It's been a few months since i posted
Here again, still at the edge,
Seeking for help. No one will notice,
Before this you're the only one who will notice me but never again.
I miss those days, if everything was still the same right now, now i would be lying down on your shoulder
Replaying my favorite song
Helping you to light up ur cigarettes.
Too bad it's all gone,
My efforts wasn't enough when i thought i've already tried my best but
maybe to you those small efforts its nothing at all.
Really thankful for everything you did for me
Even the smallest thing
Risking ur freedom for me
Or even ur happiness.
You seems to be happier,
happier than before
hope she's treating you better than me
hope that she can do those small little thing for you that i didn't manage to do
hope that she comfort you the way you wanted when you're down.
Everyday it gets darker and darker for me.
My loss, never yours.
Memories kills.