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Oct 2018 · 166
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I can't see where I'm going,
but like a blind man's hearing is heightened,
I will listen for the Lord's direction.
Oct 2018 · 151
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
For long enough I've tended to a heatless fire
Scared of labels they press to uninspire
Tried to convince me this gloom was nothing
Then you'd think I'm demented or something
But at the same time my aloneness was hyped
Making me think I was of the insane type
But it's nice to hear my thoughts bounce off of you
Otherwise I don't know how I'd make it through
Basically, I'm just an emotional dude. It's okay to feel sad, lonely, or even gloomy. I feel opisite sides of the spectum, joy and sadness, and I fluctuate between the two. That's basically it. I encourage you, if you're going through something, to tell someone! It may be scary at first, to let someone know your thoughts, but it helps tremendously!
Oct 2018 · 104
Thorn In My Side
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I must warn you of my condition
Could it really be depression?
It's a disorder I have yet to oblige
For now I'll call it a thorn in my side
But I promise you everything will be alright
I'll get through and I'll be just fine
This thorn in my side may give me some fear
But I've come to understand why it is here
This weakness is not something to hide behind
But a way for me to finally find
Those who are going through the same exercise
Learning with these people how to empathize
And teaching me that I must learn to consign
My thoughts and fears to leave them behind
May these sufferings be scars of my loyalty
And strengthen me in God's sovereignty
I will endure the thoughts I face all day long
Because it is in the Lord that I belong
Were it not for Him, I would have given to the grave
But in His power and goodness, I am saved
In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about a 'thorn in his side' that weakened him and even prevented him from sharing the Gospel at times. It wasn't clear what this thorn symbolized, but God allowed it to be there so he would have to depend on others to learn humility and empathize with others who go through the same struggle. After reading this, that's how I started to view myself, and I was given hope. I believe God allowed this to be here so I can learn to depend on others and trust them, which I'm not good at doing, and empathize with others who are going through a simular thing.

