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Steve Page Aug 2023
I watch the rush of our trees,
their impatience,
their hurry ignoring seasons
running full pelt at growth
and fast forwarding their budding,
their fruit bearing,
in good time to take advantage
of the recent resurgence in the 5-a-day.

I watch and blink.
Reading Rainer Maria Rilke, from 'Letters to a young poet.'
Our tree "does not hurry the flow of its sap and stands at ease in the spring gales without fearing that no summer may follow...."
Lauren Leal Jul 2023
It's hard to forget the past
When it takes away something
That I felt was meant to last

So I'll wait for my phone to ring
No line and hook to be cast
We'll see what time will bring
AmazingsanPoetry Jul 2023
It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood.
things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
It's the outwordly.
It's the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
By the
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.

It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood the things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
Is the outwordly.
Is the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else, excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.
Twisted inspired,   live is twisted  and only the twisted enjoys it.
she waited
discreetly checked the time
continued to wait
patiently and impatiently
flashing a smile
at what felt like
appropriate moments
a stunted laugh
or an "oh"
"really" or "yeah"
if she felt
she'd been wordlessly
quiet for too long
hours had been lost
to the smallest of talk
the bane of
real conversation
of truly meeting a person
all that effort
of getting ready
the makeup
meticulously applied
the hair
styled and restyled
the outfit
chosen then doubted
then changed
to be put on again
all of that
for this
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In the tapestry of life, a truth holds strong,
To get the best of life, patience will prolong.
For the end, dear friend, holds treasures untold,
In its gentle embrace, dreams will unfold.

Though beginnings may whisper with uncertainty,
Hold steadfast, my soul, for the end is the key.
Though peers may sprint, seemingly miles ahead,
Be patient, dear heart, your own path will spread.

The seeds of your efforts, sown with care,
In the soil of persistence, will surely bear.
Though the road may wind and the journey be long,
Each step you take, you grow wise and strong.

When doubts cloud your vision, obscuring the light,
Keep the faith burning, shining through the night.
For faith is the compass that guides us along,
Leading us closer to where we belong.

Your time will arrive, as sure as the sun,
Unfolding a destiny that's uniquely spun.
The symphony of your life, it patiently waits,
For the crescendo of success, and joyful gates.

In the grand tapestry, each thread has its place,
Embrace the beauty of your own special pace.
For life's greatest treasures are not to be rushed,
But savored, cherished, in moments hushed.

So, be patient, my dear, do the work with a smile,
Every endeavor, every step, is worthwhile.
The end, like a masterpiece, will soon be in sight,
Revealing the splendor of your persistent fight.

For in the best of life, patience holds the key,
Unlocking the wonders that are meant to be.
Embrace the journey, with a heart full of grace,
And behold the magnificence of your own unique space.
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In the depths of despair, where shadows reside,
Lies a poem of anguish, where hope has died.
To get the best of life, they say, be patient,
But in this bleak existence, patience grows vacant.

The beginning, a mere illusion, an empty shell,
For the end, they say, matters more, they foretell.
Yet as I trudge this desolate path alone,
The end seems distant, a cruel unknown.

Peers march ahead, their success ablaze,
While I stumble, lost in this desolate maze.
Comparison haunts my weary, burdened mind,
As I toil, unseen, in the deafening grind.

Be patient, they say, do the work and believe,
But faith dwindles, like a flickering eve.
How long must I wander, devoid of solace,
While others revel in life's sweet embrace?

Time mocks me, relentless in its ceaseless flow,
As I drown in sorrow, with nowhere to go.
The weight of existence, a burden too great,
Each step I take feels like a cruel twist of fate.

Will my turn ever come, or am I forever confined,
To this desolate realm, where dreams are maligned?
The best of life, a distant mirage, elusive and cold,
Leaving me broken, with a spirit that's sold.

So here I stand, amidst the ruins of hope,
With a heart that's shattered, clinging to a fraying rope.
For patience alone cannot heal my wounded soul,
As I grapple with a fate I can't control.

In this unpleasant verse, my voice does cry,
A symphony of despair, a melancholic lullaby.
For in the face of darkness, I find my release,
In the depths of these words, my anguish finds peace.
K Bee Jun 2023
I wait (selfishly)
For my sunflowers to grow.
After a long winter,
watching sunlight
dappled on dancing leaves
that once shuddered to the beat
of (Wind, Rain, Perpetuity)
in motion.
I spy
at the sprouts and seedlings,
Willing them-
Asking for the sixteenth time
From the back seat
(my couch)
Are we there yet?
Taking offence at the
steady dripping cadence of time,
Forgetting the lessons
I buried in the early spring.
Don't fail to see the garden
For the sunflowers
Michael Murphy May 2023
Broken and mended with the finest of threads, her heart still bruised and tender

I seek to hold it but how

A callous of wasted time and broken trust protects the innocent flower within

No earthly force can penetrate

Only Heaven holds the elixir I will patiently deliver

Take the patience of the mountain stone on its journey to the sea

Add the golden love of angels hearts and unending loyalty

Mix with all the beauty of every flower ever grown

Deliver with the brightest light the sun has ever known

Then maybe just maybe her heart will mend and then
with all our love and strength combined
she'll learn to love again
I closed my eyes and hoped to finds words to comfort a friend that I really care about. Time will tell
Roman Pavel Apr 2023
Two sapling oaks, grow side by side, in the soft silt savanna swamp
The sun awoke, and shadows hide, their roots begin to stomp
The oaks move the earth, and stretch the sky, as they yearn towards each other’s touch
With their growing girth, and branches high,
Purposefully extend, to feel each other’s clutch

They grow, slow, and methodically
Taking their time, placing each leaf in the sun.
They reach, each other hydrologically
Sharing the wealth beneath the ground as one.

As decades turn into centuries, an exhaustive passing of time
The mighty oaks are living free, in the middle of their prime
Yet, still they yearn, for one another touch
To have their bristle branches brush in the warm wind as such

Though… a century more may need to pass.
For the old oak trees to touch
Patiently waiting in the soft silt savanna grass
The long time doesn’t seem so much
Inspired by the old oak trees in New Orleans. This poem tells a story of patience.
The rhyme scheme is designed to slow you down, breaking slight rhythm to remind to read slowly.
Tessa Savanna Apr 2023
One stood a majestic volcano,
With perfect crater and perfect form,
With steaming magma underneath its perfection
Shaken and pursued by fools,
By the pressure from the unknowns
Following a venting out of magma,
Slowly affecting everyone by its lava,
Thus being hated more by the fools.
anger is something you can't contain, it'll surely destroy you.
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