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Alan S Bailey Jul 2016
The question is asked again and again,
Where do we come from? Who are we?
All throughout life men and women great
And foolish have attempted to explain this,
"In a moment all will be explained,"
"If you pay more money you will be cleansed,"
"Not worshipping is the realm of the insane,"
"With these soft spoken incantations you will mend,"
So where do we come from? What is all this?
From rushing water, breath of air, no need for
Recognition, it's all miles away in some deserted
Forest, to be left for later generations to forget,
Let this be an answer, why are we here? I shall
Obtain eternal life if I just hold this vile
Closer to my heart, a work of vain art,
This isn't life, this is the illusion of life,
The answer nestled in a small cave,
The birth of a newborn bird, a ripple in a pond
From a rock that fell during an earthquake,
A vague reflection of a deer in it's surface gleam,
All of this and more, the darkness of night,
Cloaking terrors real or imagined, what is this?
Maybe one day we will know? This is how fools
Are born, clinging to this or that, a drop of water
From a vile, an answer from a simple written text
That proves it's all happened thus far. This is why
Fools are born of this, opportunists, blinded by dust,
The great way of those who gather to take advantage,
This is where the greatest numbers of fools gather.
Far away, the beautiful forest, I may not know what brought
This all to life, but I do know what is worth saving
And what only fools shall save for themselves...
I'll delete this crap soon enough. Sorry to offend thine Christian eyes, all...
Nigel Finn Jun 2016
There is pressure in society
That judges how your looks should be
And when I hear a girl proclaim "I'm fat!"
As though there was something wrong with that,
Such thoughts, I tell you, just won't do
When the opposite is clearly true
Because with big girls there is more to love,
And they won't break with a playful shove.
And although I'm not one for body shaming,
And don't wish to sound like I'm complaining,
Thin girls simply lack the cellulite
To keep somebody warm at night,
Their bones protrude in awkward places
And they have gaunt, unhealthy faces
They regularly seem in a foul mood
(Which is probably caused caused by lack of food),
And you can't get anything to eat
Without them scowling at the treat,
That you, yourself, have chose to order,
While they dine on salad and water,
Until they scream "I've had enough!
You have no idea how tough
It is to keep this slender figure
And stop myself from getting bigger!"
As if it was somehow your fault
That they won't eat sugar or salt,
Or that they'll spend 3 hours at the gym
As a compromise for staying thin.
So while I'd love a girl however she looks
(As long as we like similar books,
And can talk for hours at a time,
Or not at all and still be fine)
There's very few (indeed, if any!
Although their numbers may be many),
Skinny girls I've ever met
That a big one hasn't beaten yet!
If you must lose weight I do implore
You know it's yourself you do it for
And while I must concede it doesn't matter,
To most if you're thinner or fatter,
No songwriter, I'll think you'll find
Wrote a song about a small behind
No artists brush strokes ever found
Joy in painting girls that were not round
And the best words found in poetry
Are about big girls it's plain to see
Like voluptuous, buxom, and well-rounded
With thin girls how would they have sounded?
Although I must- again- make haste to add
That no truly self-respecting lad
Would ever dream of judging you
By how you look, not what you do,
So if shedding pounds makes you feel great
Then go ahead and lose some weight,
But ignore what shallow fools may say,
As they'll just keep judging anyway,
Because the best people, you'll always find,
Will love you for what's in your mind.
With thanks to Rhiannon and her poem "Skin" for the inspiration behind this one.

You are all beautiful :-) x
Chantal Apr 2016
He exists, showing
moral uprightness in the
past, present, future.
Alan S Bailey Apr 2016
From day to day, everyone seems to be a bit off,
Some sort of people seem to be the same,
All the time doing whatever is popular enough,
Looking for a political or religious symbol to blame.

It's not true to me, it doesn't have to be,
It can be true to you, I won't make you see
My light the way I must believe your god is true...

Me? I'm trying to make sense of all of this,
Why with one little prayer a man can be pure,
Somehow his imagination sent us to hell, we are fewer,
I tell you it's not right, and you label me an evil-doer.

