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Vanessa Goyal Jul 2020
Words spill out from under me
The twinkle in the distance blooms no more
Efforts and blood seem entangled
United as an entity only meant for destiny
My kingdom of walls soars higher
Growing roots with each brick
Late nights and wallowed time
Seep into the Earth
Never to unmask its colors
Wistful stares and bleeding hearts
Fit into the empty space
Built by the last stroke of life
That hid in the shadows of midnight toil
Hinges creak in the last breath of their time
To never let another through
Vanessa Goyal Jul 2020
My blood strains in my chest
In my gut
My lungs tighten by the second
I rush through my thoughts
Paralleled by the worry racing through my veins
Black ink follows my eyes through every corner
It taunts my memory
Demanding infiltration
But all I see is a jumbled haze
Of death sentences written on every wall
In every book
Steaming from the voices of those around me
Voices that reek of mimicry and torture
Voices reminding me I am empty, hollow
Crushed by the weight of expectation
I bury my head into the desire of the world
I allow myself to be dragged across fields of jargon
That penetrate my sanity
Numbness spreads like an alarm from my fingers to my toes
I succumb
I am a machine
Enslaved by the black ink
Vanessa Goyal Jul 2020
You loved me once
You loved me twice
You loved me everyday
Every moment, every smile, every second
But you left me
Leaving only whispers behind
I feel your memory in the silence
I love you in the emptiness
I see you in the darkness
But you left me
Your ashes scar my dreams
Your scent haunts my days
Your eyes pierce mine
Drowning in memory
I see you once more
Your fingers brush mine
I listen for your heartbeat
And find only the hummingbird’s song
And I remember
You left me
Vanessa Goyal Jul 2020
I don’t know how to love
My heart cries everyday for you
It stings with the needles that your words create
Your actions burn like fire in my tender skin
My eyes swim in rivers of regret
I see you with contempt
But love you with life
My brain bites the sound of your song
Every night I long for you in my arms
Slowly, the gravity of your presence kills me
It shatters my soul and carves my wounds
My flesh kindles in the flame
That you stir with one glance
Only you quench the ache that you create
I would die for you
But you would **** me first
Love is tangled in between
I don’t know how to love
Victor D López May 2020
Use the YouTube link,
For Spanish/English reading,
Of one of my poems.
You can cut and paste the above link for a short (4 minute) poetry reading in the original Spanish and in my English translation/interpretation of mi recent poem, Mi Canto
Nora Jan 2020
Amore mio,
Ma solo se sapessi
Quanto ti darei così che
Potremmo insieme di nuovo --
Ma non devo essere triste
Perché mi ha regalato qualcosa
Che non mai dimenticherò
Nora Jan 2020
Le nuvole mi abbracciano,
E potrei morire nel uno momento così
Dove la sola cosa che possa trovare
è la bella tocca di tranquillità
Nora Jan 2020
Voglio essere una con il mare
Trovare tranquillità nel sfumature di blu
Mio cuore piange per la sua libertà
Ma ancora rimasta nel il stesso posto
Pieno di voglia, che sono incapace di
Mostrare, anche se affogassi nelle onde
Luna Nov 2019
Besos que te sobraban en los bolsillos, caricias que hace tiempo expiraron, tus ojos y tus labios que soltaban cantos de sirena me fueron guiando al pantano donde me ahogo. Volví a lanzarme sin pensarlo dos veces y fue lindo mientras duró gracias por las heridas de guerra, algún día seré más fuerte, es hora de volver a mi caparazón, tocar la retirada, entrar en un letargo y lamer las heridas abiertas de par en par.
Gil Cardoso Feb 2019
Remate, chuta, golo!

Quando o faço no meu quarto
Ninguém admira
É mentira!
Admiro eu!

Que fazes tu?
Escreves remata e chuta
Que é a mesma coisa?

É? A lingua portuguesa é...loiça

Isso era só para rimar?
Nem rima bem

E para que me críticas?
Tu és eu
Partilhamos o mesmo corpo
O mesmo….


Isso nem é palavra!

Para quem usou loiça antes
Esta pelo menos rima

Tu nem fazes um esforço
Com essa mania de superioridade
Tornas-te um destroço
Por causa da tua inseguridade
Eu pelo menos trabalho
E faço sair palavras
E se me apetece
Rima uma com bugalho
E a outra com larvas
Agora vai-te embora
Vai morrer
Se te apetecer
E deixa-me escrever
Escrito 01/02/2018
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