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Destiny Berry Dec 2020
i am not her
the woman who had countlessly betrayed your trust,
the woman who constantly made you feel like what you did and who you were was never enough,
the woman who would only hit you up for not true love but a convenient lust.

i am not her
the woman who so willingly took advantage,
the woman who without the slightest hesitation, took you for granted.

i am not her
the woman who took everything as a joke; to upset you was to be seen as funny,
the woman who only seen you as a dollar sign and finessed you of your money.

i am not her
the woman who spilled bitter lies from her lips like coffee to a wooden table,
the woman who convinced you that you could never achieve anything, as if you were unable.

i am not her
the woman who was filled with nothing but anger and spite,
the woman who seeked joy from causing you pain,
the woman who was given gift after gift and yet still found a reason to complain.

i am not her
the woman who mission was to use and abuse,
the woman who wronged you then turned around and you were the one being accused.

i am not her.

- d.berry
GQ James Dec 2020
I ain't worried about what you saying to me,
It's more about what you ain't saying,
Those private thoughts are the most dangerous,
Be mindful of those private thoughts,
Never know what one is truly thinking,
What they saying ain't what they really think of you,
You can't trust others when it comes to the truth,
But them lies can give you comfort.

Don't cuddle with them lies too close,
Lies aren't true so don't get comfortable,
Just because it feels good,
That don't mean it's good for you,
What feels good ain't good for you,
I rather you hurt me with the truth,
Than comforting me with your lies.
GQ James Dec 2020
You put your trust in the one you think you can trust,
Then it turns out you can't trust em,
That trust is more lethal than them bullets in a gun,
You can run from them bullets,
You feel them bullets harder than a heart attack,
They both can **** you,
The question is which is more fatal.

If that bullet hits you inside your heart,
You're pretty much dead,
You're heart is the most fatal,
Without your heart you can't live,
Nothing compares to a broken heart,
The ones you love the most hurt you the most,
It's less painful not to care.

All that pain made me cold,
The only thing I care about is family,
My mama more than anyone,
Heartless what I've become,
I can't feel nothing,
My EMOTIONS have been faded.
Zhell Dec 2020
Why do people getting close to you then leave you?
Why do people like you then hate you?
Why do people encouraged you then discourage you?
Why do people love you then hurt you?

Why people like this?

Why? I don't get it.
I hate it.
Samara Dec 2020
Chimera gave me a
Molotov cocktail
on a Friday night
in a neon-lit
downtown scene.
- - -
they never told
me not to drink it
because they wanted
me to go down in flames.
- - -
so I drank it, and it
burned my innocence
for I will never trust
another when they
hand me a drink
- - -
but i am phoenix
and from the
flames i keep
Rollercoaster Dec 2020
Sometimes all we have to do is trust each other.
Nermine Marei Dec 2020

What is love all about?
Is it something we trust or doubt?
Does it make you fly and touch the cloud?
Or tied and stuck to the ground?
Or is it messy? So you decide to play around..
What if we trust love and say it out loud?
But no one heard that sound.
Do we leave and forget about the love we found?
Or indulge in love and be more profound?
Is love a choice or to it we get bound?


AE Dec 2020
Beautiful sea breeze
How quickly you become a storm
You’re built of resilience
You bring with you an entourage
Of silver lining and moon tides
Sailor’s boats and lighthouse guides

Yet you still shy away from burning bridges
That monsters love to cross
Joseph S Fusaro Dec 2020
In sadness
Hope was planted
Roots take to trust
Love grows
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