A superstitious lot, aren't we all? Everywhere I go
I hear all of these people have saved us from hell,
From temptation in this boring, ******* up society,
I don't think they know how to make a change, a copy
Of a copy is still a copy, but me? I'm born to live free,
I can see, but I wouldn't give it up, even if I would be godly,
I would rather grow up to be the same old unique me...
Srijita Gupta Apr 2016
I wonder why people are away from ethics and values
Which is making the world painted in dark hues.
Nowadays the word 'respect' is like a fired bullet,
And values are thumped with the mallet.
The values' building is now a derelict.
If someone protests, she is called an eccentric.
Alan S Bailey Mar 2016
There are so many things wrong in this world,
If the constitution no longer has any effect on
The many kinds of laws that can be set in motion, can
We again vote against white/black marriage, for one?
Do you take the pieces of the puzzle and leave out
The ones that offend the common folk, even if it
Means forgetting about the right to the pursuit of
Happiness for ALL? Not just you and your "straight"
Drones who always do as their told?
We'll keep pretending that the rules don't apply,
If it's ruled unconstitutional, they'd still put it
Up for law, as if the constitution doesn't have
Or hold any sway on what is a decent choice for all.

Why not vote this country as appealing to the commoner,
Why not make it a place where only the rich are served,
Why not make cameras that fly and can remove any privacy,
Why not try and keep Mexicans and Muslims out again,
Why not bring guns and children closer, who cares,
Why not endorse psych drugs and throw caution to the wind,
Why not make bombs big enough to end the world.

This is the America we already know today...
Democracy>Constitution as far as you're concerned, admit it, Gop'ublicans!
CJ Flynn Mar 2016
Your life is not your own when you have a fancy smartphone

You can see all hear all but not really listen your here but... Not really here

Your in digital Fantasyland...

Where everybody's gets their 15 seconds of fame it's just 1 like or status update away :)
Digital society social values what do we value do smartphones make us more or less human?
Unknown Feb 2016
Yo, when you get tired of me
Do me the courtesy of not saying good bye to me
Let me pass silently
I can't stop these thoughts they enter violently
And they're dividing me
Two seperate heads of an emotionally idle beast
You'd be surprised to see
How hard a ******* bites their teeth
When they're told to go left and its right they seek
Come on ******* knife your beef
You start some stupid *** **** don't leave it incomplete
You leave the scraps on the table then it's indescreet
You bet your map on a bible cuz you treasure the sheep
And now you pass along the cycle of the ill and the weak
You feeling the heat?
Are you truly willing to bleed?
If our ideals are not the same then who's the sinister seed?
And can you say without a doubt we are the pinnacle breed?
And then to what do we amount if we're such intricate beings?
With such a stigma on our heads we're illegitimate kings
We're so addicted to our skin and yet we're bigoted fiends
We've come so far at the expense of all the primitive things
You drink water from a sink you don't sit down by a spring
Hey you can talk till you're blue and I'll still believe that you're lying
Your idol is the reason that our humanity's dying
Give me one good reason I'd take your word over mine
I'm my own God. I'll turn your ***** water to to wine

I truly care for the meek
Cuz they'll inherit all that's left when leaders bury the peace
It's scary to see
Ground zero is well within your territory
Clown heros are in ya head when you sleep
Poppin pills because the will of the wolf is dead to the sheep
Several prophets stole our hearts when intelligence fell asleep
You tellin me Hell is deep?
Have you heard the devil speak?
I had passport to the underworld when I turned seventeen
I don't need a ******* book to tell my heart what to fear
I don't need a helping hand when all my days turn to years
Freedoms just a plan without the ***** to adhere
Or the knowledge of peers
See how they interact to a tear
You're stuck alone in this world if you try to follow a path
Under the shadow of a book written thousands of years passed
How could you eat the plate they fed you ***** twice and not ask?
Hows it okay to own a slave but its a sin to love a man
How could you take a palm without even checkin the other hand
Keep in mind we're in his image as we plunder your land
Settin thunder to sand
Tearin **** asunder and we dont understand
Now you wonder why we openly mad
Without a reason to believe this world is nothing but sad
And so they offer you a lie so it don't look it don't look half as bad
How long will it last?
Not sure, but the past is the pass.
I'mma live it to the fullest till they bury my ***

© 2016 Temo Larrabee
A little rap I wrote
Email me for a recording I did with the beat.
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