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evolove Nov 2021
Travis scotts concert was 100% a satanic soul harvest. He sent those souls to another dimension.
Think I'm stretching? READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH.
First off. He called his event a "festival".  The definition of a festival is a feast. Did you see a large amount of food?
Or did you see a feast of souls?
His stage was the symbol for alchemy.  The egyptian ankh. The Egyptian ankh has to do with life. Because the wealthy know when you die and when you are born, you create a ripple in time and space for your soul to come and go. The best way to describe it is like a pool. Imagine you are about to jump into your local swimming pool. The water will break your entry and you will safely hit the bottom. Now. Imagine there is a person at every single part of the edge and you all jump in at the same time. Now you've got a problem. Soul harvesting is the same way. When you die your soul creates a ripple and it can safely leave. But. When you have a bunch of people dying in the same spot the spiritual realm becomes stressed in that location due to the high amounts of energy our souls resonate as they are leaving and entering the in between of this realm and other dimensions.  Therefore they have created machines that have tapped into the in between to ****** your soul. Who gets it and where it goes?  Other things are possible as well. Like the exchange of a good soul for whatevers on the other side?. Have you ever heard of cern? The large hydron collider. It's the largest machine in the world. This is NOT knew technology. The Mayan indians knew about this. The egyptians knew about this. THIS IS WITCHCRAFT AT THE HIGHEST DEGREE.
Let me break it down.
Travis Scott is a WITCH. The microphone is his wand. He is a (M.C.) (Master of ceremonies).  
With his wand he uses his voice (frequency) to help bring in the energy needed to open the portal. He brings a crowd of 50 to 70 thousand people who are generating IMMENSE amounts of energy into a low vibration. Love is the highest. Aggression is the lowest.
Then the design of his stage along with the lights become the sigil to help open the portal. Remember his stage was the symbol for alchemy?
YOU can't see the portal. You just see a fancy light show.
But those who are dying and their souls are separating from their bodies can.
The only way a living person MAY see through the portal is if they had taken an Elixir like Ayahuasca.
Do you ever wonder why all these "rappers" want to date the highest ranking Arminian witch family Kardashians?
Could it be because they are witches?

They do these kind of rituals behind closed doors all the time. What you saw was them coming out in the open.
The goal for you is to pass on and move to a higher dimension. You are drawn to the heavens because that's where you came from.
When you start gaining wealth, you start the search for immortality. Wealth is a drug that most refuse to part with.  So this is where satanism comes in. There's a theory of  reincarnation if you can create enough negative energy for yourself, you can weigh your soul back down. This is where the technology of transferring your consciousness back into another avatar has its place.
You can see why we are at a cross roads of transhumanism and luciferienism.
Some believe the elites WERE once humans and during the days of Atlantis that changed. Their technology hit a point they no longer needed human bodies. And they became the pinnacle of Transhuman. But no longer human. Something else. Maybe this is what "sanat kumara" is? A.K.A. Satan.
Truth. Facts travis scott Hollywood
evolove Sep 2021
Saturn = Satan = Death Cult

Michael Jordans number was 23.
Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun.
Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls. C(3)× B(2) = 6
Saturn's planetary symbol is a bull.
Michael Jordans nickname was "Air Jordan".
Saturn is the god of air (A.K.A. The prince of air)
Michael Jordan also has "6" championships.
Michael Jordan played 15 season (1+5=6)

Do you see the world around you?
Are you awake...
1.6k · Aug 2021
The art of deception.
evolove Aug 2021
Some people are so busy living a LIE.
That they don't have time for the TRUTH.
God saves.
evolove Dec 2021
Sheol (/ˈʃiːoʊl/ SHEE-ohl, /-əl/; Hebrew: שְׁאוֹל‎ Šəʾōl) in the Hebrew Bible, is a place of darkness to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous, regardless of the moral choices made in life, a place of stillness and darkness cut off from life and from God.[1] The inhabitants of Sheol are the "shades" (rephaim), entities without personality or strength.
Truth. Poetry
1.1k · Apr 2021
THE oxymoron.
evolove Apr 2021
If nothing is impossible. Then somethings have to be impossible. On the statement "Nothing is impossible"..
evolove May 2021
All of the movies are the same. Watch this and have your eyes open to both the secret of world and the ending of it.

