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Bridget Oct 2017
Whisper you’re anxious to the moon
When the night has come
In her purple dress.
And fade back into peaches
Of the dawn that starts
Where the pain never ended.
Poetic T Oct 2017
loitering between
                       and air,

A cord of

As we regret or
                breath relief,
of life's final moments..
Dori Sep 2017
I drank poison
and expected you to be the antidote.
I'm sorry.
Remmy Sep 2017
Why do you go in the water at night doesn't it scare you
Why yes it does
But that's why I love it
It's the one time I'm afraid for a reason other people are too
And along with the fear I feel relief
Relief from wanting to **** myself
Because while I'm in this dark black water with no moonlight
If I were to die it wouldn't be my fault
It wouldn't be because I slit my wrists it wouldn't be my fault
It would be because I drowned on accident
Or a shark came and ate me
Or I died of pneumonia
They wouldn't write in my obituary that I struggled and eventually committed suicide
They would write what an amazing kid I was and that God took their little angel away too soon
Just for a while my death isn't on my shoulders
So yes I am afraid but I'm also liberated
Mary-Rose H Sep 2017
In a
of quiet,
through the
busyness buzz,
a soothing thought
to my consciousness,
consoles my heart:

*"I'm going to be okay."
Matthew Vargas Sep 2017
The rising anxiety
Flares my insecurity.
I clear my throat,
The words just
won't come out right.
And I stutter and avoid
Staring at my audience
And I bit my lip,
Remembering hours
Of memorizing my topic
Only to forget it
Right on the spot.
I gather my courage and do my best
I finish my presentation
And they clap politely
And the relief is my refuge as I sit
With something of pride in my eyes.
Pretty sure everyone cab relate to feeling really nervous while presenting a presentation
Emily Chambers Aug 2017
There was this time in middle school when
I kissed a guy and shouldn't have
And left someone and didn't tell them
Acted ****** up when I wasn't
Now I am
(It hurts so bad)
Fell in love
Destroyed myself
Contemplated, contemplate, contemplating
Cried in the high school bathroom over some guy that didn't matter
Took Tylenol without food
Never stole anything
Should've stolen something
Kept everything a secret
Didn't stand my ground
Was too forceful
Lost myself in the lost and found
Yes. Many things.
But it doesn't matter now that it's over and
I was writing a lot in a journal of mine then packed it to go to college when I wanted to put the poems in, so hey guys I'm back! Some of these will be a little depressing but it's ok it was me working out my problems I guess.
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