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Dani Jan 2020
Whether spoken
Or written down upon paper
It can never be taken away
It shall linger
In pen
In minds
Filled with love
Filled with hate
The power to raise up kingdoms from nothing
And destroy them just as quickly
Laying forgotten in drafts
In stories of old their songs lost
Among the dust of the past
Spreading truth
Spreading lies
Words are the unwritten paradoxes
Waiting to find their place in the world
A reflection on the power of words
Steve Page Dec 2019
I sit thinking a little faster than the speed of penning, thereby having to repeatedly press pause on my thoughts to let the ball of blue catch up with the image / the sound of the phrase in my mind / on my quiet tongue that flows fast down my right arm into my slow fingers and out into the ball point that hits the page with part-satisfied impatience

And in that pause, resisting the urge to edit / to revise / to reform the original thought that is crying out to become embedded in the page / begging to be seen / to be loved and so to sit and to stare back at its origin, safe in the curated space to stay / to settle and perhaps to become part of something bigger / longer / older, something of possibly permanent beauty.

And having gotten over that feint-ruled line, my first thoughts face the risk of being transposed / transformed by typing thumbs before becoming something that will last on a plain white screen and later be posted at the speed of competing broad bands into a world wide cloud of words.

Later, having hovered / waited, my wet words just might find a place to soak / to stain / to marinate and later be memorised perchance recitied at a more appropriate speed within a crowd of like-minded minds and perhaps for a phrase to lodge / to be recalled / to form part of something that fate redirects through a ball of blue, back out into the flow.
(On the cycle of thoughts and articulated phrases that make up the writers ecosystem. )
Kmary Dec 2019
Writing for me
is a process in invention;
the development of ideas

I like to wander around in it
then finally stumble into it,
as I now become my pen

Writing for me…
tangles, shapes,
transforms, and shares

It is magic;
a tool for discoveries
a way to connect with,
act upon, and making meaning of my world.
JT Nelson Dec 2019
The line of black leads to my pen
Swirls and twirls
Lines straight and curved
With skips and dots
Whips and dips

The line of black started clean and leaned
Then grew apart
Lost its form
And dug deeper
Into the paper

The line of black stops at the bottom
The final dot sticks its landing
Ending the train of thought
That flowed from
Brain to page
Sometimes the act of writing amazes me and I can't help but observe it with wonder.
Close your eyes
Count to ten
Take a breath
Find a pen
Write it out
Let it loose
Don't get lost
In these woods
For one day
You might get stuck
Way too far
In the muck
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2019
God before penning the very first word in the book of creation
He knew the last that reflected in inking the very first drop
composing the bottom line that gravitates every creation.
In the know so much so what was yet to be He could call on
indeed assembled all the future humans on the Day of Alast
when He asked ‘Am I not your Lord?’ Yes, we said aloud.
Responded to Him long, long before our physical birth!

The whole shebang was in the beginning in the first set out
Bounce before the Big Bang the number zero before that
and within its circle was a marvelous exponent the pi
constantly pops up with the reasons to be alive!
The first creations were even before all of that
Foundation was laid the stone is a man and woman
indifferent grounds sprawled the eternity in between  
that embraces the two with its endless varied beauty
making them truly the distinguished two for the one reality!

God made them with love from the bottom of the heart
Oh the bottom is nectar and more so the rose in bloom
embraces a sweeter debut flowering off a honeyed bud  
God's ink flows, the sweetest ocean bellows, from the start
and to the end, all that heard it mellifluous!

Before the cloud basks in the blue dancing in the air
then rains down in serene melodies bedews the atmosphere.
Oh the all transparent ocean of God's first drop of ink goes viral
Fathima rises from the midst, the first spiritual woman swims out,
sipping every drop of this potion ‘there is more’ she clamoured
The begins the end yet no end God’s first creations triumph!
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