Every movie is about the stars. That's why every actor is a STAR.

Mufasa/Osiris/ king of everything the Sun/light hits. is set up by his his twin brother Scar/set ruler of elephant graveyard/the dark. Simba/horus goes into hiding/the underworld, who then later returns to **** Scar/Set and take his rightful place as "King".

Thomas wayne/Osiris is shot and killed by a criminal/set. Bruce wayne/horus goes into hiding. Then comes back and fights the "Joker" Who becomes leader of the criminals. Batman/Horus wins and liberates "New York" as a king would.
Adding. Jokers catch phrase "why so Serious/sirius" with a smiling face, just like the one amazon uses is a hat tip to the solar eclipse and the star sirius. Sirius is connected to Satan worship. It's why they made us feel sympathy for a diabolical character in the movie Joker.  The devil loves SYMPATHY!


This show is so occultish you will never believe it.
Characters. (The show also revolves around Ricky/horus)
Ricky/****/horus (the symbol for horus/osiris is an obelisk aka a *****)  his father Ray/osiris. Rickys wife LUCY (Need I say more?)
and Rickys daughter "TRINITY". Notice how his daughter is the Trinity?
This is where you MUST know freemasonry to understand the rest.
Rickys two best friends are the two pillars of freemasonry. Julian/boaz/strength. Throughout the show they even brag about Julians strength all the time. Then Rickys other best friend is Bubbles/Jachin/swift. Bubbles character is known for always driving a go kart. Hence "Swift".

If you can figure it out. You know what's coming. This is the secret of freemasonry. Freemasonry is a "CRAFT"... WITCHCRAFT.
The king of freemasonry is Osiris who is Abbadon who is Appollo who's is TRUMP.
17 is the letter Q in the alphabet. And the number 17 is the number of abbadon who brings plagues unto the earth.
His son is Baron/lord/Horus is a GIANT.
Trumps ancestor from his Mother's side is the Viking "Olaf Mcleod" King of man. (Was his title)
The odds are McDonald's is donald trumps. Appollo has a golden bow. McDonald's has the golden arches. MC is 33 is Jewish gematria. McDonald's character is a clown with RED HAIR. And on his chest is the emblem of the golden arch infront of a solid red circle. That red circle is the blood moon donald trump was born on.
The odds are MC stands for Moon Child.
On Donald trumps coat of arms you will see the same golden bow.  Through that bow is a hand holding a spear. That spear is the same spear of destiny. The one that stabbed jesus is the rib cage.  It's prophecy that the antichrist will obtain the spear of destiny. Something ****** failed to do.
Donald Trump also has a gold course in Scotland in "Aberdeen"
Translates to "Mouth of the don".

You don't have to believeme. But the end is near. America is babylon. That's why we have "Hollywood". Hollywood is what witches make their wands out of..

And as for t.v.
Never watch it.
TELL-A-VISION. Who's vision you might ask?
You see this is why the call television shows "programs" and you get your programs from channels/channeling "stars" Who are embodiment of the "STARS". SATANIC WORSHIP!

Be vigilant. Your enemy's is waiting in the shadows like a lion to devour you.
evolove Sep 2021
Turn the "M" sideways.

