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I look for you in the people I meet
Drawn always to mothers and to crones
Finding myself at the edge of the earth
Searching for you
Though I know where you are
It’s subconscious
It’s instinctive
Needing you
Anna Wakefield Oct 2024
I walked along, hand in hand
Strolling towards the trees.
I was happy, had no care,
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

I ran my hands, through the green,
Humming - carefree as can be.
I was content, and had no fear,
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

I closed my eyes, to feel the breeze,
Smiling so blissfully,
I sighed, then, I remember -
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

I opened my eyes, and the trees were bare
Barren ground surrounded me -
I screamed, wordless, held on even tighter
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

The sky then bled, my mother screamed
As to why I couldn’t see
My dog barked, and I held on to
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

My mother looked at me, her mouth was open
Still screaming silently
The dog whimpered, why was it only
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

She then faded, I ran after
Holding my dog helplessly
I knew then that image was over, of
Just the dog, my mother, and me.

When I stopped, she was gone, and so was the dog
They were only memories.
Nightmares or dreams - the only way it can be
Just the dog, my mother, and me.
My mother was my best friend and confidant throughout my life. As an Autistic child with mental health problems I leaned on her heavily. After our family went through some severe trauma at which I was the centre, my mother and father became my complete family. When I had just turned 20 (Jan 2013), my mother passed away out of nowhere from a heart attack - I worked in our emergency department and was on shift when she was bought in DOA. I still miss her deeply.
She also got a dog who she absolutely adored. She said she would train it, make it obedient - and instantly caved to everything she wanted. I trained Boo (my dog) and when my mum passed away, Boo became my dog. A A couple of years ago, my dog went to stay temporarily with my aunt while I was sorting  my housing. She was in perfect health. A month later, I get a call from my father telling me my aunt has had her put down and spread the ashes due to a mysterious 'illness' that came from nowhere.

She didn't even let me say goodbye.
zee Jan 2023
she holds my hand in her palm
cradling it gently
as she cleans
the wounds she reopened
on my calloused paper skin.
The giver birth
the harbinger of my death,
embraces me in crocodile tears.
"Who is she?" I am asked
and in a cracked voice bandaged with promises,
I answer;
"she is my mother."
Been doing some reflection and here's something on motherly wounds.
Jana B Apr 2022
If that was a blast of love
I’d hate to see your hate.

Your blunt, forceful love
comes from fear,
rains in blows,
and leaves me -
smaller, sadder,
reeling for equilibrium.
Just my mum, weighing in due to concerns.
Leah Sep 2021
All of the above.
I feel so alone.
I wish I had that emotional support some girls talk about with their moms
I feel like she’s there but not there
Im just here
I wish I can go to my mom for a hug
I wish I can go to my mom for advice
I wish I can talk to my mom
I wish I had a different mother
I feel so alone
I’m going through a really stressful situation right now and I just feel so alone with no kind of emotional support.
Daisy Ashcroft Sep 2020
It starts with his beautiful bright blue eye,
So steady and sure as the wings flutter and sigh.
They keep watch of the life below,
The nectar and the flowers that grow
A forest of colours, red to indigo.

Now, when the eyes shutter and blink,
The flowers look up and they think,
'Here is our dazzling friend,
Come here to dance and defend,
And to our gardens tend'.

Here, it whispers to a mother and child
Remembering all the times that they smiled
To each other and held hands
To help the child thrive and withstand
The winter's harshest command.

The mother waves and the child shakes
In excitement and down fall the flakes
Of yellow but quickly goes the protector
Gathering the pieces and the nectar
And hurrying back to inspect her.

Often people suspect that this pest
Eats the flowers and destroys their nest
But little do they know of why
The mother flower strokes the pest's eye.
You see butterflies don't just flutter by.

They have a duty and a burden
To protect the flowers of their garden
And see that everything is safe and sound
Down there on the ground.
A poem for my mum...
Melenie Aug 2020
My mother, mommy, mom
You were my person,
My sun and moon and stars,
The superwoman who made everything good happen
and the one I blamed for any bad that happened
My little sister and I only had you
the three of us
in cahoots or at odds
the bond was the foundation
until I built my own.
Your smile, a vivid memory
your laugh an echo in my heart
my hands look like yours and if I clasp them together
I can pretend we are holding hands again
closing my eyes
inhaling your scent of Patchouli
how did it feel to be enveloped in your arms?
Soft and safe and peaceful
when I was little
before my teenage rebellion
when I pushed farther away
how many times did I break your heart?
Each time you forgave me
without reproach,
B Jul 2020
you and i
driving down the highway
i swear we could fly
with you behind the wheel

the pictures littered the car
like anxious petals fallen too soon
desperate pleads for a love
i could not express to you

steady hands on the wheel
you whisked me away
to a little burger place on the interstate
where for a moment we escaped

the rush of it all
the pain of it all
when i felt safe
to fall into you

eyes glued to the dot
amongst trees and cars
yearning to keep this spot
that, only briefly, we called ours
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