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AstralPotato Jun 2020
Did you ever cry?
Cried to heart your hearts content?
Did you ever ache?
For all the things that came to an end?
When we started, you always said: ' later's' babe?'
I survived each day on that phrase and counted the minutes away so I could return to hear you say it again.

Every day was beautiful and serene; like cocooned butterflies,we'd cling to each other - our love, our only solace, freedom and a new lease on life - a newness.

We would walk for hours any where and talk for hours till nothing's left.
Your presence enveloped my space once devoid of emotions - now sated.

Gradually, things changed to: 'I'll be late tonight babe'
I would pout, sigh then would say: 'later's babe'
A myriad of thoughts would land then take flight, taking my gut and heart far away for a ride; every time yearning, jolting myself from inside.

The ' I love you' turned to 'blank stares'
I would call, to hear you, each time you'd fade away.
And so each time I tell myself - tomorrow I'll call again.
So today, was the day I tried my best to remain sane.

The empty room and the howling winds are now my recent guests; they listen better to my silent sobs as it ricochets within the vacant room.
While the wind continues its chase, the emptiness became my solace.
The occasional lates are now becoming too often - casual talks and thoughtfulness becoming random its like mourning a dead partner who is still alive.
When time slows down its pace,
When sleep comes to all in daze,
When night brings the quietest phase,
I will be breathing after the long chase

Maybe it was a day of losses,
That only drained my soul to the core,
Maybe it was a day of praises,
That I want to relive more and more

No Matter if it's to regret or relive,
This night too will crawl to next dawn,
No matter if I'm thrilled or threatened,
This night too will ease all woes
This is the stream of thoughts of my night time during which I heal, strengthen and boost my energy for the next day
Phoebe buffay Jun 2020
The emptiness
That fades sunshine in rains,
Is the darkness of ignorance,
Clotted in our brains.
But the clots won't dissolve
Untill you die.
The only truth of life
Which you can't deny!

The pain you feel won't suffice
The scars won't heal or sublime
You will see the shallow darkness
Run through your vein,
Elevating all your pain
And filling up the empty drains


Let the blizzard of wretchedness drench
So the tears have no thirst to quench
Let the catastrophe vent through
From an opening of a flower
Blooming inside you

Treachery will sink
Make you a monster
From within
But you need to fight
For a second chance in life
Make it all right
And live again with pride

Here is a steering wheel
To drive away your pain
Go to grave and burry the past
That is Circling your brain

Scream and let go
It was never meant to be so
Let the hopes ignite again
Solace reside again
You deserve to smile
Bid the miseries goodbye
Bina Mukherjee May 2020
What do you do when you are very happy?
I.....jump, sing and dance with them heartily.
What makes you feel better when you are very sad?
I.....hug them and close my eyes for a moment stealthily.

They say that children are God sent angels.
And I am blessed with two precious jewels.

When the world doesn't acknowledge me with the tag of an average culinarian,
They say "you are a great chef"!
When my day is pale and grim
They brighten the day with their priceless grin.

When someone taunts me to be a lazy lady
They hard you work mom for us and daddy.

They are my motivator and the lucky charms.
I find happiness in their pure arms.
Their smile, touch and care can only give solace when in dearth.
This is the best gift for a mom on earth.

How I wish this crystalline love for their mother stays with them forever....
Hope they do not get manipulated when they start chasing the materialistic pleasure.

They are my biased children and I am their selfish mother,
Who will always want her angel kids to remain pure as they are.

Bina Mukherjee
Aaron Gubang May 2020
Once i saw your mellifluous smile
I feel like the felicity burst inside
I feel the euphoria inside of my soul
Your internal beauty is ineffable

Your mellifluous smile was pure solace for me
Since i saw your smile i really wanted to protect and cherish.
My feelings will be forever sealed eternal
Lotus May May 2020
seek solace
in the inevitable—
pain and suffering
will heal only from within,
the unchanging flow of time
will soon change  everything,
the sun will always rise and fall
the moon will still embrace all
today will come to an end
and we may part ways,
but tomorrow awaits
and we will decide
our own fates
AstralPotato May 2020
I chose to be happy
But it was all in vain
Because happiness starts
Right after the rain

But it seems that the rain
Will never going to end
Rainbows were only illusions
The rain will start again
Luna May 2020
Intoxication won't bring solace.

Neither it bring back the person over whom you got intoxicated every single night...
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