Praise God for being faithful, for strengthening us, for the hope He has given us! I love you guys, and I want you to know that God will meet you wherever you are at in your life right now. He's always there to turn to, I promise. And even better, He won't keep you where you are; He will deliver you from whatever you're going through and He'll strengthen you and be by your side :)
Oct 2018 · 1.6k
For now
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I'm better today than I have been
But I can't expect it again to happen
Lately it's been worse than it has in a while
But I know it's just my faith under trial
I've been tested like a ship at sea
The winds and the waves have come to suit me
But I won't let the ocean pull me asunder
Gravestones won't burry me and take me under
In time I know I'll recover
Recently I've been worse than I usually am
I wonder if I've chosen it
Or if I can choose not to think this way--
How to undo it if I can
I know the night will come again
But to play a part in the dark will not happen
I can't choose every moment to live in the day
Even if I tell myself to think that way,
The feeling won't stay
One day I will get over this wall of stone
Though I know I'm so far from home
For now, I am fighting to reach the morning light
One day, I know, I will leave behind this night
I don't think we can just choose not to be sad. I believe you can be depressed and still have joy. I believe you can be joyful and still be suicidal. You can know God's truth, but that won't chage what's in your head. But in time, it will. Through continual trust in obedience, surrendering your faith to God day by day, things will get better. It'll be rough, it'll be a daily battle, but we have a hope, a promise that Christ has overcome the struggles of this world, and He will get you through. He has a life planned out for you, a good, pleasing, and perfect plan for your life. As long as you continue to fight, things will get better :) I promise!
Oct 2018 · 144
An opportunity
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I could take the easy way
I could use one of the rootless poems
One without the depth of what I write for
Then they wouldn't know
They would just see talent
And I wouldn't have to fear for what they think
What they think about my thoughts
I'm afraid to get the truth that I'm alone
If it affected no one, or if no one spoke up
Then they would know, and I'd still be alone
But would I do it, if there was one person?
One person in that crowd,
Only one that fears their mind,
Who feels alone
Would I do it for them,
To let them know that there's more put their,
More like them?
Even if everyone figured out what I think?
At a fall festival I'm going to tonight, there's an opportunity to share poetry. I'd like to, it's an opportunity to possibly get my name out there, and more importantly to speak into someone's heart. But I'm afraid that I might be alone, that my words won't resonate with anyone and the truth behind my skull will be revealed. I've shared my poems with people before, and they've asked if I'm okay, so that's why I'm scared. Maybe you poets can help?
Oct 2018 · 95
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I feel like there's no one to confide
Hiding behind walls that confine
There's a system where I'm walled in
A rhythm that keeps me in depression
It's a pattern within I craft fire to
But it's not what I desire to do
A wall is in my way and obstructs my view
Contained by the wall that sets my life in skew
With the help of my friends I'll reach the top
With the sound we make, I won't fear the drop
Sometimes I'm able to see the other side
Then I'll look back and find my mind is tied
These lies convince me I can't get over the wall
They hype up the doubts and make me fear I'll fall
Could it all just be one of the schemes
To make me believe in such silly things
Oct 2018 · 240
Sleep Away
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Wouldn't it be great
If we could sleep away
The hours that abate
And wake up the next day?
But still I fear
When the day is done.
As night draws near
I pray I can overcome.
Sometimes I just want to sleep for a while... as if it will make all my struggles and thoughts go away. But then I still fear for when I go to bed
Oct 2018 · 554
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I'm burning, but still cold
Is it concerning
I'm tending to this fire
But it never grows much higher
All I want is a spark
An ember in the dark
You are my torch in this dry space
Be my light between two places
I don't want to walk alone
As I find my way back home
I've been opening up to my friends about what I'm going through, and it's been helpful. And at the same time, it's allowed me to join their fight as well
Oct 2018 · 153
A Reason To Live
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
My opinion--
Life's worth living
Culture says,
"Might as well."
Problem is:
It won't sell
Death's addictive
But the price to live
Is worth the pay
So I will say,
"Please stick around.
I'll have you found."
Oct 2018 · 174
Between The Lines
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
It's good to know
the ones who speak my language
and those that share my blood
are with me.
I'm sorry,
I can't help but be reminded
that you can't see my eyes.
Don't get me wrong,
I'll need the light and love you send,
but you can't stare into my depths
and speak into what my bones need to hear.
But for those who can,
do I seem fine?
Or can you read
what is not spoken by my lips?
Do you interpret what I'm afraid to say
from what is written between the lines?
I sure hope so,
I really do.
Thank you guys for the encouragement and for caring. I really appreciate it!
Oct 2018 · 374
Thinking too much
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I don't really know what's behind my skull
They talk too fast, and that's all I know
Whatever it says, I'll take it slow
I'll take my time to write, like I haven't been
Sitting here, I must let the silence seep in
Until I find the problem
Oct 2018 · 243
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Each of us has our own trench,
a black pit we must bare
before we can breathe in the morning air.
For those of us who fear the silence,
our trench is tended by depression.
But we must take a stand to enter in
to the pit of fear and silence.
I am not asking you to go to the bottom,
but to help me problem solve my problem.
No one can face down my demons for me,
but I'll need you to face me from the ridge,
as I cross over this silent bridge.
Cloak me with hope and encouragement
as I plummet down to dwell in my trench.
And I will sit here in the dark,
receiving the yellow letters you sent,
until I find what has me torn apart.
Would you be willing?
Oct 2018 · 160
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
No, you don't have to keep me down from ledges
Or steal from me razor blades and shoe laces
But prop your door open with wooden wedges
For when I enter into these dark places
Oct 2018 · 123
To The Bottom
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
What's wrong with me?
What's my problem?
I want you to see
I need you following to the bottom
No, I am not enough
No, I am not enough
I cannot dig as far as I need to
Whithout them being here beside me too
But will I tell you?
I know, I'll fall if I don't
So why don't I let them know?
Oct 2018 · 83
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
There's no above or around
The only way's down
I don't see through this door
What's it here for?
Is there any way to find a key?
There must not be
That's when I start to wonder
If it's better to just go under
To **** myself quietly
Or loose myself in the sound
Can I somehow go around?
Or sit here comfortably?
Either way I've lost my sense of ground
I finally give in
To what might still be deception
But the only way I see fit
Is the way that's barely lit
So I head through the path that leads down
At first, I use "above or around" for "hope and encouragement". And this door without a key is the state of gloom I feel like I'm locked in sometimes. And I want to find an easy way out, to ignore it but that just lets it take me over. And the only way I see fit now is to walk down into my trench to recognize what's wrong with me and hopefully fight against it
Oct 2018 · 283
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
These gravestones call my name
The things they claim
A crow sits atop a tree
Carrying a noose for me
At my soul, they're tapping
In the dark, they're stabbing
I won't let them take my soul
I will write the truth you must know
I must say it again
I won't let them take my soul
Please tell them not to take my soul
You may take my soul
I'm sorry.
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I am wise,
because I've been a fool.
I am brave,
because I've been scared.
I am strong,
because I've been weak.
Add on if you'd like
Oct 2018 · 902
October Breeze
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Will you stay here
with me for a while,
your beauty in treetops,
your presence felt
through open windows?

