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 May 2016 Tomlinsonsgun
I feel empty
And I don't know why
I feel empty
And sometimes I'm shy
I feel empty
But what can I do?
I feel empty
And where are you?
Fake smile,
           Dried eyes,
                       Scratched wrists,
                                         Bruised thighs,
                                                         White pills,
                                                                      Rope tied,
                                                                                Gun loaded,
Can I die now?
 May 2016 Tomlinsonsgun
"The problem with suicide is that when it becomes an option in your mind, it's always an option."
 May 2016 Tomlinsonsgun
Sad Case
Suicide, Suicide be my guide.
Show me if its time.
In my room.
These retched cries.
Hear me scream, hear me cry.
My thoughts that torture me.
The ones I hide.
Tattooed on my arms.
The scars of a thousand knives.
My tears have finally run dry.
As I cry, on this silent night.
Suicide, Suicide. be my guide.
Show me if its time.
To stay or to die.
We were on the train,
Traveling from Amsterdam back home.
There was this adorable little kid,
He asked me to play with his toy car.
We played for about fifteen minutes,
Before his mom said he had to go,
The little kid was so upset and yelled:
But I want to keep playing with that boy.
He made my day.
He was closer to the true than everyone else,
Correcting his so called mistake.
That adorable little kid made my day by calling me a boy,
And for now one person is enough.
I was so happy. I was wearing my hair more masculine or boyish and wore my dad's sweater because my little sister had already claimed mine.
 Oct 2015 Tomlinsonsgun
when you're always the punching bag,
sometimes you just need,
to **punch back.
A soul so old, so true
So single it hurts.
In the crowd of joys,
So alone it hurts..
hurt life single sadness desperation depression love sad pain thoughts
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