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Did I ask to be put on trial,
before my eyes held their first tears,
as my soul swirled in the depths of nothingness—
a mixture of stardust and ash?

Had I begged for a challenge?
Was I cocky and bold?
Or was it all a punishment,
paying for crimes of old—
a past time, another life?

Did I demand to do it twice?

In the beginning, I felt so undeserving.
Is that why now I find peace so unnerving?
Still Crazy Dec 2024
~For Pradip~
who reminded me:
We are all God’s Trial & Errors

tender is the tendency,
so finitely human,
infinitely foolish,
to overlook the
let us not delve into our
particular peculiar idiosyncratic knots
in our hair and personalities,
all natural,
inherited or ill begotten
in voyages to far away,
like our childhood

we are all mistakes of a sort

with natural fault lines,
accumulated dings, scapes, bruises,
furrowed crinkles that took us
years to perfect

We are flawed like diamonds,
valued by these natural flaws
by graders with loups who uncover
our flaunts, our clear air bubbles,
the more flaws the better,
because these attributes make us
most interesting!

you may be blonde,
you may be exotic
perhaps a lovely shade of

but lucky you whose scars speak
out and others wonder why,
they are so interesting

let us design a large animal,
seemingly ungainly, yet keystone to
their environment, so others may
profit thereby,
yet insanely quick on lumbering feet,
no hands, fingers, but a long snakey thinge
that multiple functions  for
breathing, drinking, feeding grabbing, smelling and
trumpeting their presence
to foolish beings in their neighborhood

let’s us not debate
whose design is
an efficacy par excellence

so we be
ungainly, too tall, too
this or that,
even too flawless,
a specialized curse of sorts,
we are the product of
a sophisticated design laboratory
that makes many models,
each variegated, always different

so get down on your knees *******,
and praise the design engineers
who created you to be
full of
& by elephantine trials and elephantine errors,
thereby making
us each,
a special pronoun,
an I
by definition:
though not in any dictionary:

^you are the most
flawless poem
you have ever written
and will ever ever
thank you Senor Pradip

Elephants are keystone species that play a critical role in seed dispersal, providing nourishment, water, and suitable habitat for all other plants and animal communities in the ecosystem. They are also known as 'ecosystem engineers' as they push over trees to maintain savanna ecosystems, excavate waterholes and fertilise land, which helps other animals thrive.
Francie Lynch May 2024
Some people can wait
     Before they die;
Hold on for a loved one
     To say Good-bye.
To have one more Spring,
     Or any Season,
For Love or Closure,
     This we reason.
Now many can leave
     This coil of doubt,
Guilty they heard,
     On all thrity-four counts.
All praise to the New York Justice System. Well-done.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2024
These days during my hours alone,
which are plenty, verging on too much,

a superflous use of art intuited
on a thought experience, at speed,

faster fasting, dexamphetamine, ping.

Please deposit, 35 cents, correct change.

Times of dial pay phones with the eights
punched out, some times loads the coin return
from the previous call…

robbing from the rich was Robin Hood cool,
if you could keep from being caught,
Huck Finn was many an old school
exploiter of the frontier's fantasy childhood.

Liars prosper in a liars world.
This here, ain't such a world, this'n's grown
on up past a big ol' burl, took fifty years to form,

I kept it after the Oaks all got some adverse
conditions under civilized industrialized war
preventive chemical suppressants, speed
ding- mind
experience, gnost-algia
leave all that old right place pain, home pain,
if it had been as good a childhood, as kins claim
you can ask your lucky stars, or your messenger
face timing Jesus Christ's version of God,
who was experiencing carnal mind suffering so…
I can be born believing my side won.
Who would go through life for thirty years,
and keep the threat of hell as your own fault?
Right, only through fear of death
can our minds be subject to *******.

Secrets start with historical unveilings, esoterica,
etcetera, and so on, says the King of Siam,
if you don't, please.
Sci-psy-psi why phi make French curls,
Plea divine ignorance, take a mind reportedly
let be in the Christ who knocked Saul into Paul,
on the road to the future we shape with our tales,

taken from the riches of the wicked, we get Iyobe
and Gilgamesh from ancient visions written plain
cuneiform, any local tongue, you speak we write,

totally secure, your self is currently swept away,
thinking this is all perfectly otherwise,
turned around and seen as though seen once
the other way,

time in mind outsped time in light's allusion x
zone, right, got my x key back, lost it yesterday.