Can I meet you in
the deep hours of night,
felt but not heard,
singing in the silence,
a blanket beneath still stars?

Or will you pass by,
so soon to leave me here,
lonesome and hallow,
not to settle around me
like the hasty winter's stay?
There's something about the crisp fall breeze
that's so calming
Oct 2018 · 404
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Why I cannot tell you,
I do not know.
Why I can't bear to speak,
I'm not sure.
Why I can only communicate my soul this way,
I don't understand.
Why this is the only language I'm fluent in,
I have no clue why.
This is why I seek out people who speak like me,
born with a stranger's tongue,
a dialect not many can comprehend.
This is why I can only talk to them,
sending riddles and broken words
even they may not understand.
It's why I don't perceive the language of this world,
but only the coded words found deep in art.
Oct 2018 · 186
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
When I show you my art,
I'm not looking for attention
When I share these poems,
it's not to seek your praise
When I let you see these things,
I don't want you to tell me it looks good
No, I don't care about that
Rather, it honestly makes me a little uncomfortable
Because of the emotion you miss,
the meaning within my 'talent'
And you don't get it
But especially if you do,
the last thing I want is for you to call me "gifted"
Am I 'gifted', to have such thoughts?
So whether you can feel for me or not,
all I'm asking you to so is get a glimpse
of what's inside my head
Don't be distracted by if it's 'good' or not
Please, make the effort to look a little deeper
Oct 2018 · 157
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
We are far more dangerous
than we were as kids.
The monsters under my bed
seem silly compared to
what's in my head.
It's culture's fault,
though it forbids.
You think you teach us pefectly,
the professional way.
Yet we're corrupted enough to use
shoe laces and razor blades.
Our culture's so corrupted, because we're able to use these simple, harmless, good things to destroy our world and ultimately **** ourselves.
Oct 2018 · 95
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Here lately,
I've envisioned myself
standing on a stage.
I don't like the thought
of lights, or fog,
or anything like that;
those things have never really
appealed to me.
I picture myself
creating a diversion,
something we can point
the bullets at.
"Send them my way."
Is this just coffee high hypothetical?
I don't know.
We'll see.
Oct 2018 · 132
Push through
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
All these people, they are real
But I'll ignore them still
All these voices, they're forreal
But do I really want to ****?
Regardless, I don't think I could have fought this
Honest, I'd be deeper down in the darkness
If it wasn't for this art
That God gave me as a start
I'm taunted by demons, but still I write these verses
But when we write, we begin to fear
At the sight of what is really here
By writing to face your demons you'll meet your purpose
It may not seem like a good idea at times, to use art as a way to get your emotions out and think. It would be healthier to tell real people, wouldn't it? But sometimes that can be hard, and I've found that art can actually help. It's a start, a good way to deal with my emotions for now. But sometimes when we write, we realize the unhappiness that's inside us. Then we stop writing and we stop talking and we stop thinking. But you can't stop there; you have to keep going. You have to break through this, keep writing and keep talking to people until you get better. It's okay to be unhappy; it's normal. But you can still have joy at the same time, it's possible. Don't let unhappiness criple your pursuit and stop you from what you set out to do. Push through this unhappiness to find joy, because once you've found what's not right in your life you can heal it
Oct 2018 · 713
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
Climb down
No, sympathy is not enough right now
How could you sleep?
I hope you're dead, yourself
If you'll only show up
Once we're done breathing
I don't want this to come across as mean. Although I hope these words convey urgency. There are so many, Sleepers, who ignore the problems in this world and the troubles happening in people's lives, the Heavers. They're barely hanging on. We need to be there for them, to cover them with our love and to offer our aid in fighting their battle. Otherwise, you better be wearing a mask, pretending to be okay when you truly dwell in darkness. For the Sleepers, wake up. Join this battle
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I always look forward
to the luminous poems
you poets display.
But when I checked
my home page,
all I saw were thoughts
of suicide and deep
emotions of hopelessness
today. It churns my
stomach and burdens
my heart to see you
this way. There's a
place in my soul for
you, but that place
for yourself in your
own is filled with
decay.  You wish to
place a bullet in your
brain, but you're afraid
it will just ricochet around
in your head. You'r diseased
with what's behind your skull--
a dark black stain,
and it's true, we will
never know what you
fear for, laying in bed.
Nobody thinks what you
think--no one. And I'm
afraid empathy is on the
verge of extinction. I
know it's hard to say, I
understand it's not easy
to unbottle what's inside,
I get that it's even a
burden to let go of
what is safer to hide.
Stay alive for me, that's
all I want you to do,
stay with me, and I'll
try to save you. But
the truth is, I can't,
I can only be here
by your side as you
face down the hell
you're going through.
