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Michelle Jan 2023
What happened to "I will never hurt you" "I will never leave you" " You are the best thing that ever happened to me"

The words and sentences were exchanged for screaming, crying and aggressiveness

We have faught, strangled and hurt each other, screamed in each other´s faces that we hate each other and that we never want to see each other ever again

Maybe that would have been the best for us, that we went our separate ways and never laid eyes on each other again, but there is something about the two of us, we thrive on hatred
An extract from my diary during my first ever relationship. It sounds better in swedish lol
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2023
Don't believe they've met
This family matinee
The kids come with guns
But it's the roll-on wife who's loaded
Beneath the rhythm and sound
There's a sign saying 'POLICE – INCIDENT'
Love may have the right to remain silent
Yet when it ends, it ends badly
Love motionless
At the bottom of
A backyard swimming pool
Now quietly referred to
As the crime scene
Sadly, this is becoming more and more common.
Annalise Jan 2023
Climbing clouds on calamitous clouds
Which break underneath my feet.
Feat of power feast of kings
Milking blood from the plump vine discrete.
They tear man from limb and brother
For judges to goblet just few.
How was anyone to know
I reach for the smaller of the two.
Kellin Dec 2022
I was fed a lie
and as stupid as I am
I believed
and ate it up like honey
until betrayal's claw
fermented and
burst from my stomach
grabbing me by the throat
Strangerous Sep 2022
Every morning at six-thirty I sit
at that table by the window and drink
my coffee. No, I’m retired. As you see,
I can see that corner, and most days the kids
come there to wait for the bus to take them to
the high school. Two boys and a girl, usually.
No, I don’t know them or their names, but I’d
recognize them. So, they stand there talking
and smoking -- whether cigarettes or something
else, I don’t know, but sometimes they shared it.
And I’m thinking the boys shared the girl too,
because one day one’s kissing her, the next day
he doesn’t show and she’s kissing the other.
That was yesterday. Then, today, the first boy
walks up and bang! bang! -- he shoots them both,
the girl and the boy, point blank in the head, like
Pacino in Scarface. Yes, I’ll testify.
But please catch the little ******* before
he finds out I’m a witness and pops me too.
© 1998 by Jack Morris
Madeline Jane Aug 2022
Lipstick stains all over your mouth mixed with drawn blood as your tongue crashed violently around my insides
As you traveled
you left behind your mark as if I were something to be discovered
Some the size of Ireland
Others the size of Australia
When the sunlight reflects on our window, I am reminded that it is my time to be vulnerable
Rubbing orange peels on my aching body as if there were a bad spirit that needed to be warded off
Your nose would scrunch up,
but even still your amber eyes seemed ready to sap away my soul
Leaving behind a husk of a body
My straw hair falling off each limb
just like the leaves gathered on the forest floor
I longed to crush them under my sole
The marks on my body seem to have started to absorb the yellow from your eyes
I can’t seem to get rid of you
The avocado toast in the mornings only seem to fill me up temporarily before they are all expelled
Oh how quickly avocados turn ugly!
My nostrils are filling with an emptiness that is cold and engulfing
My head is a boat
I will sail away even if I’m tattered
The raging storm lurks behind me and threatens to end us both
But I know behind those dark clouds
there will be an array of colors
waiting for my happy ending to be painted

Mahati Jul 2022
I've been seeing nightmares in my sleep
tryna stay awake so i wouldn't dream
i can feel the demons following me
tryna push me when i cross the streets
it's getting way harder for me to breathe
knowing that your putting curses on me
you're not even here but you're killing me
you're not even here but i can hear you breathe
are you gonna stay with me or will you leave
i can't get over the anxiety
who are you to walk all over me
who are you to stop me from reaching my dreams
you said you're the devil on my shoulder
but you're just a lover turned to enemy
i don't want to be running i want to be free
i don't want to be reminding myself how to breathe
just let me go let me be
just let me go and let me heal
i'm not a robot for you to control
i'm not a toy you make up stories about
i'm just a human who likes to love
you're too sad you have to hide your truths
Zywa Jul 2022
To maintain something

as it is, you need to change --

lots of other things.
Power preservation requires a lot of repression

"Il gattopardo" ("The leopard", 1958, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa)

Collection "May the Might"

Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga com'è, bisogna che tutto cambi. (If we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change.)
Sara Brummer Jul 2022

Morning and the world recreated
from the ashes of the night.
Listen to the earth speak
with the arguments of energy.
What will the day hold ?

A sky of unforgiving frowns,
the upheaval of change –
thunder wanders among
the hills, trees broken
by the wind. Threads of
lightening fall over the rocks
in flash floods of light.

Dark buds of dreams open
like fleeing ghosts, their eyes
dazed with catastrophe.
I walk in shock with loss
of balance, trudging
the long road through
the madness.

A storm is a whirlwind
of sensation in the on-
going humdrum of
nature’s design.

Then suddenly the sun
rises like a spot of blood.
The sky begins to bloom
again, painted with islands
of pink clouds, each a wish
heard and granted.
Zywa Jul 2022
Bump, bump, with those blows

on my head I can't think what --

to do about it.
The beginning of the book "Winnie-the-Pooh" (1926, Alan Milne)

Collection "May the Might"
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