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a man sits
at the bottom
of the steps
not blocking the path
but he cannot be missed
begging alms
from the myriad
who climb and descend
in droves
the cup he holds
is barely weighted
by the meagre amount
he has received
he patiently wishes goodwill
to all who pass
despite their lack of offerings
even though
the majority will ignore
purposefully averting their eyes
or apologetically decline
to part with
any lose change
instead saving their coins
to pay their entry
to marvel at
the gilded interior
of the church
whose teachings include
"love thy neighbour"
Eloisa Feb 2023
Bare and bruised,
she visited the woods.
Stripped of joy and comfort,
she slowly trudged through her usual path to talk to the trees.
With stretched and open arms
they listened to her
perpetual wail.
Her vision blurry.
Her voice unclear.
The tears have yet to dry.
The grief’s still there to stay.
Then rays of magical light dappled through the trees.
Scattering glitters to the tiny green buds of her favorite sakura trees.
Shining through her heart,
a tiny corner of herself
that’s still her own.
Her sanctuary of patience and strength,
An important refuge that continues to love.
Komorebi: Sunshine filtering through the trees.
The scattered light that filters through when sunlight shines through trees”. It is made up of three “Kanji”
Ki= “tree” or “trees”
Kagayaku= “shine -through” or “escape”Taiyo= “sun”.
How horrible and happy life is all together
How privileged you are to remember both together
A little bit of patience, barely spanning a meter
To sustain a tiny candle light in the heart of winter
Be still little heart
The summer is almost here
Then the reaping will start
Just as the dew reappears...
Fianzy Jan 2023
That is why i cannot go back there again.
Why would i want to return to my lowest point?
Why would i willing go back to my addiction?

Don’t you know nothing ever compares to that first high.

That is all, that is all i have to say about chemistry.
Is that it started off so sweet but in the end the taste becomes overwhelming, just like you.

For you cannot build a long withstanding relationship on chemistry and think you found it all.

Love cannot be built on a foundation that is fleeting.
there is more than a spark, love needs patience and kindness. It needs so much more than butterflies and walks in the garden
Ken Pepiton Dec 2022
Its possible to imagine reading this on you tube live,

it can happen, it aint Wutang wu wei woo woo dangle

bait, bait, betcha
betcha did, betcha won and didn't know it,

down to the dimple in the chin, a Haps

pers happenstance of time and chance, all we know

it gets thrown in the mix and out comes

that's what's happening. Roll the bones.

The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole dis
of... the lot, the die, the rolled filipped coing coing cong

{stop} re en state

What was the last co-gent, co-gentle, thought?

Religrelegreligreleg etaoinshrdlu to you. FS.

AH, fightin' words, kettle drums, Tibetan gongs,

Hopi Kokapelli flute,
sweet, a turkey gobbled outside my window

and I laughed, and that did good,
like a medicine.
From an old 502 error refused
chasing rain Dec 2022
i do not have the patience of a god,
yet i find myself waiting yet again.

i do not have the patience of a god,
but when you return with tears in your eyes,
my arms are open wide—
heart willing, though it aches again—
ready to hold you close once more.

i do not have the patience of a god, no,
but i do think i have the patience of a flower.

i do not think you notice,
too busy in your own mind.
for once, i was a blooming daisy,
so welcoming, so bright—
day after day. week after week.

i do not think you saw me,
for the lily petals that once were brilliant
had curled and wrinkled into an ugly shade of brown,
and the daffodil petals scatter on the ground,
leaving nothing but a twisted, wilted stem.

i do not think i have the patience of a god,
though i think i was given a heart like a god.  
for i still love you, painfully,
like thorns on a rose.

and though i may have a love like a god,
the rest of me is still
so stupidly human.

please don’t come back this time.

though if you do,
i will open my arms again.
—though my heart will shatter when you leave again
i arrived
early enough
to be comfortable
in my seat as
the patient and
impatient alike
shuffled the aisle
negotiating the overflow
of flaring elbows
protruding feet
and cumbersome torsos
a waltz of
dismissive apology
their only hope
to find their place
without inconvenience
yet with little interest
in whether they might
other passengers
along the way

as a man
recently evicted
from the seat
he had evidently
not booked
surveys the nearby
empty spaces
his mind churning
an internal gamble
of which one
might promise
the longer period
   of peace
before the rightful
owner arrives
he knows
he will need
to relocate
once more before
his journey's end
at some point
unknown to him
but predetermined
despite this
he settles down
in a seat marked
and closes
his eyes
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
If you really
Want to listen
Listen to the silence

Silent Eyes
Silent Breathe
Silent Heart

Whatever you need
To hear
Exists there

For your understanding
A voice of the soul
Theme: Zen Element
A M Ryder Aug 2022
There's no easy
Way of asking
I already know
What he's going
To say but
Maybe he just
Needs to say it
So I ask
Him anyway
"Are you scared?"

Only smiles
And a patience
I've never seen
In the face  
Of someone
Who knows
That they
Are dying
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