So I will stand here
at the edge of your
trench. I will do all
I can. But you must
fight. You must not
let these demons
take you down. It's
not easy. But I'll be
up here. I'll send
down my poems,
hoping to help
cast them out.
And when morning
comes, I'll be offering
my hand. We will stand
again, sharpening our
weapons for when the
sun reaches its grave.
But friend, you must first
live through this night.
Stay alive for me, please.
Oct 2018 · 171
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
My feet dangle up off the ground
I levitate above the sound
Ever since I was young, I've been on dope
Nowadays, I use it to be my rope
Tie a noose around my head with floating feet
Still breathing, my mind will have no hold on me
Choke out the lull, my throat hung on a leash
You demons have no voice in me--capeesh?
I've been writing ever since I was like 9. I use to make books on printer paper and stable it together, and I've kept them over the years. Anyways, I've always liked to write and draw, and now I'm learning how to play the piano. I somehow use these things to, in a way, express my emotions, and I think it kinda helps. Comment on if you do the same, use art to express yoursef or help deal with your emotions
Oct 2018 · 353
A quiet room
Gabriel Bonney Oct 2018
I step away from this world given to the blink
So I have no noise to hide my mind behind
To allow myself some room to think
Although I will ponder of something terrifying
But I keep myself in this room of silence
Because the sound only allows thoughts at night
Though my thoughts can have a side of violence
The quiet I feared may be able to shed some light
For me, I can only really think at night because of all the chaos in the daytime, and those thoughts are what seeps into the next day and make it so hectic. Right now, I haven't been able to do a lot that distracts my mind from thinking like I usually do. But I'm going to use this to my advantage, since there's not a lot of chaos I'm going to use this time to think, so I can hopefully straighten out my thoughts  ...that make sense at all? If not, comment on how you perceive this whole silence theme, I'm interested in how you take it ...Also, not too sure about the title. Maybe you have something better
Sep 2018 · 104
Yellow Lines
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I look back
at what I've
written, and
I realize I'm
not that fine.
Do you ever
squint your
eyes then
finally realize
you're life's a
little not right?
I'm driving
inside my mind,
and I'm driving
kinda sideways.
A runaway, but
I don't feel free.
I'm swerving
over the yellow
lines. Give me
a chance to
speak my mind.
I know you are
worried, for me
and what I
find. But I
promise you
that I'll come
home sometime.
I've used yellow before to represent encouragement and hope. The illustration of driving over the yellow lines is suppose to represent how I waver on accepting the help people offer and trusting them with my emotions, and even accepting joy
Sep 2018 · 202
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Behind each skull
there is a section of silence
Our mind will linger
to this abstruse realm
A poet's words
are derived from such a void
An addict's thoughts
will loose themselves in this vacuity
A corner constantly in the back of our head,
a room for our subconscious to dwell
But when it's blatantly before me,
I find myself blurryfaced by the obstructed view
The silence can become violent
because when I think is when the voices come out
I let myself ponder for too long
until I can no longer tell what's inside of me
But maybe during this time where I can think,
I can use the silence to my advantage
Perhaps it's possible to take captive these thoughts,
to un-slash my O's and dash my E's
Could it be possible to cut ties with the quiet
if I make it through?
Thinking too much is what causes us to go from doing okay to not, but once you're in that state where your life is kinda sideways, you must fight your way out by stepping across that bridge of thought. Your fight will look different from mine, but know that I'm going through the same battle. The silence, these doubts, fears, and just dark thoughts you don't know where they come from, it might still be there in the back of your head, but things will get better as long as you keep fighting to polarize your mind :)
Sep 2018 · 126
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Do me a favor
and piece together your shards,
and may they eclipse the moon
so your seas might be calmed.
Then you can tally the stars
amist the dark parts of your thoughts.
And when the sky falls,
we will walk amung your
many suns.
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Actions speak louder than poetry,
so do no fill your words with promise,
when really your heart has let them hallow.
Sep 2018 · 144
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I know 2am far too well
I recognize the darkness in which I dwell
I know it front, back, and inside out
I recognize the crazed words my demons shout
I know that even under my sheets
I will loose myself in the night's deep
I believe there's a reason why I won't sleep
I can dream of a morning though now I weep
This is why I'm going to keep myself up until 2am again
Sep 2018 · 265
Midnight Poets
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Who are you,
midnight poets?
And why do you
still write
at such a late
Early birds,
or night owls?
Or is this your world,
since the daylight
is no home to you?
Dose the darkness
suit you better,
a vagabond
in the night?
Tell me,
why do you write
at such a late
Then again,
why do I?
This was originally going to be very short, but then questions kept coming to my head

