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Jacob Lyons Sep 2020
The fire came, but the bridge wasn’t burned
Every scar I’ve had are ones I’ve earned
Deleting conversations from the earth
And the way I acted still makes me hurt
This is my fourth day in row being sober
Fourth day where I didn’t wish this was over
I’ll count my blessing like four leaf clovers
The love you gave makes the heat feel colder
Oskar Erikson Aug 2020
the ones who stray
are as important
as the ones who stay
dailythoughts Jul 2020
When the sun is greeting the land
It’s light touches the heart of wildlife
Blooming the natural bouquets
I will be there for you always, I will be greeting happiness my way

When the sun is meeting the moon
The stars slumber with ease
Flashing still without being seen
I will be there for you always, you won’t see me

When the sun is whole
Through its blaze we are reborn
Starting another story  
I will be there for you always, you won’t be in my new story
levi eden r Jul 2020
and just like that,
light, fresh air, seeing everything, seeing Myself, seeing how i've lived up to this point, everything, all of it
all at once.
the veil was lifted again and the person i was seems so far away.
there is no past.
this is a clean slate.
i am a new person.
i am not my past, it just happened to me, i am not stuck there because if i was, i wouldn't be here.

i am here.
i am not there or anywhere but here.
going up and forward.
no more looking behind my shoulder,
no more opening scars,
no more of that.

i am reborn.
instagram: @awake6.23
twitter: @omw2you
cashapp: $blipofjoy
Amanda Hawk Jul 2020
I love the smell
Of the rain
Lingering upon my skin
The slight chill
Working its way up my back
As I inhale the cold air
Sharp and crisp
Flooding me
With tomorrow
As I exhale
In short puffs of steam
And I feel
As every drop collects
In the plane of my body
silvervi Jul 2020
I don't have to be sorry
Not at all
My conscience will fall
And let me alone
I will not regret
Not one thing
Not one
I will feel
Instead of fearing
I will see
Instead of hiding
I will go there
Meet it
Face to face
I will not let myself die in disgrace
I will fight for what I want
I will go there, fall, get up again.
I'll be strong
And stronger
Than I have ever been
I will be golden
Rock solid,
Deep with every emotion within.
I will fight, I will fall, and get up.
I will know how to call myself up.
To be able to look it in the eye
No matter how scary,
No matter how much I denied everything before.
Now and forever more
I will be who I truly really am
I will be myself, honestly
I will be and be and be and I will BE
Fierce and fiery and unapologetically ME.
Thank you, this time I really know who I am
Tint Jun 2020
46, 47,.. her lips was counting
how the clock is ticking
when the time is frozen
she couldn't move,
but the limbs are shaking

and what to think of
the care they promised
now in a lonely freezer
her bones are cracking
to think of the living

and wish she be braver
in the next life
they be together
and she would die again
no regrets!

she shivered,
and soul descended
with hopes of forever
in another universe
Stories inside poetries
Carissa Lee Jun 2020
So if I want to burn,
Let me burn!
I am throwing it all away!
All Away!
All the scraps you ever gave me,
all the empty promises you made,
I will set it all aflame,
watch me rise from the ashes!
Birthed by Brimstone,
Birthed by Fire!
I am a phoenix without a name!
Flying Fast!
Flying Blind!
A new town,
a brand new start!
I dare not look back
upon the wreckage of my wake.
What's My Name!
What's my name!
  what's my name?
Won't anyone say my name?
What's my name?
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