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kain Nov 2018
They berate me
I don't know what I feel for you
Or why
This is beginning to suffocate me

Both inside and out
Am I attracted to you?
Or am I simply so lonely
That I'm clinging to you

How am I to say
Why I want to kiss you
And dance with you
When I've never kissed before
And never danced but alone

One cannot miss what
They have not had
But I miss you
And your flaws

Scared to make a move
I couldn't love you if I wanted to
I don't want to
If I see you again
I might fall for you anyways
Do I like you or am I just tired of being alone?
kain Nov 2018
Big brother
Where art thou?
In the coiling mess of confusion
Bloodied wrists and sunsets
Have you already forgotten?

Big brother
Feel my pain
Set me free to roam
Bathe me in ecstasy
Or let me fall

Big brother
Love your neighbor as you love yourself
Give your life
Why do you hide from them?

Big brother
What is the veil you wear?
Dancing where I cannot see
Where I cannot roam
Scattered across the globe

Big brother
Forgive me for I have
Lost all hope and direction
Gotten swept away in the current
There is no love

Big brother
Hold her close with starry arms
And metaphysical limbs
Love her in the pages
Spread like a seed

Big brother
I do not love you
The leaves on the trees come to the ground
Is that the last bow of nature?
Or an unspectacular event?
Meruem Nov 2018
While you walk away,
I am running with my woes.
For what it's worth,
Only He knows.

Even if you push me away,
I'll keep on coming back to you.
For what it's worth,
Only He knows.
Gimingaw na ko nimo, langga. Uli naka. :(
Emmanuella Nov 2018
The scientist moved from table to table, beaker to beaker. She adjusted her goggles on her nose and sniffed, turning a vial on its head, tipping its content into another.
She stood back and with frantic, excited gleams playing in her eyes observed the mixture fizz, fizzle, pop, sizzle and flow over.
She hmmed and this is where I stepped in, asking her, what it is she was doing. What experiment was she carrying out? What question she was attempting to answer.

She, beginning an attempt anew, picked up a vial containing a sweet-scented liquid and stepped up to her table again.
“I’m trying to see...dear. I’m trying to see...”
“See what?”
“The balance. What is the right amount...” She breathed this last sentence under her breath like it was a question more to herself than an answer to me.
“The right amount of what?”
At this, she turned to me.

“Of Love.” She said.
“For you either love too much or too little.
Or you either receive too much love or too little love. And in each case, it leaves a dreadful feeling in one's stomach.
This cannot be healthy. It isn’t. So I must find out this equation, solve this puzzle for it is so perplexing.”
She turned back to her vials and beakers, murmuring under her breath all the while. “It is so is so perplexing...”
"And what amount of love will you give, and what amount of love will you receive that does not amount to a dreadful feeling?"
Nathan Raux Nov 2018
When, when I thought it was naught but conspiracy,
That it'd be comic, a joke, not a would-be plea,
Who, who'd hit and break, swung, a shillelagh,
Hard wood strength, a bludgeon, a sequence, simply plainly,
What, what roots from prejudice so inclined to the contrary,
Brought harm to one's self, a broken goal to be free,
How, how the past, beyond belief, it'll truly see,
Deprecate the future held deep beneath seas,
And finally,
One last breath that awakens a crisp and unveiled gaucherie,
Picked like grapes in a heavenly vinery,
Why? You tell me.
I made this after learning someone had also had a crush on my ex-crush which I  learned to be sexist. I guess I still continue to question myself about how I feel. Also, I'm back! Yay. Written: 11/12/2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
are we meant to be?
do you feel the same as me?
or is this all wrong?

something i wrote awhile ago
LylexRose Nov 2018
Ah about time I was honest with you...
Two years I've been at this...
Would've never guessed it would come this far...
But I've always given my opinion on my... situation...
Let me ask ya'll a question...

The ******* gonna do when they don't get you.
The ******* gonna do when they all act confused
The ******* gonna do when you can't see it through
I'll give you a clue, it starts with you!