This is the best I got
at such a late
Sep 2018 · 137
between the lines
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I search for  s o m e t h i n g

   between the lines,
as if there's something more.             I dream
                                               Then it's    gone.

I want to have it,
                                 To be freed by it.
           it's like
         a song.              I can't
                             get out of my head
Sep 2018 · 225
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Whether we     admit it or not

                             do try

       what's             ­ stored in                  our
minds. We


          masks                   to
     be on
                                      the safe side

we know
                       to hide             is not

            to be
Sep 2018 · 1.0k
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
How many times must I
take it into my own hands
to burry my sin?

I pry at my terrain,
digging up graves
to throw my mind inside.

But the whole in my soil
is far too shallow,
so when the night comes and the rain falls,
I look down at the dirt
I've scrapped from my palms,
and find that my
****** bones
have resurfaced.

Do I not see
I am digging holes in my hands,
a trench within my mind?

Why have I not
laid my shovel down,
when Christ has already
etched in my tombstone
my sin, that's dead?

I cannot avoid the night.
I cannot outrun the rains.
But I can send all my sin
His way.

I want to fall inside
of You,
and fill up all the holes
in my hands,
revive all the graves
inside my mind.
Sep 2018 · 81
in the silence
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I can't just stay it that room
Otherwise I'll think too much
In the silence
I'll think of fears and sorrow and such
I must distract my mind
With something
Because I fear for the thoughts
This silence may bring
Sep 2018 · 74
Noiseless room
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I set out


                         But then

         I remember                 the



I'm not looking forward to this silence.
Sep 2018 · 79
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I question how people
Are so encouraged by my fruit
When my limbs feel so heavy.
How can people see
So many leaves on my branches
When I feel hollow inside my trunk?
But my God reminds me,
My roots have traveled deep around rock,
And it was Him who has planted me.
Sep 2018 · 775
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
The blind can't learn to see
by opening their eyes
I can't abolish this gloom
by putting on a disguise
But through faith and trust
I can find my Lord
I will remain in prayer to Him
and abide in His Word
Even during this time where God may seem distant, we can still look to Him because He is present, and we can find comfort by abiding in Him
Sep 2018 · 76
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
This morning, my life was without taint
But as the day goes by,
My heart will grow faint
Beaten down by the voices
That taunt my head
Then I forget
The war that's lead
I let another day go by
Polluting what should be
A clear blue sky

