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Edmundo Mar 2021
Reborn as a part of myself goes by as I breathe my time away

Reborn as thoughts can never live more than a second
Reborn as my soul washes itself new every minute
Reborn as the memories i have change by the hour
Reborn as the person I wake up as every different day
Reborn as better than the one I learned with last month
Reborn as the day I accomplish one more year
Reborn as the person I am now birthed of the one portrayed last decade
Reborn at each glimpse in my life
Reborn - a wave breathes the ocean
To be reborn is to pass Time
A Psalmist Mar 2021
Phoenix in flight, watch him in the sky
Engulfed in flames, ready to die
Phoenix in flight, watch him crash and burn
All things pass, today is his turn

Phoenix in plight, see him struggle to survive
Headed to the ground in a fiery nose-dive
Phoenix in plight, see him succumb to his fate
Extinguished by his own destiny innate

Phoenix in fight, look at him glow as an ember
Dwelling on the life he used to remember
Phoenix in fight, look at him flicker a flare
Letting go of the old, grasping for air

Phoenix in light, behold his bursting blaze
Reborn from trial in a smoky haze
Phoenix in light, behold his glory
Scorching a new chapter to his story

Phoenix in might, witness as his radiance shines
Fueled by desire to become divine
Phoenix in might, witness as his brilliance flashes
Because no matter what, he will rise from the ashes
I'm not  the same as I was a year ago, and that doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Lulu Sarmiento Apr 2021
Visage full of tears,
Abasement due to fears,
Longing and lamentation,
Epitaph and addiction.
Naissance --
Today, I am reborn
Ignify at dawn
Nay, sorry not sorry
Everyone, I am worthy!
i used to hide from your pain
change myself for you
and i called it love
blindly following you
until you broke me

so i sat in my room eating icecream
when was the last time i was without you?
my heart is bruised, but its healing
cause i found people
that loved me through my problems
and they mended my tender heart

so that one day,
i can truly find love
and be reborn
is just a beautiful person
with messy problems;
a broken heart
with roses growing from the cracks.
Strying Dec 2020
People say that changing yourself for another person
Is losing yourself

But I believe there are times
Where changing yourself for another person
Is how you find who you're meant to be

You are reborn,
out of love for another.
today I heard some amazing poetry
I encourage all to look at some more verbal poems as well as written ones
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