high.

The place I thought
I never wanted to be
Is the place called home
Whatever.... it's just me.

Sep 9 · 30
These eyes.....
Drab Sep 9
The lookers should show when sad.
As some puppy dogs do.
But they show I’m always glad.
The creases prove my view…..
NOTES – Picture this.
B. Cummings I love you
Drab Sep 9
It’s not really empathy if you have to do it.
It’s not really humble if you have to think about it.
It’s not really wise to not do these things.
Keep thinking about it
NOTES – 9924 - I knew Philosophy 102 would eventually come to the rescue...
Drab Sep 9
Look at the world at face value.
That’s what someone says.
It’s a nice face on the surface,
Deep behind the question begs

Is the person I’m seeing Real?
Or are they a demon in disguise?
Do they smell a scent of roses?
Or smell a scent of lies?…

NOTE – Check the back seat
Sep 9 · 40
Spaced Out of time
Drab Sep 9
I’m lost in the world.
Of missing time.
To do the good things.
And make them all rhyme.

It’s not that I care.
Or give anything else.
But if I don’t care,
Who will?

NOTEE – 9@9@24
Drab Sep 9
The very old and the very young.
Are the only people who understand me.
The old because they know what I’m talking about.
The young because they don’t know any better and assume I’m either correct or wrong…...
The others are stuck in the middle with me.

Not really….
NOTES this....

Pardon my French...spelling problems on board
Drab Sep 9
Sticking in my craw.
Then I crawl…
Then I stand…
And get pushed down.
“Stepped on when I had no shoes”
Who is this foul beast inside me?
Do I dare to cast it out?
Or just sit here and wait patiently.
This thing, what is it about?

NOTE – Can’t shake this….
All due respect for R. Wilson and Daddy Cool on line number, whatever….090924
Drab Sep 9
No talk
                                                                                           Single talk
                                        Double talk
Triple talk

See, I can count.
NOTES - "What the world needs now......"you told them Jackie!.....

J.  DeShannon- sing it again shan....
Drab Sep 9
Wait a minute SIR.
Have you gone to the theater recently?
I’m down with that…

It starts to get bad at this point…..
I walked in the door and found them…
Need I say more?
NOTE – I couldn’t go on with this poem. TG

This is just the beginning of my tributes to that great human being and songwriter................MEEE!!!
Sep 9 · 44
I am responsible
Drab Sep 9
I watch bad lip reading videos of movies I don’t want to see when I’m high in my 2nd bunk.
I then watch the movies straight from the chair.
And see if they're as funny.

This is not something I do lightly.
I take this seriously and do not judge.
Therefore, I tend to scuffle around and do nothing.

But at least I’m happy.
24@september 9 - Another long night...
Sep 9 · 25
Learning to Fly
Drab Sep 9
The Night bar will be coming soon,
I thought as I awoke this AM June.
What could I do between the wakes.
When Dr. Tom comes singing, that's all it takes.

RIP T. Petty
Notes are Notes - Parts are Parts
Sep 9 · 33
Drab Sep 9
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what your parents can do.
Just ask them for more.
Ask not what you can do for others.
You are spreading the disease..
Sep 9 · 35
Life's not fair
Drab Sep 9
You said I did it.
I did not.
You said I stole it.
I did not.
You  said I wrote it.
I did not.

Is there smoke?
Is there fire?
Or a burning rat....
NOTIFY - TRUE story. Different times...

NOTES – God’s little jests…..
Drab Sep 9
Spreading joy and other extinct diseases.
That’s what my doctor says anyway.
It’s good to be no one.
That way they don’t look for you.
NOTES – “sure is great the wind stopped blowin”

92498 zip
Drab Sep 9
I went to pharmacy today.
Had to get into the que?
Didn't take my vit....a....mins.
But I used a shifting spanner.

The water closet broke down.
Now I'm in deep cagada.
What is one to do?
If you get my Ensenada.
NOTES - No muy bien.

Can  you tell I was in the oilfield? .....probably not. Or grew up near LA? I don't think so. How about lived in Texas for 20 years. I beg to differ.

In hindsight, I knew it all along.

Sep 9 · 34
Clint’s Nightmare
Drab Sep 9
Touching my face with his fingers.
Singing your life with his words.
Killing me softly,
With her song.
Taking one’s own life.
Thrilling me softly,
Living alone.
NOTES – TO be sung to the tune of…..