Marshal Mathers
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Manson
Matthew McConaughey
Meghan Markle
Mac Miller
Melissa McCarthy
Mads Mikkelsen
Mandy Moore
Max Minghella
Malcom McDowell
M.J                 (M) 13+(J) 10 = 23 (two threes) 33

Michael Jordan
Michael Jackson
Michael Johnson
Magic Johnson
**** Jagger
Marc Jacobs
Milla Jovovich
Montel Jordan

C.C               (C) 3+(C) 3 =  (Two Threes)

Chevy Chase
Cindy Crawford
Chelsea Clinton
Courtney ***
Chris Cornel
Christopher Columbus
Charlie Chaplin
Camila Cabello
Chris Cuomo
Chuck Connors

B.C or C.B               (B) 2+(C) 3 = (Two Threes)

Bill Clinton
Bill Cosby
Bradley Cooper
Benedict Cumberbatch
Billy Crystal
Ben Carson
Chadwick Boseman
Christian Bale
Chris Brown
Charles Bronson
Chris Benoit

                           Companies Hiding Evil Numbers

BBC=223   Skull and bones 322 (biblical)  just Google 322 bible. They are trying to become God's.  Eat from the tree of life and live forever.  What do you think that means?
WWE Flip the letters around and you get 333. For 33.3
CNN logo is CW for 33 (C)3 + (W) flipped is a 3
F.O.X in the hebrew alphabet is 666
Hopefully you get what I'm saying...
evolove Nov 2021
EVERY government once established. Becomes OPPRESSIVE.
Poetry truth knowledge
evolove Nov 2021
The simplicity of this  will blow your mind.

Nothing leaves this plane/t.
When you die your body decomposes and becomes soil. The gasses and liquids in your body evaporate and become air wich goes back up into the clouds.
From conception every drop of water your mother drank and every fruit or vegetable she ate, came from the clouds and soil that nourished her.
From birth you are made up of these cells from those cycles that will forever recycle until the end of time. You drink the same water that fell on this earth at the beginning of its life.

I do believe in a soul and spirit.
But you can now see.
Poetry truth knowledge empowering
562 · Apr 2021
Corona. Covid19. FUN FACTS!
evolove Apr 2021
C = 3
O = 15
R = 18
O = 15
N = 14
A = 1

The word "Corona" has six (6) letters.
Together combined equals 666.

The corona is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun's surface. ... During a total solar eclipse, the moon passes between Earth and the Sun. When this happens, the moon blocks out the bright light of the Sun.

Corona is the Latin word for crown.

Corona is the (crown chakra)

The words "corona virus" is an anagram for "carnivorous".

(Covid19) corona vaccine identification. The plan.
   Ovid means sheep.
The word vaccine comes from the word "Vacca" meaning cow in hebrew.

My personal opinion...
We are about to is usher in the antichrist.
The man of "lawlessness" is the man who takes away your personal rights. Your rights to your body. Your rights to your free will to live off the land. Your rights to free speech and to congregate. Etc.
You have the right to bear arms..... Not hold hands.

I Love you all. If you've found this helpful PLEASE SHARE!
evolove Feb 2019
I'm silent violent and crazy. Summoning the dark prince because HE raised ME. I never went to school because of the late night rapings. redrum because of my wrecked ******. I was just a 9 year old baby. Outbursts of rage left me without a mother to save me from the gapings. 3 ****** years my *** was an elders for the taking. I dropped out of school and lost all my education. I found drugs and only used girls for ****** *******. I never saw hope, so to say i lost it would be mistaken. To find myself would only be to find Satan. Dressed in all black naked, on an alter of virgins blood bathing.  My frontal cortex is a vortex of anger from the poorest. If Lucifer holds the light of the world, then the sky I'm'a torch it. With the strength of Ishtar's forces. Trying to stop me, will be the train that leaves your body from your soul deported.
452 · Mar 2023
Better days.
evolove Mar 2023
When I sit and my head dips. I reminisce and drift until there's a consciousness shift. I'm split. My lifes a cliff that's hard to grip. I've got the wits but choose the whips. I want the love but choose the pimps. Corporations who don't give two ***** about alcoholic fits. In cahoots with the boots who aren't afraid to shoot the kids not producing plantation fruits. If you want the truth it's the roots that have influenced generations of youth stupid. most of us pull through it. Like suicidal thoughts when they get intrusive.
evolove Sep 2021
In the land of the blind the man with one eye is king.

