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Kate Lion Jan 2015
i am a Spidey red Pontiac
the ceiling is falling in and the doors are broken
(that you pry open anyway
but only because i want you to)

you ask me with your eyelashes
why i don't put thumbtacks into the parts of me that droop and sag along the interior

and the heater whines softly,
smoke spilling in from a mangled motor
because i ask myself the same question

we are cramped, you and i
the stuffing seeping out of the back seat,
the mangled box spring hearts dangling from our chests like metal slinkies that can't find the floor
because we've swallowed one too many books
and seen each other barefoot once too few
but we are happy, you and i
we find amusement in red sweaters and pull Pokemon from Abe's old hat

i wouldn't pass the safety inspection for your soul
(but you drive me anyway)
AnnaStorm Dec 2014
Som programmerede robotter søger vi efter drenge
For vi vil gerne glemme at vi er robotter
Stivnede stål i en tid fuld af uopdaget blødt guld
Men guldet er sjældent hvor vi er nu
Sammen ruster vi i vores bløde senge
Værelser med kvindetøj og madrasser
Som at glemme hvem der kunne være
Og hvad vi ér udenfor sengene
Vi er ramt af en tid hvor ure går bedre end os
Og hvor vi langsomt irre og bliver grønne
Nu, er nu hvor vi må elske unge
Fordi guld ikke ruster
Sam Knaus Nov 2014
You, my friend,
are a broken masterpiece.
You were carved out of shattered glass
and you continually forced your cracks
into mine
like broken heirlooms,
not that I ever had a problem with that,
I jammed my cracks into yours
just as forcefully,
I think my biggest mistake was thinking
that you could fix them.
Your eyes are worn with things
no boy should have seen,
the leather falling from your boots
and your skin is chipping,
with time,
nothing will be left of you but a memory.
What's sad is that
I'm not sure I have a problem with that either.
I gave a total of 2 years of my life
to you
and when I decide to give it to someone else,
you disappear,
not a trace left of you but the blood
that came from your razor while you were gone.
Memories of us peeling from the back of my brain,
conversations rusted over,
you came back and I was so relieved
that I said nothing about the thin red lines that littered your arms
at first.
Then I found out you'd only come back
to get that pack of cigarettes I owed you.
I still wonder what goes through your mind
when you think about me, now.
What's left of your heart is consumed
with the hatred you feel for my boyfriend,
and that shouldn't erode my thoughts
as much as it does
but in the end nothing is left but hurt,
raw and naked and painful.
That's the thing about pain, you see-
it demands to be felt,
but without you I feel strangely free,
like I could spread my snapped wings and fly
through a sky dotted with shining promises
and the haze of a moon that
makes my yellowed teeth and tattered clothing glow
and I don't know if that excites me
or scares the hell out of me,
or both.
Feat. TFIOS, by John Green. "That's the thing about pain; it demands to be felt."
Lauren Batchelor Oct 2014
Devotion was  a moment
When I loved you for existing,
For breath and sleep and talk.

It exists, still.
Somewhere deep away from you,
Or it will revive and burn
Just watching you sit.
Soren Knight Aug 2014
My mind is a void of darkness,
The absence of light,
The gears in my head,
Have rusted over;
The lightbulb has burnt out.
I am the last one,
Of the Order of the Grey.
The rest have fallen and gone astray.
When death greets me like an old friend,
My secrets will disappear.

-Shadow Prince, Guardian of Secrets,
Of the Order of the Grey.
Amanda Jul 2014
There's always an
inexplicable something
about all things old.

Maybe, these yellowing, crinkled, slightly forgotten
-slipped off the inky azure of the mind's corners-
have felt the way a pair of lips
moves & crinkles
they make
wide-eyed wishes and closed mouth good-byes.
Hey lovely soul!
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You're a Demon
Rust Red like the fires of hell
You're full of Pride and Greed
Yet we're friends
But still you're too Sinful
A short Devil with brown hair and lipstick
Devils and Royals don't mix
Violet doesn't go with Rust
This ones short, Kaitlyn's a Devvil!
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
Sweet Wolf
Your art is grand
But your blood
Is far away
On the Hemospectrum chart
You a peasant
Me a half Royal
We don't mix
Indigo and Rust
You're a free wolf
I'm a high-blood
Go do your art
Make the world a better place
Wwolf and Me are friends but she's not close anymore... I see wwhy noww
Austin Heath Jun 2014
He had a confident anxiety,
and a stage name.
Who the hell has a stage name anymore?
He ****** down cigarettes like he was
trying to eat their insides. Violently.
Swore he was a fighter.
Feint at the sight of blood.
I knew the last king of jazz, yeah,
he drank whiskey and sang out of key.
Stole his act from Tom Waits,
like any respectable artist does,
you'll come to find.
He was a big man, literally, intimidating in size
if he wasn't so **** funny. Not goofy, just funny.
Southern man, migrated north.
The south of the north; Buffalo.
Most depressing city in the world,
but you learn something from a guy like that
in a city by Buffalo.
How to survive, maybe,
or how to keep it together long enough.
Long enough for what?
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