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Kenna Apr 2019
Here I am
beneath these waves
as water
fills everything
that you

Gaping holes
torn, slashed, ragged at the edges,
burning underneath
a thousand broken promises,
salt water in a wound
that cannot
(will not)
be healed.

I was
so selfish-
only thinking
never you,
even though
all I ever did
and have done,
was for you.

But yet,
that was what you said
that night,
with my world
shattering around my shoulders,
dragging me
into this abyss,
flames snuffed out
by the water
I once loved.

And now
I'm here,
haunting the sea,
a siren
with no voice
a broken melody
that sounds
a love song
on a cracked record
scratched by a razor needle,
with your hands
spinning the
To the boy I loved before
Poetress2 Apr 2019
No one ever told me,
that life would be this hard;
That men could be so cruel,
it simply breaks my heart.
Some with power and money,
rarely think about the poor;
They're the worse of all,
always wanting so much more.
The epitomy of selfishness,
only thinking of themselves;
Slamming doors upon the needy,
refusing to lend their help.
With a smirk upon their faces,
they snub all those in need;
Refusing to help all those,
who are starving in the streets.
They sit at their fancy tables,
with food in abundance to share;
Not concerned about the hungry,
these Vultures do not care.
Do they ever feel remorse,
having more then what they need;
They hoard all their possessions,
consumed by heartless greed.
When night time falls upon them,
they climb in their, soft beds;
Their souls are full of darkness,
their hearts', already dead.
Ivette Apr 2019
When you hold my hand, is it just me?

When you hug me tight, is it just me?

When you tell me you love me, is it just me?

When you say "I'll always be there", is it just me?

Is it too much to ask to be the only one? I know you care in general for everybody but is it bad that I just want it to be just me?

I don't know why, like I fell for you because of your caring nature. But now it's like I'm asking you to stop that but then you being a **** to everyone else would make me dislike you more because you're changing when really I'm asking you to.

Is it just me? Am I the only one that feels this way? Feeling this complicated?..

I need help on my mindset because I don't know what the right way of thinking is now.
UUGGHH am I being selfish?
S Bharat Apr 2019
The Man

I was thirsty; he gave no help.
Thence I kept no book on my shelf.
All ocean he wanted to gulp
And keep rest of them to himself.

S. Bharat
Xant Apr 2019
You think the sun is only yours to have?

You think it rises up  and set down just for you?

You think the flare is all for you?

You think you own it?

Selfish Fool
How I feel when someone doesn't wanna share their food
The Vault Apr 2019
We are just an inch apart
But lately it has felt like we are miles
I don't know what to do
I still love you
But our moments only seem to revolve around what you want to do.
It is weird how fine I am, being your moon.
Nikolas Mar 2019
What is that smile,
Threatening face?
Selfish desire,
Tie people on lace.

Everything for you
You don't see our needs,
Everyone's blue,
While her Majesty leads...

Show that you care,
But then spit in my soul?
Don't backstab me ever,
You won't see me fall.

Grin, laughter starts,
Pull me into your games,
You love broken hearts,
Throwin' us into flames
Sharon Talbot Mar 2019
These words keep arriving by post,
By phone and through the air:
They say, “I love you the most!”
And he’s always unprepared.

I dismissed them until I knew
What they could mean,
What they could do.

They let a young boy believe
In a dangerous fantasy
Of the young or naïve,
And give himself to ecstasy.

He’d already given himself away
To a girl who “merely loved” him;
He was swayed.
He was wounded by a whim.

How could his young heart
Know the anguish of love spurned?
Of changing minds and false starts?
That passion fades as quickly as it burns?

He was “crushed” when it ended;
His response, pure and true.
Still that phrase he insanely defended!
“I love you, I love you, and I love you”!

How hollow to me it still rings!
My beloved son in pain.
What makes a girl do these selfish things?
What is it that they gain?

Young hearts now seem to lack wisdom;
They’re so eager to believe.
Yet they haven’t the caution
It takes to give love and receive.

Summer, 2006
As a teen, our son kept falling in love with girls who used his feelings and then threw him away. This is just one episode!
Van Xuan Mar 2019
why you try so hard
to fit in her world
when she can live her life
and you can live my life
long before you've met each other
a question in the middle of the night
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