The whole world is on fire and I can only think about you. My mind re-wired to forget what my worst desires have brought me into.
The attraction of strangers eye"s should make me feel un-comfortable but instead it soothed. Somehow they all disappear and I am only looking at you.
I never dreamed I would dream of you. Black and white ambience encloses like a fogg around the room.
One moment I am miles away and the very next moment I am right next to you. I have so much to say but I then remember I will never see you again, so what good would that do?
If I knew what love was darling, I wouldn't have hurt you. If I knew what forever was, I would still be with you. Only foolish people hate the truth. But this isn't about me, this is about you.
Dreamers dream what reality couldn't do. Weavers weave a stranded connection between the two. Believers believe that somehow they can carry on living like they do.
I know that I cannot and I am lost without you. My hearts desire is to reach you across the chaos and somehow convince you.
I was listening to; Wicked Game by: Chris Issak.
While writing this poem.