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 May 2014 Tiffany
Eli Nash
 May 2014 Tiffany
Eli Nash
Every day we see them,
passing by them without care.
It comes as quite a shock to some,
but trust me, they are there.

They come in shapes and sizes
just the same as you and me;
their colors range from black to white
and all the shades between.

They're just like us in all respects;
they've hopes and dreams and fears.
They've been with us through spans of time,
from young to old in years.

Some of you may notice them
but most go by unseen,
and lest they let their secret out
a person's all they'll be.

But should they step beyond the veil
they've hung to hide their truth,
it's rarely welcomed with embrace,
and often with dispute.

It's a shame to see how some
could treat a human being
merely for the way they are,
or even how they seem.

Patronized for their beliefs,
or preferences declared.
Victims born of senseless crimes
are left to reap despair.

Stop the violence. Stop the hate
before there's nothing left.
Your ignorance gives wake to see
them all to pointless death.

Intolerance gives wake to war,
of which we're on the brink.
Love them all for who they are,
and not for what you think.
 May 2014 Tiffany
MaryJane Doe
The change in my pocket
Does God really want it?
Not much to give.
We all gotta live.
A sinner in the pew.
Just one of a few.
Searching for the truth.
Must we pay for the proof?
Money is the root of all evil...
I heard that in this very steeple.
Contradiction Strewn with fiction
No wonder I'm lost...
it comes at a small cost
The change in my pocket
Does God even want it?
Its confusion I bought
as I sit in the pew.
This is just a thought
just one of a few.
Hurt is a beautiful thing.
It’s a collage of broken memories.
It’s visible, yet no one sees.
It’s a swirl of mixed emotions
And full of lost devotions.
It’s almost pain, but not quite there,
Yet still, it’s more than I can bear.

 May 2014 Tiffany
 May 2014 Tiffany
You offered me a place in your World ..
But I dont want to stay...
 May 2014 Tiffany
Lady Ju
I thought I knew God
But all I know is religion

Concluding God only lived in a book
From my man made traditions

I've been wishing, no crying, God I need to find
"Keep Searching, He said, I've told you time and time"

My fear to change for People, Someone tell me is it twisted up?
Or am I not a good "Christian" because I keep messing up?

Ignoring my God given talents
For a robotic routine
Is that what living for God really means?

We're so quick to take credit where our credit isn't due
We take these scriptures out of context and tell these people this is really true

Man I'm so scared for you
Because I'm so scared for me

For so long, this is what I believed
Over consumption of my "Sins,"
Depressed wondering if they'd ever end?

But If God forgives why can't we
God created every bone in my body
So why is it so hard to accept me for me?

If defending your faith means degrading another human being
You're wrong and I won't do it

I choose God over religion
And that's what I've concluded
#MyFreedomWithGod - Lady Ju
 May 2014 Tiffany
Zoe Sue
Let me sleep in the crook of your mind
Controlling your every dream
So I may occupy yours
As you occupy mine
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