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Blissful Nobody Feb 2022
Away from everyone,
One with myself,
I have lived a bit differently,
They would think,
I wouldn't know what to think,
If not of the world within.

Away from the noise,
Listening to my own harmonies,
Away from the entanglements,
Solving the knots in my being,
A bit differently,
They would see me,
I wouldnt know what to see,
If not the ways to my being.

Too involved with my being,
Intense within,
Yet univolved and uninvoked,
By any other presence,
A bit differently,
They would acknowledge,
I wouldn't know where to seek,
If not my own seeking .
Tony Tweedy Jan 2022
If you could but hold me I would love you.
I would adore every little thing that you do.
My skies would forever appear much brighter.
If only you will pretend that you love me too.
If you could but kiss me I would love you.
I would gift you all finery golden and new.
My lonely world could be much less empty.
Please say you can pretend you will love me too.
How a heart can bleed....
CarolineSD Nov 2021
Now the winter reaches in with
Razor edged hands,
Clasps the browning leaves
And yanks the last remnants of
Summer down
To the chilling ground
And I am like a forgotten August sunset
Dripping tears of crimson and gold
Along the gray horizon
And the earth is shifting slow,
Turning away

From a love that could have been

If there ever was an eternal summer
As gardens set deep within
The Misty Mountains
A certain holiness repressed
Beneath the depths of impenetrable glacial walls.

I have called for your voice across the frigid tundra
But it is as lost
As it ever was.

The songbirds cry

And oh, how I have known them long
A little girl
Reaching for their hearts behind the ephemeral whispers
Of the song

Winter’s fog descends like burial cloth  
And they are gone.
Jennifer DeLong Oct 2021
We crave comfort from another
We desire to be desired
We want to be wanted
Where do we go when we
are alone
We go alone to the loneliness
We try and we give to another
Yet we are alone
What choice do we have
We are alone
Where do we go
We go into ourselves
Where we can disappear
Where we can be with
our loneliness
it's what we have
We only have ourselves
We have no other
No comfort
No one to talk to
So we go into our
thoughts to create
for a awhile a sense
of hope
we can imagine if it where
different if we had it
how good it'd feel
That gives us
for awhile a place to go
when we have no other
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Jay M Sep 2021
This day, it shall remain
In my mind, not all details shall stay
For today, this is what I have to gain;
The day

Peace, I long for you
Peace, shall I have you?
Come to me and stay,
Even just for this one, mere day

Hath it been too soon that I seek you?
Hath it been a dawn too early,
Or a greater length than that?

Whisper to me, my darling day
For this day, I yearn for it to yield and say;
Rest, my dear, you haven't a thing to fear
Rest, my dear, rest your weary head here.

- Jay M
September 16th, 2021
I seek this day, this day of peace. Can it be this day, a day for peace?
D Cole Jun 2021
I am a worrier ,one of light
playing with stone and might
   in life's cradle,
in a jungle of emotions with only but my pride to cuddle.
I strike with my halo,
to darkness saying hello.

    Have never give'n to the   'bliss' he bestows on seekers,
but the feeling is no longer as good.
My heart whispers the secret garden to my my mind,
and I wonder what's like to give in to the temptation.
Mortal  to our own thoughts and broken by the eyes of the world,  tread softly because oh, the earth is delicate and quite selfish with its secrets
Man Mar 2021
the cigarette smoke
laden in the air
threw the pattern seeking portion of my brain
and i saw you
as free as i had always thought of you
without the hardships of this harsh reality
it made me sad
to think of you
with how you were at the end
but you're happy now,
with hope
SoAverage Mar 2021
We all come from the root of one book but each has their own chapter and path

All embarking on a journey to find the true meaning of life

Through the blazing storm concealed with misfortune for most walking the path

Some be trying to numb the idea of being alive cause of the wait of carrying a dead body inside

Celebrating death like its a festive season

Growing up trying to find something our forefathers seems to have lost

Hiding from reality
That life is forever changing and unknown to us

While seeking for a better life that all this pain we feel is a dream most wished  they never had .
I  wrote about how life is not as easy as we think
Abby Feb 2021
What am I so afraid of?
That I may change my fate?
Or maybe it’s already happened,
And maybe I’m too late.

Can I be forgiven?
Will I ever understand
Why all of this has happened?
Am I really here by chance?

Chasing phantom shadows in and out of dreams
Counting constellations and holding on to childish things
Afraid to take a chance, for fear that I may fall
Afraid that there’s no going back
That I’ll never know myself at all

The truth too overwhelming
The fear I hide behind
Fear that I hold onto
Fear behind these eyes

To chance is only to forget
The pain that binds me now defines me
Give in for good you’ve placed your bet
“Survive!” the voice inside me
A piece I wrote back in March 2007 as I was going through a divorce with so many questions and faced with the opportunity to reducing myself and my path.
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