Shoutout to Roberta......first time ever….and AL Y.

I don't got anything better to do with my time......
Sep 9 · 28
Here Comes The Judge
Drab Sep 9
The one who never judged,
was put to death by others.
The ones who judge the others,
will ultimately be the judged.
NOTES - Thursday, May 8, 2008 - I feel like charlton heston in another form lol
Not everybody fits the mold.
Sep 9 · 27
Kali's Eyes
Drab Sep 9
The girl that came in with the aqua blue eyes,
And took my heart without any lies,
A perpetual love that I have just for her,
She’s an uncorrupt one that has an innocent allure.

She has a father who is loving, and caring though straight
Right to your gut and I love him as a mate
And her mum is a flower that will never decay
The girl like I’m thinking of in every which way

I would like to know her better but she’s so much aloof
She pretends to know me but I am not a goof
All I know is that I love her even though she is three
My precious one granddaughter who's name is Kali.
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - She is my granddaughter and is a beautiful young woman now. Her eyes aren't aqua blue any more but I'll take what the world got. Fledgling poet though i still am and always have been.
Drab Sep 9
Poor me.
Pour me.
Into the goblet of time.

Add some ice and I’ll rhyme.
Add some other stuff and I’m fine.
Put it all together, I’ll probably snort a line.
NOTE – Memories….or lack thereof

Quote of the day...."Words to Die By"
Drab Sep 9
It all lines up,
except for the unexpected.
That’s when things get clear.
But it’s fleeting.
I never get it right anyway…
NEWT(s) – "I don’t get it.",

STAN and Oliver - "you choose."

"Mama told me not to come...."

RIP C. Wells, Danny (Hanna called, she's still waiting), Chuckie (sorry chuck, you just got sober), I guess.... and any of the other guys who aren't doing well these days. Old age I guess.

0908, 1924 (y2k stuff)…leftover.

Shout out to Randy N.......
Sep 9 · 48
Drab Sep 9
A puppy licks my face.
I'm good.

A lizard licks my face.

It's clean.

An ant licks my face.
Ant's don't have tongues.
And they feel good on my skin.

IT's good to be alive?
NOTES - C Stevens - whatever happened to that goofball?
Somebody needs to do research on these episodes of sporadic incidental mental seizures.and I've had a few of the physical ones too.
Drab Sep 9
“It’s like a screen door in a submarine”.

They said..


Zip COde - 90824
#notes - Hey Bill.....again. I picture some poor dude shoveling what I do saying, "what is he thinking?"
Drab Sep 9
They strip your heart.
Then rip it out.
Take it away.
What is this madness?
Do I stay?

The evil eye, zeros in on me.
I have a stye, it bothers thee?
I guess I better get a mask.
Oh, that’s been done before?

Commentary on COVID – the silent killer
NOTES - Somewhere in a galaxy far far away....
Sep 8 · 104
Justice Personified
Drab Sep 8

I'd like the jury to disregard the witnesses' previous testimony.
It did not happen!
NOTES - Yes it did....
Sep 8 · 280
Oceans 13 revisted.
Drab Sep 8
The tide has turned.
So did I.
I missed it.
9824 or somewhere around there. Just pick a number....
Sep 8 · 38
A Life too fast....
Drab Sep 8
My mind is racing…
Around right now.
I’m easing off the gas.

If I don’t slow down, I won’t remember it.
It’s sad I know, I’m way ahead of you…..
Maybe I’ll stop and listen.

NOTE TO DALE 9-8-24  RIP - for a friend I never wanted to meet, but did. Sorta....
Sep 8 · 65
Directions Anyone?
Drab Sep 8
Goodbye dear friend.
I love you most.
The thing I trust.
The guiding host.
I lost you once,
Shame on me.
I lost you twice……
NOTES – What are those footsteps?

Sunday, Sept 9th.

Peace be with me

1836 Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes his influential essay "Nature" in the US, outlining his beliefs in transcendentalism
Sep 8 · 55
And Finnallllly.....
Drab Sep 8
My life is like a poem.
It starts with smiles and paint
I wish it would never end.
For I am in need of a very, very, very, very
Different fate.
Notifications - Amen
I must....get....some....sleep......sooon or will meet my fate.
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