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Aman Aug 2019
An important aspect....
Cannot be left....
Otherwise there is grief.....
A bit of sorrow.....
Life becomes a bit narrow....
Less openings.....
More guilt....
Once trust is broken.....
Life can never be rebuild....
Life is shining....
Brighter than sun....
All it's might...
But once trust is broken....
There is an absence of.....
Viancy Aug 2019
Just never rely on people
but never ever rely only on yourself.
Lu Aug 2019
It's never good enough.
You can try your best,
Give them anything-
Everything you've got,
Completely destroy yourself for them,
And still be left looking stupid.
HTR Stevens Aug 2019
A lying tongue and smiling lips!
Blood dripping claws at finger-tips!
To find my friend and foe are one;
The truth drops on me like a ton.

First, come the shock and disbelief –
Then acceptance with flowing grief…
Then anger wells up in my heart.
The mole has changed into a wart!

Betrayed by one who calls me friend,
What foe will to such depths descend?
A coiled serpent beneath the grass…
I cannot simply let it pass!

I must blast it to kingdom come!
Treachery is a game to some!
I want blood, as my blood’s been drawn;
Shock has changed into hate by dawn.

The hate on my face must not show –
While I plan vengeance sweet and slow.
Death is too quick for treachery!
This foe must waste away slowly…

So shall justice be metered out…
Betrayal one jokes not about.
Here my words come to a rude end.
Be the same for my so-called friend!
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Your words were as if from the Victorian age. They  spilled my heart upon this page.

This parchment of pain my quill did trace.
Tied with a ribbon of lies and lace.

Within are the writings of my defeat. Sealed with a kiss of your deceit.
WritinginStars Aug 2019
When you let someone in, they can let you down.
And when you get let down, you fall.
You fall hard and it hurts.
It hurts to feel that you were betrayed.
It hurts to know that someone you had trusted only told you lies.
It hurts to realize that you were stupid.
You opened yourself up, took down your walls for someone.
Someone you thought would be there for you.
But it turns out that they weren't.
So you fell.
And it hurt.
And no one is there to help you get back up.
Except you.
Sometimes you is all you have.
And sometimes you have to be enough.
We say love is a virtue.
We say love opens your life up to possibilities not known to you before.
We also say love is blind.

Love is a necessity,
Love is uncharacteristically pure,
Love shouldn't hurt,
Love should be nice,
Love shouldn't scream,
Love shouldn't hit,
Love shouldn't leave me.

Or maybe love should.

Love left dirt where there should have been a flower.
Love left me in the rain when I should have been basking in the sun.
Love took half of my heart and left me behind.

When love finally came back, I turned him away at the door.
RVani Kalyani Aug 2019
I wish I was a rain drop,
There's never a same stop.
I would always be together,
There will always be a space to gather.
RVani Kalyani Aug 2019
You've found me in my den,
Too bad I can't harm my guests,
Come meet me at the seashore,
I'll show you the lion you didn't see.
It's about a person who wants to show their badass self but can't because of the circumstances around them. Here you refers to another person who thinks less of you. It's about awakening a lion in ourselves
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