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Samuel Hesed Dec 2015
As I sat,
My childhood came back.

As I sat,
My dream came to me,
To be near the Death Star.

As I sat,
My life long need came to me,
To be a Jedi.

As I sat,
My desire came to me,
To be Luke Skywalker
I wrote this in my seat.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
Kate Lion Oct 2015
Not my poem, but I love it. Found on the Instagram account makeblackoutpoetry.
Liam C Calhoun Aug 2015
In awe and pride, the
Eternal 'neath her “Star Wars,”
Shirt was our design.
This was the first poem I ever wrote about him - my son.
If you strike me down i will become more powerful than you can imagine

No seriously if you would just ******* you'd save yourself a lot of trouble

Oh well i guess your goin for it well i hope you enjoy vengence from the grave

Becoming one with the force is pretty neat now i can ******* universal style
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
I'm a Gungan from the planet Naboo and my name is Jar Jar Binks.
Senator Padme put me in charge once even though I don't even have the ability to think.
George Lucas brought me to life with a computer, I'm a product of CGI.
Because many Star Wars fans find me irritating, they want me to die.
Many people hate everything about me, they hate my voice, my six foot tongue and my orange skin.
Now that the prequels are over, those people are thankful that they'll never have to see me again.
This poem is based on the Star Wars Prequels.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
I'm the Emperor and my face looks like a prune.
I have dark circles around my eyes which also makes me look like a raccoon.
My name is Palpatine but I'm also known as Darth Sidious.
Everybody pukes when they see me because I look hideous.
I was able to trick Anakin Skywalker into turning to the Dark Side.
I actually convinced him that I had the power to save his bride.
I can't believe that I was able to turn him into a Sith Lord as easily as I did.
He actually believed that he could save Padme by killing Separatists and kids.
I thought that my new Death Star was safe from the rebels, I thought that I had won.
But Darth Vader dropped me into the main reactor of the Death Star to save his son.
Luke Skywalker removed Lord Vader's mask and he became Anakin Skywalker again.
I still can't believe that those **** Ewoks were the reason why my Empire didn't win.
This poem is based on the Star Wars movies.
Deon May 2015
I'm stuck in the harsh reality
Of living in this city
Which had left me abate
A world with no Cinderella, no sleeping beauty
Nor a princess with a ******
Just people ready to hate

Today I woke by eight
Still hurrying so I won't be late
But I failed and still i got no pity
I tried to change my fate
Yet the future still lies in wait
And I still didn't lose my tenacity

Tomorrow is just another day
Though it's the 4th of May
I know Star Wars is not true
But that's not why I won't stay
It's not like I'm running away
May the Fourth be with You

I woke up optimistic
Yes! my problems may be enigmatic
But it won't always be static
I'll face this harsh reality
With my usual tenacity
Kate Lion Jan 2015
i miss you
the way Obama misses his intelligence briefings

i finally cleaned out my bedroom
threw out
all the legos i always accidentally stepped on
all of the crusty pieces of Argentine food i wasn't ready to let go of

you are a jedi
or perhaps just my best friend

some people hurt your eyes like neon when you see them

but you don't

you are nutella
and i am a butterknife
Obi-wan once told Anakin
'This weapon is your life.'

mine isn't nearly as powerful -
a tough blade,
black handle,
a silver glow

yet somehow the quote still applies.
It's the oddest things which give us courage and hope.
Revan Thrashin Oct 2014
Star light shall burn out
Darkness is everlasting
We know who will win
My one and only Haiku so far.
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