So, this connects, like I'd planned it, but I didn't,

unless I am right about the state this mind
has experienced, while letting that mind,
from Romans, Google let this mind be,
in you, you'll be assisted intelligently,
- here you read it, as easily as me, being
led to prove, you are polimental, by luck,
too odd for chance alone, your mind
is split right for beauty, left for order,

order, in the court of you, be ready.
Give an answer, what good are you, really.

Realize utilizing all your mind's games
strategy to find the liar's paradise,

when America was Great.

The deals were out of this world,
due to the threat
of thermo-nukes, 'n' commies.

Boy's Life made us ready for the COBALT
bomb, before Sputnik sped up Barry Rudd's
ideas for Starlink, fed into the genes, of Elon's
dad, along
with a worthless self improvement -
selah, settle the real clock on us all, eh,
long now, ashes of intelligence legacy,
in the mindbending sabbath,
dark revitalizing soil, live,
we are all fructifying,
in our roots…
we are all ideas, urges
with god-like umph,
gotta almost demi-ugency, to run,
take the reins and drive this old pony home,

or look into his eyes, and see him know
where he is most happy to carry me,
god sped past my last doubt,
minds think faster than light,

the time is shrinking when my words
come cheap.

I am growing older in todays, one at the time,
and no body can do that through many more

common horizon stretching sneezes,
x  viral intention to concentrate on living honed
to my finest point, to pastlessness, ****. proof.
Live where liars feel unwelcome, and peace becomes fungible using free presses and Western Garden Book updates, season to season, new fertilizing knacks.
Drithena Sep 2022
It took one 'Hi.'
It took one smile
To think 'Okay, let's try.'
Said to myself 'It's been a while.'

I've been afraid,
What if my feelings will fade again?
Don't know where this might lead
I'll just wing it, I'll count one to ten

Realized, that life is about trial and error
The harder you fall, the higher you soar
It can be the other way, but it'll harden your core
You can be another nightmare or someone I adore
Ogo Uche Jul 2022
The fierceness of the wind
Cannot stop my voice
From reaching the middle
Of the storm, that
Rages in your heart
I have looked beyond
The horizon of you
And found my heart
Wanting, reaching for more
May the sands of time
Never touch our love.
Ken Pepiton Sep 2021
It was something I said, or thought I meant
to say, before I die, finally…

Life as imagined, as a magi
in a jug, a mind entrapped in a parable
sorted into a class
ifity activated by the name

Magician, practi-tioneer of
magnificent knowing

{8:27 prenoon, a single vape cycle}
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

-- mind and me, we rode in like the man on the horse

looking legendary as any cowboy can,
monstorous as an army of Mongols
from Indian retold tales,
emanating interesting times as curses
on the hidden things…

slay the singers, exile the poets, everytime
we build a wall,
henceforth, we reprove
the reason there is something that hates them,
history records many failed walls.
Fallen walls rebuilt on oaths of allegiance,
together, we
can… restore God's lost kingdom.
Who dies first after the old king,
his prophet, yes, but who
fit the prophet to the role?

first we slay the teacher,
then we burn the books, then we teach golden rules.
As everybody knows,

it was not always so, oh think it not so,

let us pursue the delight of half known

- begin here two lines up new me be

--- is it truth truth is one, and all
past that is guessing? One, once, I amity,
This has been declared in so many words
all intended to tie hearts and minds to reasons
from some secret source,
to hold holy secret
sacred meaning, too holy for the unsaintly horde,
to know,
of, ok, but never know, but by the vow,
take the cross, keep calm and
carry on.

When none may disagree,
none may signify truth with agreement,
-- not in truth as a whole, when told

for all intents, all reaches and stretches
of our, we now, see
not me, but words teleotic
you read and let the letters say
sounds that sound as bits of words,
I know you know what I mean, no trick intended,
each comma jot holds one breath,
taken, used and returned for refilling,
twisted threads of first good thoughts inform
no net spread
to snare your immortal soul,
kept in patience, by those who know
with science used,
power filled polisybilic cadence calls,

line up face front stand at attention
kneel and kiss the ring
around the symbol of power to live
in the dead center of ever, when ever begins.