A sheep lives his whole life fearing the wolf.
Only to be eaten by the Sheppard.

Only God can grow a flower.
But any child can sit and pick it apart.

In order for one man to have everything.
Another man must have nothing.

Money is the root of all evil.
Yet every church asks for it.

When darkness is revealed.
Light becomes harder to find.
427 · Jul 2021
evolove Jul 2021



Christian, message
419 · Aug 2021
evolove Aug 2021
Threats are the only promises the government ever keeps..
evolove Nov 2021
Is through people's stupidity.
Poem truth
413 · Apr 2019
Political poetic JUSTICE.
evolove Apr 2019
You could be the sun or, the sky that holds the moon. You could be that late bloomer in June. You can grow old in a fountain of youth. You could outwit the world and steal it's fruit or, you could be influence.

Our minds have struck an absence of freedom. You can't find you, because your a shell of the idols you believe in. Ideas are blossoms of thoughts and they grasped your opinion to harvest a season. Vampieric, society ******* leeches. Impeachment is weak, when it doesn't take a genius to see how they handle a slain princess in the streets. The Media's in the pyramid scheme of things, owned by fear mongoring kings.  Who steal from the poor. Countries of religion they've  torn. Aboriginal decimated, made alcoholics and forced. To grow in an artificial environment. Black face worn. Disney scores off making virgins ******. Our hard money pours, into fighting Israeli wars. Maybe this world needs to be torched.
evolove Sep 2021
When a rainbow appears in the sky it appears as a rainbow. Never will you see it broken up into individual colors.  It is all the colors. Not one individual Color. Therefore it is all or nothing.
We humans are EXACTLY the same. The only way you can see another person of a different color is when they are standing in front of you. (Besides the unatural way of a screen)
Therefore the only time you have the ability to see people of different colors is when you come together. We are the RAINBOW. We need every color in order to be complete.

evolove Nov 2021
Google the apollo spaceship. Look at a couple pictures.
Then Google a hyperdermic needle.

Is it coming together......?
The rocket took off from the "kennedy space center".
"helmeted or misshapen head"
We all know the phrase "conspiracy theorist" was coined from this event "misshapen head".
Revelation 13:3 ANTICHRIST
“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”
I'm leaving it open for debate.
But is the COVID 19 Vax the space needle of destruction?
Also. Google "Planet Divoc  91".  A comic book proudly paid for and funded by all your friendly BIG Name HEALTH ADVISERS.
Poem information truth
evolove Apr 2021
I used to think comets were shooting stars falling. Til I grew to understand how our earth was *******. Oder out of chaos. The Masons are stonewalling. But the truth is your true calling. The worship of Cain has left us.
barely abael.
and crawling..
Christian. End times.
354 · Oct 2018
A Whole World Blind
evolove Oct 2018
Im the evil seed sent to devour the land and sea. Your body of tears and fears looks so delicious me. I hide in the shades of your broken beliefs. Your souls a token on my road to deceive. The patterns on these planets, pyramids and black majick. Satan and Saturn. A homeless overdosed adicted addict. 23 year old never won father of the year award but chu never know if you could fast forward. To a place of freedoms tomorrow.. Waving flags of blood dripped sorrows. Good men die young and the government asks if you have a dollar they could burrow. Its ****** up like a citizen ship. more like a siege my ****. You need a visa just to have a dream of some peacefulness, that's how evil is. The veils pulled over. You'll need holy braille to read the deceitfulness.
Poetry, Devil, Uprising, Adult content
evolove Nov 2021
This is the truth whether you like it or not.
Your body is a temple.
Therefore. When a man and woman have ***, they are performing the ritual of conjuring a human soul into a temple.