The difference between
Being awake and dying
For one, is trying
That's all we're
Called to do
You have saved me
So I'll try to love You
Sep 2018 · 146
Message in a Bottle
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I've told you your ocean should be blue
But I'm a liar just like you
Because right now my ocean's black
And my sky is too

God, strike down your lightning
Help me see
Hit me straight on
Light up your sky

This note
In this glass bottle
Is tossed around by the waves
As I'm sinking

PS. I hope you find it
Sep 2018 · 490
Help me breathe
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I don't know why
Some days I decide
I'm better off
Staying quiet
I neglect this world
And figure
It's better off
If I try not to
Transform it
This day

It's in my head
It's out of my mind

I'm upside down
It's inside out
You're underneath
Stay close to me

Help me breathe
I'm singing lah-dah, lah-dah, lah-dah
Sep 2018 · 87
The Night's Return
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
The sun seems to fall with such gravity
Don't feel like the earth as it turns from sanity
Night brings gloom as the day comes to an end
But you must know dark is not your only friend
Shortly you feel the truth of being saved
Until your hope is burried in a midnight grave
In this moment you must let shadows burn
Rise and stand your ground waiting for the night's return
We might not all make it out but please try
We will win so find hope in what's promised to die
Sep 2018 · 81
Night's Grave
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Like everyone I see your smile so soft and bliss
But I know there is sadness inside you too
It lingers deep in the darkness
Emerging when you thought you made it through

You stood on what was sure to be solid ground
But you never saw the hole that was really there
Falling deeper into the world's dismal sound
You suddenly realize you were standing on air

The night is meeting it's end
This gloom has meaning for now you are free
The dawn is coming and you will stand again
You, my friend, will encourage not just me
I'm so glad you're doing better! You've encouraged me, and I'm sure you will encourage many more
Sep 2018 · 284
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I've tried to give up poetry,
As if it's some addiction.
Sometimes I feel like an addict.
Do you ever feel like that, you poets?
Do you get my depiction?
Addicted to the pen,
Confined to your mind--your paddock.
I feel like a ****** who's on it again,
Writing another poem to a friend,
For others to use it as I pretend.
I'm addicted to the waves,
As I'm tossed and blown about--their slave.
They pull me asunder.
Oh Lord, take me under.
Blow my cover.
Let me not be another fanatic on dope.
That doesn't mean I smoke;
I'm talking about words with emotion,
But sometimes I get lost in this ocean.
Compulsive to smoking,
I'm writing this, hoping,
That as my pen is the lighter
And my cigarette is the page,
I can light your soul on fire,
While keeping the addict in his cage.
May your demons choke on the brume
By the words that are the smoke you consume.
Sep 2018 · 907
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I go to
A place
To write
Or read
Or paint
A pleace
So quiet
So still
So appeasing
Nothing except
A light breeze
Lapping water
My notebook
And me
But sometimes
When I'm there
In a place
Of such beauty
And composure
All the things
I came here
To do
Get lost in
The lull
All I
Can do
Is drop what
I'm doing
And simply
Sit there
God's gorgeous
dadirri | Australian | (n.) the concept of inner deep listening and quiet still awareness; a 'tuning in' experience to deeply understanding the beauty of nature
Sep 2018 · 151
Lost at sea
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I must have forgot
You can't trust me
I forget I am bought
My heart will open for a moment
But then the next thing you know it
I'm lost at sea
In this ocean of emotion
I'm in a battle of what I feel
And what is real
Tie my head to a noose
But just loose enough
So I can breathe
Balancing everything equally
Then darkness won't become me
We must "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). We tend to let our emotions rule over the truth. This could be doubt or selfish ambition, which causes us to lose sight of God's truth and focus solely on our feelings.
Sep 2018 · 103
Just a thought
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
Sometimes I find it hard
To convey a thought
Because when I look back
The words I display
Don't portray what I sought
Sep 2018 · 103
"strain / rain"
Gabriel Bonney Sep 2018
I'm tearing through
Into your space
Mend heart clear stain
I find my place

Stay alive for me
Stay alive for me             friend
Stay alive for me  love

Move light through dark
I'm breaking apart
Nothing to say, just fide my place
I'll not give way
I know it's pouring - rain it out
Please stay awake
It's breaking my heart
This is modified from a song I wrote back on 5.4.18
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