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I can't sleep
Everytime I remember your words
They snap and recoil
And hurt me awake
Next time when someone
Promises me forever
I'll just smile
Look them in the eyes and ask
How long is forever to you.
..I am ready for  nature's challenge
as revenge to humans !
Since I am a nature
will completely merge with nature
if not today,
then tomorrow surely as a truth
But, anyhow we play with nature
At our own future cost
Sometimes present cost

When will we completely
Fall in love with nature's
From die heart
O what are you!
Don't you forget
To follow me
In whatever I do?
Whatever I am?
In sleep or
In this
Joyous life
You are but mortal
Like this body!
So you tell me
Hey man!
I ne'er leave anyone's
If light is obstructed
Am I formed
Light is my enemy
He's there,
And I die
But don't
I bid you
I find my space
On another side ,right?
So till you surround
Yourself,o man!
With light all around
Umm..I won't leave you!
So ,much
Do I love you!
Maybe once had
Man challenged shadow
O I'll leave you so
You see!
He ran
To where
Wasn't there light!
But couldn't he!
Shadow won
And so it was done
That ghosts
Only have
No shadows!
Shadow is such a thing
So interesting!
Light follows
And so does shadow!
O only nights
Prove a respite
Fear Shadow's
Time of plight
Today amidst
Artifice so heavy
Numerous lights
Light our lives
Even at night!
So we endure
And welcome
Our dear shadow
With new zeal
And fun galore!
Don't we?:-) :-) :-)
just a
Light humorous thing!
 Mar 2018 Kanak Kashyup
hell is a place where
you constantly love those that
do not love you back.
What if?
The question plagues my mind
Wrapping ropes around me
Behind my back my hands bind
A sky
To fly
any "why"

In her own time
Sans any crime
At any age
Break the *******

Let her write her story
No need of this glory
Why only a day
Why not everyday

No special treatment
Just let her be herself
Happy women's day
 Mar 2018 Kanak Kashyup
When your world is breaking
You get ****** into a dimension
Of two halves
One wrought with pain and emotion
Hot and searing in every second
The second is emptiness, the loss and eternal void of vast space spilling in as if to drown you
The two are inseparable
And awful each In their own way

But they are always together
As I prepare for a final goodbye
For the curtain to be drawn on something I’ve loved for years
I can do nothing but sit helplessly waiting and feeling and sinking further inti this state of agony
 Mar 2018 Kanak Kashyup
 Mar 2018 Kanak Kashyup

We all wear a mask
To hide whats beneath
locking away our true selves
Setting it in place, with hard concrete

Painting and decorating
It becomes colourful and bright
Our own unique mask
That we work on each night

Enhancing the features
Till its just perfect and right
It hides away our feelings
So everything will be alright.

Our souls are ugly and broke
Boring. Ghastly. Shameful.
Don't allow them to be uncloaked
Everyone else will surely revoke

Everyone will hate you
Everyone will lie
Nobody will love you
So don't even try

Is it really everyone else who made you this way?
From the way that I see it
Its you,
who lead yourself astray

I've been betrayed and forgotten
Thats what we say
Blaming everyone else
As we carry on with our childish play

A life so caught up on the outer appearance
just leaves you feeling empty
And you forget your own existence

Don't allow yourself to live this way
Because surely there will come a day
You're mask will become forgotten
And your hard work will be undone

Where your mask will slip
and crash to the ground
The decorations will shatter
and be scattered all around

And at this certain point you will come to learn
You worked on your mask so everyone could see
But you forgot that you're true self will always break free
You never allowed anyone to love you from the start
And yet you expected them to learn what was  hidden under your Beautiful Mask.
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