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Zilla Mar 12
A thief in the night,
You will not have sight,
And he will have a knife,
The thief does not give life,
He takes it.
Caesar Mar 10
Pick picket my soul
Take what was found
There’s nothing quite profound
Nothing of gold
Nothing of silver
Nothing but a trail of leaves
But not even a breeze
For thieves themselves are the wind
I could only hear the crunch of leaves
so pickpocket me, my dear thief
Persephone II Dec 2024
When she did shine
She shined like gold
That he loved to steal
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
Hope and reality
Those two often don't mesh
While need and want
Battle the sins of the flesh
I question self preservation
Tracing these scars made fresh
I find myself reciting,
"Comparison is the thief of joy"
As I  hold my breath up to the rest

butterfly Oct 2024
You came in and stole it,
everything that was ever mine.
You stole my heart too,
with all the sadness that's within.
Nothing that was mine was left,
you took it all for yourself.
Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
Would my last breath
Bring you more relief
Than grief?
With the sod replaced
And me underneath,
Would you feel like your life
Was returned by it's thief?
Would your heart
Match your belief?

...please respond...

Scrib Sep 2024
Dawn sneaks upon me
Like some thief come to rob
All silent dark bliss
Daily Haiku
Jia En Sep 2024
The thief-- she
Took to me
A bit too well--
It was too long before I could tell
Just how much she was taking.
Every piece she was making
Soon turned from hers to mine;
Though she was stealing food
When we sat down to dine.
My words, my soul,
Coming from a theif
Not a month old.
My fingerprints on her gloves.
What did I do
To deserve this?
For you
To take the things I love?
Poetry is
No longer
What makes me stronger,
The crowd.
My voice from your throat
Is far too loud.
poetry is no longer what makes me me. i'm mad.
Abi Winder Aug 2024
i feel like a thief.

all i do is steal.

i steal views,
and feelings,
and songs,
and glances.

and sometimes i drive home from work a certain way,
slow down more than usual,
pray the sky is clear enough
just to see the city from afar.

some nights i take a long way home,
just to roam around a little more,
just to be able to sit a while longer in this freedom.
i would chase this feeling around the world.

and sometimes i sit a little longer in my car,
to listen to another song
play over and over again -
just to feel the lyrics echo through me once more.  

and i look at people a little more in the eyes,
a little longer than i should.
let my eyes wander over their cheekbones and lips,
hoping i can memorise the way they form words on their tongue.

the point is
i steal.
in the hope of feeling something
a little longer than i have the right to.
Laia Blackthorn Aug 2023
The day you left
You took something from me
Softly, quietly,
Pretending you weren't a thief

You ran out
In the middle of the night
And I know I deserved
A better goodbye

You were a liar
But so was I
When I said “I love you”
Thank god I lied

You couldn’t steal my heart
‘Cause you didn’t know
Where it was

So instead you stole my pride
So I wouldn’t be the first
To leave you behind
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