Aliester crowley taught in his "*** magic rituals" that gay **** *** was a way to conjure demons.

Are you understanding now?
Don't shoot the messenger..
Unless that messenger is RNA...
Truth poetry
evolove Oct 2018
You were a flower that rose beneath the feet. The tears watered the seed that made a mind of concrete. Sometimes it eats at me and I can't sleep. So the nights are spent Bruce lee'ing sheets. Blood sport, Bolo when he cheats. Blurry eyed vision, kicking and screaming. Until I'm off dreaming of the
sliver in time I had meaning...

Your love was faith. And I held you back like religion. You built the sky and loved me like we were no different. Delivering deliberate significants. While I'm shivering vigorously bellegerant.  The filament that lit the current I see.  Loving myself in a new light. No longer depending on the comfort of the sea. The compass leads to the happiness in me. For that I throw roses at your feet. Aidios Amigos (friend) until we next meet
please read all the way through. This is my first piece of poetry posted. I wrote it in one sitting. Please give me feed back. Good/bad?
evolove Aug 2021
Life is a dream..
And the only way to keep it alive is to dance with imagination.
#Poetry #qoutes
evolove Aug 2021
Words are thoughts that manifest reality. The key (sound) word is thought. If you don't understand the language you are speaking. You have NO idea what you are thinking.

Human being - Legal definition - See Monster. 😞
When you say "stop beating me! I am a human being!". The government will continue to treat you as the legal definition of a "human being". When you even consider yourself a human being, you are manifesting that exact reality. Do you see why it was so important for the rulers that be to eradicate other languages?

You Write/rite because rites are rituals.
You spell because you are casting spells through your writing ritual.
You write in cursive because spells are curses that you are performing through your writing ritual.

The word Grammer comes from the word grimoire.
Definition of Grimoire -
a book of magic spells and invocations.

Do you see, see monster?
For everyone's knowledge
257 · May 2024
An epiphany.
evolove May 2024
What if we're living inside the brain of God. And just like every war is a war within yourself. God is at war with himself. But God is ultimately good. And all the attributes we as a human species have jealously, selfishness, sadness, regret, happiness, joy, LOVE are all the attributes our God has and we are going through these emotions together all tied as one. You are looking for peace. Which means God isn't at peace. And just like a thought inside your brain is transferring one piece of information through light from one point to the next, we are the light transferring information.
255 · Sep 2021
Truth is like a lion.
evolove Sep 2021
You don't need to defend it.

Just let it loose and it will defend itself.
245 · Sep 2019
Hell on earth
evolove Sep 2019
They tell you to eat your wheaties and respect the kings and queens you only see on t.v. or in the bed with teenies. While these pigs devour our flesh their eating.  We starve and march to the drumbs their beating. We tried to find meaning through a church preaching freedoms. But While they built warships, we were chasing imaginary demons, out of lands to this day we still think were freeing. Instead of breaking bread to figure out the reasons. We build walls like the rest of the world aint humans.  Are we looking through the lens, because i cant seem to find any truemen.  This aint a movie, I know what moves me, and it will never be pre-tend. I care not what your creed defines, your needs are mine. And unlees we stand together we'll never be freemen. Believe me now, dont believe me when, theres nothing left to believe in man.

