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Michael Mar 5
The golden calf commands!
Lower your gaze!
Bind your hands!
Pretend the lies
That raze the lands,
That **** the soul,
Are not the plans
Of a golden…
A true testament of gods power
This this look up and find it
What do you see the Big Dipper
That simple
Asterism is the only proof
That something
Bigger then us is around
Something that want peace for all
Man kind
The Big Dipper
You should look at it
One time
Echo, tell me: Which men have fallen the Fall?        All.

And what is God, who's all in all, all of?        Love.

What should I place within the beggar's palms?        Alms.  

God made the feathers that makes the sparrow's flight        Light.

To sinners, how appear the ways of God?        Odd.

What has the Lord given to him who hears?        Ears.

What do they have who see through Satan's lies?        Eyes.

The saints who run to face the throne of grace        Race.

Who is the great-grandmother of the Truth?        Ruth.

From whom descended all the thin men of Haddam?        Adam.

Whom did the snake first practice to deceive?        Eve.

On her I place the burden of all the blame.        Lame.

What do I give the giver who gave the Law?        Awe.

I invented the electron multiplier.        Liar.
Compare "Heaven" by George Herbert and "An Eccho" by Sir William Alexander
lucidwaking May 2022
Ich and du
I and thou
To experience a thou...
To experience a human.
A thou - a person.

A living breath,
A living spirit,
A living relationship,
Held in our own dominant perceptions.
An abandonment of the world's sensation,
And a melting, mixing in between.
I and thou
Becomes thou and I.

When we speak in terms of thou,
Standing in relation
And shattering mortal barriers,
We begin to exist for the first time.
The trees become movement,
From the pumping of the roots
To the trembling of the leaves.
Our breath becomes life force,
Feeding our soul and mind.
Our minds each become one -
Melding, dancing, synchronizing.

Fold your fingers in between mine,
Stepping away from the chaos for a bit.
We'll find solace in momentary unity.
Syd Aug 2021
Describe God to me ?
If we could understand God
He would not be God
M Vogel May 2021

Forgiveness is
as forgiveness  does

and I have fallen  short
of breaking through
this family thing
this family, fling

This family hold
from days,  of old

This family-fed,
smiling, waving
****-pocket, (in)bred
adrenal gland
Death-bonded hold
this fungus-laced mold
holding you down
by your choice to choose
Nothing, but them

And out of the ashes
reaches up a hand
that strangles the mother-******..
aptly called

because  his ******* of
your mother..   his daughter,

groomed her
to bathe her pure, firstborn daughter
in order to offer her, back to him
as a living, breathing sacrifice--

Pure.. Holy.. Blameless;
without spot,  or defect   to him,  

     the destroyer of worlds

but mostly,  just yours --
his dearly, dearly Beloved.

and I have failed, in killing the *******
I have fallen short  within my love
for his granddaughter
of pulling her free
from the incestuous, family tree

My so very beautiful  was the only one
of them that ever wanted  to want
to  break free

And out of the ashes
I'm left  with only me

And this mess  of a mess
that  within the depths of my love
I have messed..  almost hopelessly..

I've been shaking.
I've been bending backwards till I'm broke
watching all these dreams go  up in smoke
an ode to the power of family dynamics

Man Nov 2020
i saw an odd ball of light the other day
and thought it must've been an airliner,
but it was a god's ocular
sizing me up

so when it crossed my mind
i took hold of it,
"let him look"

up, at the black overhead
grimacing at me
i shouted

"well, old man? what's the verdict?"
and all the stars shone down

in the tiny cracks, that they cut through the sky
i swear i heard
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