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Whatyoudon'tknow Mar 2014
My small boat rocked by the waves
Rain pelting, bruising, soaking my skin
Winds gnashing, sharp teeth show their grin
Taking us to jour lonely graves

I scream aloud sinking down
As I start to think there's no hope
I touch the tip of my rescue rope
Then fishers look at me with a frown

This ain't no fish, his hate in the air
I notice the hook on my salvation
Realizing the miscommunication
He then throws me back in rising despair

Who knows what else is out in this ocean?
So here I am left in cruel darkness
The tempest just adding to my stress

Drown in emotion, lost in commotion
Then hearing a voice say this to shall pass
Afloat, no boat, waiting for this to pass
Feeling each motion, what's in this notion?

Floating through the ocean that is my life.
TinyATuin Oct 2015
Tempest raging in my soul
was quieted down
by the autumnal numbness
Sorrow Cain Sep 2015
[ ]
I'm writing these are a class project! Feel free to judge!

The starry night, filled with light,
Mother Nature at her height,
Wall of blaze, so scarlet bright,
None near escaping, no one might.

Flames rose, higher and higher,
Shrieks and screams, life so dire,
Then silent came, peace a liar,
For thousands died in the roaring fire.
Distant clouds, go round and round,
Darkening silence, not a sound,
Imminent storm, clouds inter wound,
Vapour like wisps reach the ground.

Wisps tower. Clouds grouping,
Intense power. Motion stooping.
Energy soaring, Nature's violence
Winds roaring. Area timeless.

The cloudy sky, begins to cry,
Even as the clouds up high,
Begin to spiral, create an eye,
Come whooshing down, covering the light.

Swirling tempest, whirling storm,
The tornado begins to form,
Fierce gale, thundering gust,
Tearing houses, leaving husks.

The storm rages, no one can flee,
For winds spin faster, tear down trees,
Finally subsides, the clouds go free,
But the damage is done, too much to foresee.
Crooked Youth Aug 2015
My mind is lost.
Stranded deep within an ocean swimming with Sharks.

I am out of my depth.
Submerged within the infinite abyss that is my own doubt.

I'm drowning in my sorrow.

Torrential waves of judgement rain down upon me,

I blame myself.

For I am a Tempest,
And I deserve no less.

Eqrilibrium restored.

I ride the tides to wash ashore upon the banks of my self assurance.

Oh, what lies I tell myself.

This island of solitude
Is a frightening place.

But its where I belong...

Because I cast them all away,
So here I remain. Alone.

A 'Castaway'.
GGA Apr 2015
My Boliviana does give me pause.
With her beauty I shake then shrink
with her tempest storms unleashed.
Passion is heartfelt.
I love her so.
Your scent is like the air before a storm,
both sweet and foreboding.
Like a tempest you come into my life always so quickly
With rage and fury, filling my body with electricity.
But the analogy is complete for you exit just as fast.
Leaving me with the wreckage,
Yet somehow calmer and brighter then before.
I am always better for having survived you.
In a way it is always you that moves me forward,
forces me to adapt and grow.
I need you so that I may be continuously revived.
Luke Apr 2015
In and out of consciousness
I always seem to drift.
This isn’t a life I’m living,
this is a sinking ship.

And if I wasn’t the man I am
I’d abandon this all to the abyss.
Only one thing to pull me back,
a siren’s fatal kiss.

I’ve dragged my sorry soul
to the darkest of voids
and sifted through the wreckage
of what I watched you destroy.

And now your petty regret sinks its teeth
into all that's left of me,
it gnaws away and tears away,
until sanity becomes but a fever dream.
Luke Apr 2015
Empty shell, broken vessel,
how else do I describe it?
The only comfort I have in this life
is that no-one will survive it.

If freedom is worth fighting for
then we’re living a deceit,
cause the only time we’re truly free
is when we’re six feet deep.

I owe your gods nothing,
now give me what’s mine.
I’ve kicked too many vices
just to lay down and die.

Your promises have been empty
from the cradle to the grave,
whatever hell awaits me,
just tell it ‘I’m on my way’.
Luke Apr 2015
Everything comes down to this,
a broken hand, a bloodied fist.
I am beaten but I won,
though at what cost?
Give me the news my sorry friend,
how much have I really lost?

Somehow this is my war and I am its only casualty,
a faded number among empty statistics
of hours lost, spent and taken away from me.
I need sleep, I need something to **** these thoughts.
Cause time plus distance never equaled a ******* thing,
but a darker past to regret and a bigger **** pile to heave.

And push I do, onwards and up this mountainous regret,
where I will raise all of my anchors and bury all of my dead.
Luke Apr 2015
This nightmare recurs, I’m sinking in the abyss and
the water burns my lungs, my hands are tied, I see the light,
it’s dimming. Somewhere up there above my head.

This nightmare occurred, sitting in the darkness,
couldn’t sleep, couldn’t breathe,
your arms around my chest.
Like the hangman’s noose,
your touch sends my heart to the gallows, again.

Is this love? Is this tragedy? Oh, I can’t bear the thought.
Is this love? Is this tragedy? You rip me apart, my love.
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