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AF Dec 2020
I had a feeling you would do this
but you said I was different
I was naive and believed you
told myself if I treated you right
the way you deserved to be treated
than we would work
so I did, I treated you great and you,
you played me
you got what you wanted
and than threw it away
threw me away
I should've listened to everyone
I should've listened to myself

why didn't I?



I see the warning everywhere
But I can ignore them, because,

To have my heart broken
Means for it to have been whole

To feel betrayed
Means to have trusted

To be buried in pain
Means to have been above it at one point
yann Dec 2020
It makes my heart beat fast fast fast
When you say you love me, more open than you've ever been before,
And i know it's because i let you take my heart with you and trusted you not to break it,
It's soft isn't it ? makes you melt,
Lets you know that love is a gift i gave you
And you give me too,
And my heart,
It does love you.
about a friendship that became very tender, when before it was only teasing and unsaid soft words
Mitch Prax Dec 2020
Why is it that the
promises we cannot keep
sound the prettiest?

10:19 PM
Andrea Dec 2020
Take me under the waters and deep into the mountains
Leave me to wander this life I could’ve never imagined
The night sky glittering with stars and campfires lit so bright
Fresh cold air mixed with relief like the 4th of July.

Unshackled souls let free into the night
Walking farther away, the moon our only source of light.
With tingling lips and shaking hands that explore
the warmth of that you desperately adore

Safe and guarded in your arms I lay
But the sinister smile is something i could not face
As I lay in the pool of my own omission
realization dawn. My own poor decisions

Never to trust and never to follow
I lay in white walls and beds so shallow
I am but an epiphany of your dreams
Someone unspoken someone unseen
James Orchid Dec 2020
Do you wanna make this work?
I don't know you well
Just don't make me hurt
Are we on the same page?
I have doubts
But i'll push them down
And i'll drown them out.
I'd seen all the tricks
Or so I thought
But its no surprise
I'll just take this loss
I should learn how
To trust my mind
So there's no more wasting
My own **** time.
Instagram: MadeByFractals
Spotify: James Orchid
Marilyn O Dec 2020
While wiping the dust off the chairs,
the radio garnished the room with a lovely song.
We chatted and laughed over and over,
sprinkling the flowers to beset the room.
Everyone was merry and positive.
We shared our worries, cried, sobbed, encouraged and supported each other.
We didn't care for nothing because we had ourselves to rely on
so we spoke up without fear nor shame.
Our confidence as family was one to be envied
because we listened and shared our cares.

The day after was more than disastrous.
Wherever we went we paused in shock.
Words cruised from mouth to mouth
and echoed from street to street.
Even the birds sung our song.
Our depths and cares were known all over the place.
We were bewildered beyond our strengths
because we didn't know you were the parrot in the house,
spreading our stories wherever you went.
Avoid gossip, it kills trust and diminishes values.
AceLione Dec 2020
I sit upon my throne and stare
Looking at the empty hall with no care
Memories of cheers and excitement
And then I only had indictment
They blamed me for the faults that occurred
Traitors amongst my ranks who had it stirred
The price I have to pay for those I trust
Keep their words they must.
But no, they don’t. I see them running out
My Kingdom a Blaze and I’m with no doubt
And for whoever wants to be the king
Be prepared for what troubles those who say they’re loyal will bring
I had a discussion with a friend of mine and this is inspired by it
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