The prison is your misery, unless your adolescents is at the hands of bill and hillary.  The only statute we have is a lady burning liberty. The corruptions is tyranny. So, when they try to analyze me its mirroring. Liquidity. The reflections on the waters is not you literally. But your vehicles effects across this plain are rippling consistently. Deliberately conditions are visibly indignity towards our self esteem. We all live behind a screen invisibly, you dont see the Brilliancy we recieved after eve's temptation of the tree. Saturns sycle grazed scicily. So *** was sold openly in the streets.  His story secretly on repeat. Shiva, kundalini, the eye opening. Idiocracy. Love whats at your feet. Gia gave you everything you need.  One day you will be free. This is all a very complex dream. oxygen needs blood to stream. All Hues are beautiful under the rays the sunlight beams
239 · Sep 2019
A girl called sunshine.
evolove Sep 2019
She was beautiful like sunny weather, and had dreams of marrying a king who understood the value of true treasure. She had no father and he knew just how to make her better.
So, he grabbed his shield and umbrellas. and wrote her his love anonymously in love letters. He cheese'd her up, and lived off very little Cheddar.
She fell in love, before she knew forever, but that's ok because he knew just how not to sweat her. When she needed hugs, his fur was her sweater.
He'd work hard in the field. so, she showed him godly pleasure.
Their love was impregnable, impossible to measure.
Like the sun and the earth, ment to be Together.
Mentally could sustain any atmospheric pressure.
In a universe unimaginable intertwined and happily tethered.
237 · Sep 2021
You are valuable silver.
evolove Sep 2021
And the only way to tell when silver is ready to be removed from the flames is when it reflects the image of it's craftsman.

God loves you.
Love eachother and see your self worth.
You're the alchemy of the most high.
God loves you
219 · Dec 2023
evolove Dec 2023
Life is not the goal when it's holding someone's soul that makes you whole.
194 · Apr 2021
Something to ponder...
evolove Apr 2021
REASON is the story behind LIFE.
180 · Jul 2021
The Government.
evolove Jul 2021
The government.
Takes your land and freedom.
The government.
Built resedential schools for  indian children just to **** and beat them.
The government.
A house of lies where truth is treason.
The government
Will shear the sheep who not believe them.
The government.
Poses in lights when cameras are on.
The government.
Dances with the devil as a new age dawns.
The government.
Is a subtle beast that talks with a split tongue.
The government.
Uses pop culture to influence a rebellious nature of the young.
The government.
Is a wand in the hand of a great mysterious mage.
The government.
Is the lite bearer, the knowledge of lucifers flame.
Poetry.  Truth. WAKE UP!
179 · Sep 2019
Whats mine is yours
evolove Sep 2019
What's mine is yours. From the *** of coffee on the stove to the money in my pocket. I don't need it anymore. What's mine is yours. Let your satin dress drop down to the floor so i can take whats mine because mine is yours. The kiss from lips stick deep in my soul where I allow no one to go. Your heart is home. Unstoppable accomplishing the impossible when our two brains storm. so what's mine is yours.
153 · Jun 2020
evolove Jun 2020
Life is but a spectral of lite. Only you have the ability to illuminate Darkness..
153 · Sep 2019
The watered garden.
evolove Sep 2019
Youre the little garden where all good thing grow.  At the top of your crown is an aurora of gold. Like origami, I want to know the complexity of every fold. Together we can map out destiny and aspire for goals. We can gap all bridges so, we never wear the toll. We can live remote so we're in complete control, over everything except the seasons as they go. We can breathe new souls or, we can have nothing and be beautiful.

Your eyes smile like two crescent moons, and your skin glows like Sahara desert dunes. No need for rings when relics only ruin,
Ive been a student to stupid.  And Youve more than proven , your the only human. I cant lose.
151 · Feb 2020
evolove Feb 2020
What washed up on shores was hopeless. What washed up on shores took the earth and shook it to the core then made it motionless. Now the lands where the ocean is. And it's filled with saturn worshippers.
My home of eden, abused and beaten. Over a couple free men. When there's nothing to breath in, maybe they'll see then. A scilloet left of their own de-mons. Some self reflection of a heathen.
Maybe in death is healing...?
evolove Nov 2021
Studies show that depression is more prevalent in people with higher I.Q's.
As you grow older the more intelligent you become and the harder it is to entertain you. For example.  When watching a movie a more intelligent person is likely to point out the plot holes or the "that's not possible" why would the writer and directors put that there?.
This is a serious problem. Not having the ability to be entertained leaves an intelligent person with nothing but facing and thinking about the cold hard facts of this world. And that is very, very depressing.
The reason it's so fun to be a child is because you are yet to understand the horrors this world has. Tag entertains you. You are happy with the simple things. But.
When you go back and try to do any of the things you did as a child you always catch yourself saying "man.. I don't know how I thought that was cool". Even playing video games aren't the same.
If you are depressed.  It may only be because you are a very intelligent person and this world has alot of darkness.
You are not alone. 🙏

