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  Oct 2018 unnamed
The monsters that have no faces only names
The claws of guilt
The teeth of pain
The fists of agony
The kicks of sadness
These are some of the monsters that surround me everyday thrashing and tearing at my soul
The names are many
I can never truly get away
I flee into the darkness of my mind
Searching for the one monster that can keep the others at bay
He may be the worst of them all but if I find him I know the others will retreat at least for a little while
His name is Nothing as he wraps me in his arms
Suffocating me in his cold embrace
The darkness surrounds me as everything fades away
No light can touch him
He is my numb , my empty, my life
He is my monster the one keeps the other monsters at bay
So far now in the darkness of my mind the others will linger but will not get to close
Because he is with me
And that is enough
  Oct 2018 unnamed
Liberty J
They first appear
With two clicks of my lamp
I invite the darkness seeping from my windows
Covered in a lazy blanket
I lay on my side, watching the lifeless room
Restless, but all the same exhausted

From the ***** laundry and the memories I keep
One stares harmlessly
My lungs began screaming and wheezing
My heart and brain nearly fried
My muscles frozen in sweat

One easily becomes many
Soon, every corner of my room glares back at me
I press my eyes close and pray for sleep
But their hot breath runs down my neck
And peels my eyelids apart, squeezing my chest
Forcing out a stuttering sigh
I have no choice

Click click
My lamp peirces through each monster
Until I can fight them on my own
Sorry it's been a while...
  Oct 2018 unnamed
You dig a hole in the ground
You keep digging deep down
So the echo won’t slip
because your goal is to scream
Scream loud
to ease the pain inside
The dirt on your hands
is the hurt, the pain
You’ve been carrying around
Somehow you kept holding on
now freedom is what you seek

Fading memories is your dream
But what happens after you scream?

You have been carrying this weight
on your feet
feeling the heat
Blood flowing through your veins

Love turned into hate & trust into fear
So after all are you really at PEACE?

The battle with your mind begins
Because digging is no longer your escape
Your own fear has captured you in a cage
So you write it down on paper
Not in pencil but in pen
Because there are no mistakes
That can be erased
What’s done is done
And your shame cannot be wiped away
Once again you fight in the flesh
all you want is peace
And a resting place
Yet you seek no one but yourself.
Have no fear for He is with you
Seek Jesus let him be your escape
The one who fulfills that empty SPACE!
  Oct 2018 unnamed
Unexpectedly, like a thief in the night
Depression will come
Despair will introduce itself
threaten existence,
Assaulting the most precious possessions
Leaving behind bitterness
in the coldest nights

But none define whose you are

Don’t fight alone.....
  Oct 2018 unnamed
too much of it means you're not living
too little, and it means the same thing
  Oct 2018 unnamed
and my soul got so attached to yours
I just can't be me without you
  Oct 2018 unnamed
But sleep doesn’t come for a long time, and when it does, the nightmares are all still waiting.
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