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Bhill Dec 2019
There is always a way to gain in life's joys
It's not just about the noise and the toys
I think it's what you can learn and unmask
To be able to use what the world has on task
You must have eyes open to see what is there
See all that you can and always, always share

Brian Hill - 2019 # 320
Learn .all you can and share it to all...
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2019
Not as eloquent
as a fountain pen,
not as artistic
as a sketching pencil,
not even as bright as a magic marker,
but one smart cookie to your kids.
We have cool names like
Cotton Candy, Manatee,
Razzmatazz and Inchworm,
and are non-toxic sticks of joy
to those little imaginations.

Yes, we sometimes look like
clumps of colored wax
smashed into tissue paper,
and we do break easily
or lose our wrappers at the drop of a hat,
then get tossed in a bag
or worse, become homeless.
And horror of horrors!
We’re reinvented as candles
or reheated into twisted zombies
of our former selves.

And neither do our achievements
reside in a museum or gallery,
why they're not even framed
and proudly displayed on a wall.
No, they're slapped on ***** refrigerators
and kept there by plastic alphabet
magnets that loosely spell
such mundane things
as ‘milk’, ‘cheese’ or ‘daddy is dumb,'
until they fall to the floor
or end up in the trash.

But hey man,
give us a break!
This is our plight,
it’s a harsh existence!
Perhaps we should organize,
form a union for children’s
writing and drawing utensils,
and thus ensure equality
for us crayons?

We realize, more than likely,
this poem's title will cause
some backlash by those
who insist it be called
‘Return of the Crayon,’
because we 'happy sticks', you see,
supposedly don’t take revenge.

Nonetheless, we stand by it.
It is what it is!
Your children love us
and so should you!
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
You were never there.

And you never tried.

You had a chance,
but you stepped aside.

You never read me
or kissed me

You never took me camping,
or even for a bike ride.

Now I'm a big girl,
and you can't buy me toys.

But that's ok,
cuz you never did in the first place,
though you had the choice.
Spend time with your loved ones while you still can.
and puzzling
part of
tonight is
laid with
clean thought
and forthright
some they
aren't really
lies that
tell me
notebooks leer
peers in
jeers much
darker than
classroom strand
with tardy
replies hoy!?
Arcassin B Jan 2019
By Arcassin Burnham

These people just keep finding reasons.
Anything to be inspired to be petty,
I could get there with you , let me know if you're ready,
Treading lightly but we slow up steady,
I will not fall for the powers that carry,
Ignorance in this wicked world happily buried,
Time is wasting.
And I will not waste it on you,
or any girl or any female that think it's cute put a man
In the weak spot,
A lot of ****** and ******* yeah we got alot,
With no common ground but leave you on dots,
I got to honest here , sometimes they like to ruin your
And with only name like mine, not hard to pinpoint
my range.

So all over I'm in enemy territory ,until I leave the state,
I got so many people that hate me, don't know if imma
die anyday.

To the full the void,
Not play with toys,
To be a man,
And not a boy,
This world is cruel, not for the weak,
But the people love to destroy.
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