Once you realize and understand this.
You will really start to ponder on what this place is?
If intelligence is torcher...
evolove Oct 2021
Love is always a fall.
Either you're falling in.
Or you're falling out.
Both have their own story.
Why what was.
And why what's not to be.
144 · Apr 2021
Finding yourself.
evolove Apr 2021
You've never failed at anything if you know what it is to be plentiful.  Beauty is the story written on the pages, not the pictures in the centerfold. Life is water, shapeshift and let it flow. Time drips. You will trip. Just pick up and carry home. Pedals are destined to fall. While roots are destined to grow. You will never perish if you cherish morals deep down in your soul. You need higher power. You can't ride the ether on your own. It's nice to pick flowers, but you need to fly the plain, not be flown. It's nice to be little, but needed to be grown.  Stop believing in things backed by bone. The answers are inside you if your willing to sit with your thoughts alone.

God is love.
evolove Oct 2021
Planet is just Plane with a T....

And they say the best way to hide a secret is to hide it in plain site..
Yeah right... Next your gonna be telling me Disney is trying hypersexualize our kids by flashing them innapropriate images on the screen..
Oh wait. Here's mickey mouse putting his **** in the cheese to create the holes for swiss cheese.. copy and paste 👇 disney=😈👎
134 · Nov 2021
Something to think about?
evolove Nov 2021
The unvaccinated have to get tested and the vaccinated dont. But the vaccinated can still get and transmit covid?

Something smells like Pam Andersons underwear garments...
86 · Feb 5
To My Mother.
evolove Feb 5
To me you are the worst person in the world. You abandon me at 9 years old because I had bad behaviour. (Bad behaviour from being sexually abused) I was sexually abused for years and you left me with my abuser. At the time you didn't know. But when I got to be about twenty years old I had gotten comfortable with being able to talk about it because of how many therapists I had told. But then when I built up the courage to tell you, you told me it was all my fault and the argument got so bad the cops were called. When the police arrived they were not happy with you or the situation. And started yelling at you in the kitchen. You fought with them and told them to leave.  You're are so awful and lack any sort of empathy. You left me with no food. Everyday you took my sister and didn't come home until 11:30 pm every night. I was left eating ketchup and mayonnaise sandwiches. YUM!
Now as an adult every special occasion you have to gamble. In fact you gamble almost every second day. You're poor but love money. you fantasize about living in new york. While I fantasize about having a mom I'm able to bond with and have a regular relationship. I can tell you love money more than you love me. They say the root of all evil is the love of money. And I can see how sour it is. It's put me in a place of absolutely hating money I want to be homeless because I can't stand the thought of money.
I take care of you're when you're sick. I make sure you can rest, you have good and something to entertain yourself with. I run to the store when you need anything. Then. Once you're better I start to get the sickness you passed to me and you don't allow me to rest. You will gamble just feet away from my head when I'm tired and sick trying to rest. When I get frustrated with it. You make the biggest ordeal because you're addicted to gambling and lack empathy for others. When I pass any sort of sickness on to anyone I feel terrible. I do my best to offer everything I can to help. It hurts me to say this. But I don't think you deserve to live. You lack empathy for other's and it feels I came from the womb of a psychopath.
All I can hope is that with age I don't turn out to be you.
Getting it off my chest
72 · Jul 2024
evolove Jul 2024
This city never sleeps and Ivory towers were never designed for the black sheep.  The pavement and cobble roads

— The End —