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Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
I have nothing to say.
No words to write;
My brain is blank.
No rhythm to recite.
Why can’t I talk right now?
I’ve got so much to say.
And yet, I can’t say enough.
The old words have no meaning.
The new words have no value.
Words can’t say much;
Actions talk so much more.
And words today have no final say,
Actions stage the show.
But I know you’re too close.
You’re too close.
What can I say to make my heart stay?
I really don’t want to know.
Words can't say much...
Anonymous Jun 2018
It’ll come back to you
They keep telling me
But they don’t get it,
The way darkness creeps inside of my mind,
The way it makes my insides tremble so loudly-
My body’s natural response begins to follow suit,
My leg brushes against the corner of my desk
Just enough to be irritating;
Momentarily distracting me from the object of my attention
I stare at the same blank notebook in front of me
Until the lines begin to blur into one single color;
Hypnotizing me in an almost unbreakable trance
I can’t remember when I started losing myself,
Losing the things,
I thought once defined me
But somewhere…
Embedded beneath the buzzing distractions
My mind taunts me with,
Is one simple word etched into the center of it all
It’s been so long since anyone’s called me it-
A ‘writer’ that is,
My fingertips no longer remember the familiar smoothness
Of my favorite pencil,
My mind has gone dark,
My thoughts only continue to grow louder
Everything inside of me has vanished
Completely submerged into the darkness,
Covered in a sticky grotesque black
That stains everything it touches
I can’t see inside myself anymore
My fingertips don’t dare write a word
Of the war going on inside of my mind
Maybe, some things are better left unfound
Jayantee Khare May 2018
in the mind the thoughts flock
but the voice put to lock
as clicks the clock
an urge to unlock
but oh my god, can't write out the stock
yes i think it is writer's block...

the mind's mechanism is at work,
it doesn't sleep
the heart's sensors turned off,
it can't feel deep

feel disconnected, no hearty talk
life is not a smooth walk
the syllables knock
but the words mock
try to write as it's 11 o'clock
but oh my God, it's writer's block...
Seems I am going through writer's block..a lot is going on in life but can't pen it down
Long away from my true self
Wrote something just like that
James A May 2018
Near the end of a beginning
And beginning of an end
As I sit alongside a brother, my dearest friend
Surrender to stars
A walk among forgotten men
Unfinished #1
Ben Hickman Apr 2018
I don't need you but you really need me
Every time I see you I start to forget
Wait was it I wanted to say?
I don't really know what I want to write
This is more of a song than a poem to me. but that is just how my mind works when reading this
Traveler Apr 2018
Deep in my psyche
There's a poetry thirst
Dry are my thoughts
In wind storms of words

My heart is a desert
Of blistering heat
My mind is crawling
Towards a salty sea

And there at the edge
Of an ink-less abyss
I so hunger
And thirst
Just to write
And to live
Traveler Tim
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