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Hey there, I see you've been empty
Let's go to the bar and drink whiskey
Where we can dance around freakily
It's alright if that's not your thing
We can just hang out at your place
So that you're not so lonely
Yeah, this nobody hates seeing you in misery
And yeah, I might be crazy
But I see your beauty and love your freaky mind
No, I'm not blind but I do love weird minds
Like you, who are far out from society
Would you mind if I be your somebody?
Both of us crazies
Away from society
Wouldn't that be funny.
Created by me on February 19th, 2020
Every life comes to an end
such is the life a human soul
which knows no end.
Created by me on December 21st, 2019
A bit of a mind-******, which is always great. hey, imagine imagining O_O... lol
I have no clue on what to write
I wish I was something bright.

Maybe I'll write about my life's story
or about an imaginary friend named Cory
that seems kinda dumb actually
I'm sure he's a good fit for a story.

Cory, a man with one eye and 33 fingers
who happens to like cheese-burgers
better not laugh at him
you might just end up murdered.

yeah, no, I don't know
it seemed great at first
but what do I know
I'm a highschool dropout who never came first
guess I'll just keep writing and babbling
because that's what this is, pure nonsense
a bunch of words that mean nothing
ok, that was kinda harsh on myself
this really does make me feel something.

there was once a boy named Anthony
and he was the epitome of blasphemy
wow, so edgy, so scary
spaghetti is tasty
I bet you weren't expecting me saying that
spaghetti is pretty great though
not as great as a Kit-Kat.

I'm getting bored now, farewell
see you in hell.
Created by me on November 16th, 2019
A long one but definitely one of my favorite ones. I remember not knowing what to write at all. I wrote the first 2 lines then everything started to come through, and then BAM.. it clicked.
Don't be silly and wrap your ***** said a hippy named Billy
who was ***** for a gypsy who was clearly into whiskey
and was ready for a ****** even after feeling ******.
Created by me on November 7th, 2019
I said this once and I'll say it again, don't ask.
There was once this little lamb who swam and swam
dumbfounded she was, as she spotted a flying telegram
"How could that be?" she muttered
confused, she opened a jar of jam.

"What is that?" said a man who was ways away from the lamb
"Oh, that is a lamb with a jar of jam," said the man next to him
confused, the man looked through his binoculars
"The lamb has hands!"
"Hands on a lamb!? preposterous!" said the philosopher
who had hooves for hands.
Created by me on October 22nd, 2019.
Another "funny" poem that doesn't really make sense, but that is the point. loved this one too, I remember feeling great about the ending lol.
"Do you remember that time when you did that thing,
that thing you did when you were king?"
"Of course I remember that thing I did when I was king,
but please, let's speak of anything but that thing."

"Ok, do you know that I know that my father knows about a king,
a king who died long ago by a slow buffalo with a nose like Pinocchio?"
"no, I didn't know that you know about your father knowing a king,
a king who died long ago by a slow buffalo with a nose like Pinocchios."
"Now you know!"
"now I know."

"How about-"
"No more, please."
"Aw, you're a cold sore like Louise."
Created by me on October 22nd, 2019.
My first "funny" poem. no, it doesn't make sense but that is the point. I really enjoyed making it, a bit too much. it was going to be a lot longer, but I scrapped it and made it shorter. good times..
Daphne Mar 2020
The night is young
The night is dark

Fun is lacking
At the amusement park

It's not even winter
but cold enough to shiver

Shiver from height
Shiver from fright

A drop too high
One leap to die

So I'm sending you an invite
8PM tonight

Don't fear, don't tear
Clutch your heart
And take part
Tonight at the amusement park
First published poem in here. I hope this is not too much enough to scare you guys off. lol
ALEX Mar 2020
We bumped at each other a while ago.
I felt this weird pump in my chest but you only laughed.

Of course, you think we're friends,
but I like to think we're more than that.
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