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Skye Marshmallow Feb 2018
I miss you
Your welcoming embrace
The way the words used to flow so effortlessly
Your smile brightening my face

I used to see you so often
Everyday we would meet
We laughed, we loved
Every word we shared was sweet

Now you seem so distant
I can't express my thoughts to you
Once familiar, now a stranger
You're not the person I once knew

You made the bad beautiful
Transformed it all into art
With you I shared all my secrets
Poured out all of my heart

I wish in every star
For you to come home
Poetry, I miss you dearly
You're love I've never known
Writers block
Rose Feb 2018
Your thoughts go blank
Nothing seems right
Nothing is good enough
Or it doesn't make sense put together
You want to write
To spill your guts out onto paper
But you don't have the words to make it happen
I have writers block.
skyler Feb 2018
i keep trying to write about how i dont feel right without you, but now im crying in class and none of the words seem to get the point across that you were the best thing to ever happen to me and i miss you more than i ever thought i would and all these words are as ****** as i feel

sarah Mar 2018
i want to tell stories,
but i have no stories to tell,
my mind a dry river,
trying to hold onto what
i have left to remember,
yet not succeeding
as the memories
wash away.
sarah Jan 2018
thinking, thinking, thinking,
but my pipes aren't working.
the taps turn but no water comes out,
the drought in my brain growing ever still, aching for
a thought to grasp onto.
lins Jan 2018
I want to create something
beautiful and true
maybe from nothing
pulled from out of the blue

I can’t rhyme worth a flip
my words keep on trip…ing
so close yet so far
they won’t flow from the hear…t

this is one big joke
I’ll probably get chok…ed
everything sounds choppy
because my mind is all flip floppity

oh yeah this is the stuff
writing from the heart is rough
watch me rhyme your socks off
then your heart will get soft soft

I’m honestly killing this
I’m honestly feeling this
this is flowing nicely
just don’t think about the rhyming -_-

okie dokie glad this is done
enough of this fun
time to get serious
theres work to be done
Emma Jan 2018
I'm having writer's block
I feel like there is so much to say
but I cannot get it out

There is no way to put it

I would try to make something more interesting
But I can't think of it right now..
I'm coming home soon
I promise you.

I almost there.
I am almost bare.

Cracking back open
Every part of myself.

Taking my love back down
From the shelf.

I miss you and I need you.
I'm coming home soon.

Cause I miss writing my soul to you.
A letter to myself. To missing writing. To coming home again. To clearing those blockages.
Camille Barr Jan 2018
My wondrous muse
My wonderful world
You seem distant this time
I scribble in vain
But you do not appear
I feel lost to you
Or perhaps you are to me?
I am pacified with dribble
Distracted by nonsense
I rush to your side
You are gone when I arrive

In this fleeting time
I grapple to find a space
Just one poetic verse
I feel it should be said
I feel it should be done
I feel until I am numb
The words escape again
As despair becomes my companion
Together we march in monotony
I can only be in one place at a time
Still I get caught up in a dream
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018

In the mind

Is what he strives for-
Ushering sweet shushings
Destined to fall-



On deaf membranes-
Eardrums cluttered
And cloistered
By juggling run rampart-

The color of blood
Seeps down his forhead-
Sweatdrops glistening
Their crimson beauty-
Reminders that his sight
Is still unseen-

Cataracts unsheathed
Beneath Winter's chilling kiss
Of endless doubt and drought.

The frozen beauty captivates,
Encapsulates his mind,
And all his eyes roll back,

And his hands are useless.
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