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Carrillo Feb 2017
An inquisitive mind—flourished from oppression into a cave as rich as Reed mine
Where tourists can flood my thoughts
Pick at my gold and sell it for their lives
Stabilizing their own
While weakening my historic rise
Greed increases, and relationships are seceded
Because everyone wants to obtain sacred pieces

Wandering through pixels of distorted visions
Gatherers become hunters
Painting with blood, their own ambitions
Setting standards for the continuing generations
In turn, a figurative genocide
For the sake of remaining proclamations
Paralyzing, terrorizing, and destroying indifferent others

If time manipulates unfortunate events, perhaps the solution
Is just the opposite
Creatures of habit soon face an evolution
Once protagonists reach a state of lucid retribution
It defines them as antagonists playing a role of uncanny acts
The renowned vigilantes use time as their sword
To reenact their own demise and call unto their lord

Scattered within the affluent cave
The people and their children
And their children's children
Are enslaved, digging their own graves while being influenced by vacuous hopes and darkened shapes
The repetitive motions devolved into psychopathic notions
They attempted to escape but were punished for breaking the rotation
Whipped, humiliated, and shamed
The cave insulated the pain
By offering priceless artifacts
Within my knowledgeable den
Carrillo Jan 2017
Over the horizon rests the deceased and the black skies
Smokey clouds lift the useless souls above ground
Monstrous figures dance around a fire
Chanting to their higher power
And there, in the still of night, she lurks in the alley
Young Madeline watches
Her family becoming particles of the black dust
Her bare feet swiftly crossing the darkness without a sound
Leaving behind the shadows
The reapers that have ***** her village dry
But her tears weren’t enough to silence the cries
That are hollow to the mind
Of the people that face demise
Oh sweet Madeline
You must see the lines that tore your innocence
While he was stuck between your thighs
The sweet, blissful torture kept you safe
When the all-knowing began to transpire
You were the survivor of his keeping
Oh Madeline
The horizon is not shiny, there is no silver lining
The air you breathe will forever taste bitter
And empty
Carrillo Sep 2016
You see and then connect
From rebound to rebound, it’s all in your head
these broken souls, and misfortunate events
are completely suppressed, once you take them to bed
trapped in a body of sinful debt
the beast accepts weak minds, cash and credit
The walk of shame has evolved into respect
Pictures of every person that has touched your lips
crowds your newsfeed
just like your esteem
Because a connection now is nothing more than
false affection, redirection, and copious rejection
Carrillo Sep 2016
I took a commemorative drive
Back to a town that glorified the wise
It was 500 miles and three packs of cigarettes
The crisp, burning sound embedded in my head

Endlessly deep trenches
That birthed my inflictions
Created character, said my intentions
To rise above, and destroy pretenses

I went passed those rusty, horrid gates
That allegedly guarded us and kept us safe
Then, I entered the palace, the core of my pain
Where the man stood, stoically and still bound in his chains

He was a deathly entity without any shame
But his smile was deceiving, as if he had changed
“This time” he said, “We won’t die” he tried to explain
But his eyes lied, and his tone was vain

The crisp, burning sound echoed as I left
The man, helpless and distressed
Became nothing more than a substance that
I won’t digest
Carrillo May 2016
Hello Darkness,
We meet again, the last time we spoke, I believe I was young, about the age of ten. I promised you a secret, and I thought it was deeply hidden, but you slid incognito without my permission. Wherefore art thou a stranger of mine keeping--at which hour thou art near mine own heart, at each moment, reaping. Every window has lost their blinds, and replaced with the kitchen table. The wood hangs distressed, and sorrowfully-- they pray in their heads waiting under the rubble.
Darkness, I must admit, the blood seeping through the cracks and the screams became a symphony. An ensemble that will be played before our collective agony. I confront you today, because I am deeply ashamed of my cowardly ways and unconscious thinking. When lives are at stake, you force my love to lose all feeling.
Every strike against my village appears to only strengthen our bond. That is why this must be our last encounter, because you see, you have killed them all. Farewell mine own h'rrid darkness, mine own monstrous conceit. Thou has't birth'd a savage within me.
Carrillo May 2016
Am I invisible
When my arms wave for aid
Am I bothering the people
Shunned and ashamed
My lungs fill with mistakes
Four gallons of heart ache
I fall to my end
Inside me
Another person is clawing my skin, burning my head and kicking my shins
Cursing me to become a better
Yet I am still drowning in my own sorrow
I extend, through forceful waves,
A weak hand waving a white flag
Before I descend into the ocean's grave
Carrillo May 2016
We start with the
Crackling record of “Gloomy Sunday”
Playing in the background
The melody goes on slowly
Bare feet moving carefully
to the romantic sound
300 sextillion stars surround us
Intangible moments, we feel
And the intimacy becomes surreal
The taps of raindrops mimicked our excited spirits
We were two melted hearts dancing
in the blazing candlelight
With only a gust of wind
from what seemed like
300 sextillion supernovas
I danced alone
forgetting the place we used to call home
Carrillo Apr 2016
“We’re all just some punks, miserable creatures
With our human goal to be: enhancing all of our features
Further into the caves, intentions become deeper
Like killing your local preacher and to blame it on the teacher
Because all kids are precious
I sat alone, just to see
How long it would take to burn down all of our trees
Now we can’t even breathe
Near each other, nobody can see one another
It’s always about color
And *** and race, and what-ever somebody ate
There is no purpose, after the greatest
We all became so very aimless
Is it worth it, that
Maybe the only thing I can ever be
Is Instagram famous.”
This was severed and revised for better word play. Please enjoy. Thank you.
Carrillo Dec 2015
Time creates a turning circle
Where my words play
*Tangled and hurtful
Carrillo Dec 2015
In her eyes the world started off small and to her surprise
it was a sin to grow old
Age wasn't the purpose of her discovery, rather than the wisdom that came with no recovery
What once used to be a mind of many shades, began transcending to grey after she murdered her rose
colored glasses
Ashes to ashes, she is unable to express or remotely stress how horrifying the rest of the world is
Dust to dust, these forms of beings are resorting to feeding on trends that’s ultimately eating into a
dead end
We justify every reason no matter if it’s ****, slander, or treason- each person is free and
Now we wait for the inevitable
Equality for all- murderers just came from a broken home, a man that beats his wife was just feeling alone
Do you feel sympathetic? For lack of better words, the writer calls that pathetic
Innocence and ignorance is bliss, what you don’t know, you won’t miss
Here lies a society of fearful, sensitive ******
Who watch out for themselves, and call the rest hypocrites
What about that could you miss?
This was the last that the writer wrote, but before she ended her note
A red fingerprint placed gently in between quotes
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