How can you say that you used me, shame it was motive that fueled me
A traveler disrespected on his odyssey
A writer dissed on his autobiography
A rapper who don't need no prodigy
Oh and a sucker who doesn't have your respect, **** me?!
Just know I ain't taking **** from someone who was home schooled and still got bullied!
Now need think about this, it's kinda formidable
Head banging round these walls, I'm kinda predictable
Until I find a break through, I'm unfixable
These walls may hurt so find me a brother that don't act like a victim
Guess you that could place these syllables on one sick and indistinguishable individual...
Oops! I could've fool me, now through the gates of my Kingdom
You coming running, but I stood there, impenetrable
Take the shades off, about now super abilities would be useful
Shame that your wisdom leaves me pretty indefeasible
But just vanished, turned too ash or just invisible
Either way you left me open to suggestion so...

The ******* gonna do when they don't get you.
The ******* gonna do when they all act abused
The ******* gonna do when they can't tell the truth
I'll give you a clue, it starts with you!

Now I'm released, only open fields await
Its no where near those Kingdom gates
But when all seems good, so close too great
You gave me a task that couldn't wait
And suddenly I'm expected to accept the unexpected is a bargin I didn't make, feel like I fought a war and lost
If you can't be a parent, you know do you ******* job
A ******* disgrace this thief wants to start another war
I'm just little kid with dose of mummy issues
"quick pass him the tissues!"
Maybe instead of my money you can steal my childhood
Oh ****! I take it back I didn't mean that literally
Too late, what a shame, at least had no responsibility with bigamy
Go on and do it but Ill keep my dignity
Additionally I thought you cared, when vacancies varied a various variety of people see fit to steal from me... no seriously
Never could see, that how could it be that I was the one you chose to betray
Uh now it looks like nothing goes my way "hahaha like ever"...
But originally I was supposedly a considerably miserable weak willed little ***** with a side of juvenile delinquency
We need to see how we can be to switch the inadequate of our compatibility
And maybe it would change anything but most likely I'd change nothing, naturally...

...but we'll see

The ******* gonna do when they don't get you.
The ******* gonna do when they all act confused
The ******* gonna do when you can't see it through
I'll give you a clue, it starts with you!
Joie Yin Oct 2018
Until when will we hold onto
Something that will never return?

Shall we wait for someone who
Doesn't reply to our unrequited love?

Should we continue to ignore
People who genuinely care for us?
Joie Yin
I find it very difficult
To differentiate some things
Is it me or just my depression
Do I want to get better
Or just be who I am
Do I smile for everyone
Because anything else
Is more unsettling
Because everything else
Requires some explaining
Am I getting better
Or am I just fitting in
Do I need help
Or just acceptance
Am I fighting it
Or am I denying it
I am confused
Because of this conflict
It feels too complicated
To simply comprehend
Do I even want answers
To these questions
Alexander T Nov 2018
I remember being young
careless, not a worry in the world

I was so happy
I was that kid running around
trying to race everyone

never feeling alone

I didnt know right from wrong
but what was wrong with that

one day
I remember my mommy
she was listening to the phone

I had a really good day
except for when that teacher
called me over

"why do you have that bruise dear"
gasp and that cut

I looked down
"oh, I fell yesterday"

she sent me off to play again

so, my mommy on the phone
she covers her mouth
I asked what was wrong
but she didnt say a thing

over the next few days thats how it went
me talking to the teachers between races
and my mom listening to her voicemail

one day I came home
a nice lady in a suit
wanted to talk to me

I thought she was cool so we talked
she asked me all sorts of questions
how much do you eat
what do you do for fun
have you ever been hit

I told her everything
not a single care
it was fun right

she left while talking about me on the phone
give it a little while
and an hour later
she came back with 4 police officers
I could smell cologne

They smiled at me and on walked me over to a squad car, asked if I wanted to sit up front. "sure." Who could say no? The nice lady sat with me fro a while and talked a lot. A little while later, she took me in her car. We drove for an hour. I forgot to ask though, "Wheres mommy?"
for anyone who has been in something like this or knows someone who experiences this.
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