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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I will wait.

If love is searching for me, then I will not move.
I will wait here, doing nothing, until she comes into view.
I will wait here a million years if she is worth the wait.
I will patiently remain, even if she is a thousand years too late;
Because I hope she is running to be with me.
I desire her love, so patiently,
I wait to embrace,
To see her face,
So I can know the day I found her.

I will wait until she arrives
And if it takes until the end of time
And I only get a second to look into her eyes,
Then I will wait…
Because she will have tried to reach me;
So it must be,
Possible for her to truly love me.

If love is searching,
I will not be deserting.
I will wait patiently, even when I am truly hurting.
I will wait…

…For you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Eleni Apr 2018
I am imperfect.
I often take the route
Flooded with rivers and rocks
Jumping from bridge to bridge
Raft to raft, without fully thinking.

I try to immerse myself;
Like each fish and clam,
Surround myself with a layer of thick
security, failing to see it is transparent.

If I can be hunted and seen,
You would no longer see my superficial skin. I would be
bones, meat and dust. Dust from those stars, which burst
their supernova glitter.

And even in the darkest of nights
You will see a skeletal heart, tainted eyes or a
frowning mouth. The rain falls in the forest of my mind,
and as slick as I am,        I slip
trip up on my yellow brick road.

My thoughts are not my own, when I say
things that hurt you and myself.
With my oar I paddle to lands uncharted;
treacherous, dangerous places which must be left in peace.

Tracing the roots of my nerves and the chasms of my brain-
I trespass the battle within.
Amy Apr 2018
I woke up today
Surrounded by boxes.
Empty they were
Not made of wood
They were made of cardboard
I realised the door was above me
I could see the light peeking through
I wanted to get through the door
Away from the darkness
So I stood on a box
To start climbing towards the door
But the box couldn't hold my weight
It collapsed beneath me
'Oh!' I thought
And I tried another one
But still,
Couldn't hold my weight
I tried and tried
But the boxes kept breaking.
I started to panic
I was stuck in the darkness!
For every box I stood on,
Another would appear
But none would hold me.
I began to weep and weep
I screamed for help
I shut my eyes
Silently crying
When a voice said,
'Turn around'
So I did.
And there was another door
It had been there
All along
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
You will not let me push you away
We grow a little closer each night
I worry about detrimental deficiencies
Constantly causing us to fight

My mood and mind change like a stoplight
Screaming red to calming green
Trying to outrun sporadic thoughts
I see demons repeat a ****** routine

Scared that perhaps these devils will win
I am learning that I have zero control
Chaotic wild wind in my chest
Leads to unhealthy sin; takes quite a toll

I try to withstand temptation
There is no faithful way
I give in to dark selfishness
Let failure take my drive away

Love to act crazy, that's how it seems
I am impulsive, naughty and nice
When I am upset do what I want
Turn colder than a block of ice

I might be rash, but your warmth teaches
Consideration early in the breezy morning
Persuading me to pursue patience
When I start unraveling with no warning

You swear not to suddenly quit on me
And you have shown me you are a fighter
I yell at you to leave me alone
You respond by squeezing me tighter
I love you so much thanks for putting up with me
david o'neill Apr 2018
We sat there on the old park bench,
Licking our lips with a luscious lament.
She said not to worry
It's not the first time she felt this way,
It's not your burden to carry
Or price to pay.
I tell her I don't mind
I'll stay here till morn,
We can watch the sun rise
And shatter the dawn.
In the mean time we can map
All the stars in the sky,
Gaze with amazement
As they brighten then die.
For if my words are no good
And there's no deed to be done,
I'll give you my time
And a shoulder to cry on.
Harshada Kavi Apr 2018
Like the water
in a river
are meant to
touch our lives
and flow their way.

But some people
cut through
the rocky obstacles
in your life
and teach you
to flow

That day, I met two kinds of people in the same river.
Patience is a virtue, she said with a smug smile.
Time holds a tight grip but only for awhile.

For if I can out wait time, all of life can be mine.
Waiting is easy when you can wrinkle your life line.

Past, present, and future have become only words to me...

For you see,
I only exist in the now.
I have learned to be free.

Free of the regret that comes with the past.
Free of the worry that comes with the future.

Waiting can become all we do,
But if you learn to love waiting...
All of life is open to you.
Jonathan Nouse Apr 2018
A wise person once said

Patience is not measured by your ability to wait. But by your actions and your behavior while you wait-

How great is your paitence to wait for the fruit of your tree to become ripe?

In this day and age people say they have patience but cant wait 5 minutes to hear back from someone.

In todays society theres a demand to get everything now but how great is your patience?

Are you willing to wait a year for success? Let alone a few weeks.

And as the quote says above how will you be waiting?

Will you be waiting patiently? Or will the thoughts and fears that poison your mind saying what if it doesnt work out? Will you walk away?

Patience greatest enemy is that cursed two words. "What if".

But "what if things do work out" and everything falls according to plan and the stars align did your patience follow through?

See i can say all i want about patience but the true meaning is no words at all. Just silence. And peace.

How great is your patience.
How great IS your patience?
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2018

Still there exists a hope
Someday you will get out of my dream
Meeting the reality


Still I will be waiting,
With a mixed hope
Will you fly away, if you get wings?
Genre: Romantic
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