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Liǔ Xīn

Chuí liǔ sī sī xì xīyáng,
Yín bō mò mò yìng yuèguāng.
Gēn zhā nítǔ chéng hòuzhòng,
Zhī wǔ fēng zhōng sù zhōngcháng.

Rì nuǎn róu tiáo zhǎn xīnlǜ,
Yè hán xiān yǐng yè qīngjì.
Jiāngshuǐ yōuyōu zài biélí,
Xīnxù wàn qiān jì liǔdí.

Chūn lái huā luò jiē shì kè,
Wéi yǒu liǔ sī qiān húnpò.
Mò dào lí chóu kōng zì rǎo,
Liǔ xīn yī diǎn zhào shānhé.

The Willow's Heart

Silken willow strands bind the setting sun,
Silver ripples softly reflect the moon's spun.
Roots in earth, bearing burdens deep,
Branches dance in wind, secrets to keep.

Warm sun brings tender shoots of vibrant green,
Cold nights, slender shadows, lonely scene.
River flows, carrying partings' sigh,
Myriad heart's thoughts, in willow flute lie.

Spring's blooms and falls, all passing guests,
Only willow threads, the soul invests.
Do not say parting's sorrow is in vain,
Willow's heart single point, illuminates mountain and plain.
Written in Li QingZhao's ci poetry 5-7-5-9 rhythm and style.
I hope that I did her justice with using her stylings for this poem.
Vianne Lior Feb 26
Willow bows, exhaled—
a hundred arms swaying slow,
braiding hush with time.

Madeon Nov 2024
I lost my shadow
In the city’s reflection

My past became a willow
That grew up to the moon
Malia Oct 2024
I sit beneath the willow tree
That wilted, weeping, widow’s tree
That messy, mournful, martyr’s tree
Wishing for a better me.

I am the boughs, so bent and beaten
Desperate, derailed, defeated
Without respite, the worst repeated:
“Failed again, you failed again.”

Once, I was the vibrant green,
A softly serendipitous scene
With smiles now so seldom seen
That one day, might be found again.

I lay within the willow’s shade,
To wait and watch and let her sway,
She holds me in her vined embrace,
And says my goodness still remains.
Unpolished Ink May 2024
Pale she sleeps beneath the trees
unaware of rain
or any passing breeze
the silent girl with willow in her hair
no longer cares
Two ancient eagles often meet
free and high, celebration dancing our death spiral or mating dance.

Flying over this weeping willow forest lands we found
Our white willow tree bark healing properties own
salicylic acid relieving pains and inflammations.  

Our beautiful pendular branches, the weeping willow trees of us, symbols of fertility are; out willow trees grow best by side roads by body of water rivers lakes, or ponds. And us special eagles, mate by the sea.

And like us our willows of life attract scary snakes, but also birds bees butterflies, cocoons moths many diverse birds make a home in us. Our willow trees seem to hide a fertil sadness within.

In our roots, creatures find habitat restauration erosion control and perfect ******* growth of 6 to 8 inches length.

Our willow trees filter poisons grows quickly and live longer with a human touch like ours.

Our weeping willow tree established root systems decontaminating water and soil.

Raindrops drip down our leaves. My weeping is called pillow P**y willow tree.

When our weeping tree grows largest it casts a grave size shadow and a family member goes supernovae or so it's written.

Thank you my weeping willow tree, sweet poet mine for placing baby blankets under our weeping willow tree.

Your invitation uncovered accepted loved and cherished eternally.

To the one poet Sonnet 75 my
True love, this one honors the day my smile captured thine heart, my weeping willow my everything beloved.
Inspired by a tree of life planted in my honor once upon a time.

By: Mr And Mrs Andrews
Brian Turner Dec 2023
Wandering willow leaves
spinning in control
no sound
nature's quiet bunch
getting on with it with no fuss
as they reach the ground I look up
to see more take their short journey
Watching willow leaves shed each year is a joy
Kayla Gallant Jun 2022
The wispy willow tree sways
The wind is it’s master
Wherever the wind goes the willow shall follow
Sometimes the wind is a little too harsh
Causing the willows frail branches to snap
Sometimes the wind is soft and tender
Causing the willows leaves to swoon and sway
There is telling how the wind may behave
The willow braces it’s roots deep in the soil
It must stay where it was planted
The wind will have its way
The willow has no say
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