(thy will being done, whither will ye have it?
Nay, not there,
there the will of Jah, yes, exactly…
you know… a
and if prayer were effectual, if, only
if, prayers prayed by persons of the common sort,
converted via word ******, sharpened sticks}

words effect minding rules with freedom, think
any what, in any ifery,
piece the pieces with matching faces in
perfectly fitted joins,
carpenter skill, with wood and will to shape
some worth filled
phor… a jug of wrapped mud, sound around
to hold the thought of god,

in a word.-------------------

elohim, el, oh, heem, the gang of gone goods,
imparting all that made them
coalescing into line upon line
precept upon precept
here a bit
there a bit
line upon line
precept upon precept
here a bit
there a bit
working title was Confessions of Christian Vampire, but then I saw that is a common trope, who knew, said my son as I beat the drum he brought from africa
Big Virge Aug 2021
Yup... Trial And Error...
Is A Great CORRECTOR... !!!

I've Had My Trials...
... Within This Life..

But Have Found They've Helped...
When My Temperature's SWELLED... !!!!!

Somehow They've Dealt...
Some Cards That Felt...

Could of Been Enough...
To Rise ABOVE  ...
When Things Got TOUGH... !!!

From Working With Jerks...
Who I Wanted To Hurt...

To Dealing With My Mum...
When Sclerosis STUNNED...
... MULTIPLE Functions....
of Her Nervous System... !!!!!

Ya See Trials Have Been...
A Thing That Seemed...

...... BELIEVE...... !!!!!

But Have Also Built...
A Strength That My Mother...
... Gave To Me... !!!

When She Walked...
And Fought For Me... !!!

Even With.....
Her Husband Ya' SEE... !!!

There Were Some ERRORS...
That Lead To... TERROR...

That HURT Her Heart And Soul DEEPLY... !!!
But Also Proved How STRONG She'd Been... !!!

She'll Always Be...
My TRUE Black Queen... !!!

Because of Her STRENGTH...
When She Came To RESENT...

The Man She'd SPENT...........
Her Love.... Upon...

A Strength SO STRONG...
That Our Love Then SHONE... !!!

But Now She's Gone...
Her Spirit Prolongs...
And Helps Me Through...
My Life's ISSUES... !!!

Because of ERRORS...
That I Now Make...

But Now Whenever...
I'm Feeling PRESSURED...
I Remember How...
We Worked TOGETHER... !!!

As Her Life Was Slowly Drowned... !!!
And Know That She'll NEVER Let Me Down... !!!

If ERRORS I Make...
Make Her Feel ASHAMED... !!!

Because of The LOVE...
We STILL Share TODAY... !!!

So Many Trials Are Part of Life...
I've Found Denial...
DOESN'T Help You Slide by...
Those DIFFICULT Times... !!!

Because Trials I've Faced...
Have Made My Game......
Flow... TIGHT And STRAIGHT... !!!

From Girls In My World...
To Places I've Worked...

I've REFUSED To Be ******...
Or Let Chickens... DISTURB...

The Vibe That I...
Have Lived To FIND...

DISMISSES Trials.....................
And...... HARDER Times........... !!!

From EVER Becoming...
A Part of Something...
I'm... PARTY TO... !!!

See Trials Have PROVED...
That Who You CHOOSE...
To Be Down With Your Moves...

Is Key To KEEPING Your Vibe COOL... !!!

Instead of Making Moves With Crews...
Whose Interests Do NOT INCLUDE YOU... !!!

THINK It Through... !!!
Trials You've Been Through...
That We Must Take Note...
of... Our Life's Quotes...

Because Our DUD Notes...
Are Things That... SHOW...

A BETTER WAY For Us To Go... !!!

Because As I Said...
At The Beginning of...
This INSPIRED Poem.... !!!!!

One of Life's GREATEST Correctors...
When You Think About It... IS...

...... Trial And Error......
Indeed, there have been many trials and errors in my life, which inspired this write ......
George Krokos Apr 2021
A wasted effort can be seen to be like a trial run
and the objective would be to learn and have fun.
From 'Simple Observations' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
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