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Rylie Lucas Sep 2018
I'm ready for the words you spit
I'm ready for the obscenities you scream
I'm ready for the sadness to overtake me
For the thoughts to take me over

You have no emotion as you yell
You have no reason to say what you do
You yell anyways though
But not loud enough for the neighbors to hear

I am ashamed of you and how you behave
A sorry excuse for a stepmother
Yet you stick around
My mother blind to the way you treat me and my brothers

No matter how hard I try
You always come back
With new reasons to yell
And get into my head

Leave me be
Stop me from my madness

You've caused this
My sanity slipping
Resorting instead to the peace
Of insanity and death

So when people say I don't have it bad
Because I have a roof over my head
At least they don't have to worry about
How much pain they'll be in that night

Pain caused by words
Pain caused by actions
Pain caused by others
Pain caused by myself
So...I'm not doing the best right now...:/
Niki Kastaneida Nov 2017
You said things,
these things that hurt
we thought something
you proved wrong
you tried to change,
It didn’t work
we left,
not turning back
you begged for forgiveness
she gave it
we went back
and forth
for years on end
you hurt us,
far too many times
yet she couldn’t leave,
not for good
one night,
everything changed
things were thrown along with words
I hid
police were called
Into custody you went
bruises covered her
my blood boiled
you begged again
and again
I had had enough
for a long time
I saw what you are
she didn’t
she cried for you
I comforted
she finally stopped going back
I wasn’t sure,
sure she wouldn’t waver
she tried
and tried
and tried
and didn’t go back...
The Vault Oct 2017
The gap between your legs that is so sweet
Unless you don't have it
Then you are treated like ****

Talk to a boy
And it will seem like you open your legs for the world
Treated like a non-******
Just cause you like a boy

The part of you
That people will love
Or hate
Or sometimes only you will hate

Judged by what clothes you wear
Or how short it is
Cause god knows
Thighs are ****
Show a bit to much
And you will turn all the boys on

So you hide them
Under long shirts and baggy pants
Cause your thighs hit in the middle
Rub ever so slightly
No gap in sight
And you hate that
White Owl Jul 2017
As I watched my mother get beat,  as a child,  I was convinced that if I were to call the cops something bad would happen.
I have watched my father slam my mother in a car door.
I have watched as my father threw pans at my mother.
I have seen my mother walk out covered in bruises.
I have seen my father break a printer with my mother's head.

I remember running to my room crying and covering my head with a pillow. Hearing him curse at her calling her every bad name he could think of. My brother and I would blare the radio and still hear screams of my mother,  as she was beaten.

We were young when it started out; I don't remember a period of time when it was not happening.

My mother tried to leave him time and time again. My brother and I begged of her. Just leave him, we would cry.

She was with him 18 years. She was put through Hell for 18 long years.

Peoples first assumption is why didn't she leave, why didn't she stay away. This was a question that,  even to me,  was hard to see; I just recently was able to understand and see what was wrong with this picture.

She was beat physically but she was abused emotionally as well. People only tend to see what they can literally see and forget what is laying behind the bruises. Day after day she was degraded, called names, told she was worthless. She began to belive it. It was now in her head that she was worthless and no one would love her. No one would put up with her, she was a *******; or so she thought.

Taking the courage to leave that is a lot, she was mentally unfit for certain jobs and her health began to decrease. She was a woman who felt that she could not succeed or provide for her children without my father, or another man.

Leaving my father for the last time was the hardest thing that I believe she had to do. She wasn't just leaving anyone. It was the father to her children, the man she has relied on for 18 years, the man that had her believing she was worthless. He done everything except brainwashing to get her to stay.

Also, my father is kind sweet and caring to everyone outside of our family. Even to our family he was nice but he had times were things of this nature,  behind closed doors, would happen.
My immediate family was not the only ones who knew he beat my mom. Everyone on my fathers side of the family knew. They always made excuses or turned their heads. Some people on my moms side had questioned it but she always made excuses because she thought that she loved him.

Domestic violence is nothing to joke about. Everyone should know the signs and report anything suspicious. There are a few things to know. The person being abused has to want help to get out. The cops and social workers can not do anything unless the abused come forward when approached about it. The exception to that is when there is kids involved, like in my situation.

Domestic abuse hotlines:
1-800-799-7233 | 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

Not sure if it's abuse?:
Domestic violence does not only harm them in the present but haunts them in the future
LoveLy Apr 2016
You wonder why I never seem to love you as much as I do my mother.
You wonder why I only attack and put up my defenses in your presence.
You think your 'jokes' are funny.
You think you should always be in control.

Well ******* and your mentally abusive bulllshit. I see you try and degrade my mom and she is much stronger than i. She tells me why marrying a man like you is wrong yet she can't follow her own advice...she won't just leave

You are the reason I don't trust men. You are the reason I push people away. You are the reason I can't see through these pessimistic glasses. You are the reason when a boy says he loves me I run. You are the reason I don't know how to love.

You have NO control and that's why you play my mom like a doll. You aren't smart enough to see what's in front of you. You are a bigot and part of me hates you.

I've spent most my life calling you dad and now I'm old enough to understand that THIS is NOT  love...I don't even know who you really are.
Erika Castaldo Feb 2016
I see that the jealousy was
Unhealthy and
That him being overprotective
Was scary.
Back then I made excuses for
His actions,
But I know now that he was
Completely wrong.
I should have been able to go
Out when I wanted
And not feel guilty for being
Happy without him.
I should have been his equal,
Not his inferior.
I should have been who I wanted
To be,
Not who he told me I had to.
always anxious Oct 2015
You know what i'm tired of?
I'm tired of mental abuse..
No one understands, cause no one ever sees.. There a no visible scars, no proof, and no one has seen.
I am a target of angry outbursts and sarcasm.
It piles up on me, day after day, month after month.

"You just wanna make me look bad!" He tells me
"You brought it on yourself" he laughs
"I treat you like you deserve to be treated!"
"For a smart person you're really dumb"
"Your friends will start to hate you"

And when i say i've had enough..

"You make me madder than anyone ever has!"
"You're such a liar!"
"You're so ******* selfish! You think the world revolves around you"
"That's not what you said, did or felt."
"You just try to make me look bad"
"I didn't attack you! Your mind is really messed up for thinking that"
"You are welcome to leave at any point. There's the door"

  -i'm sorry daddy-

"I have your best interests at heart, if you would just listen to me more.."
"I can't stand to look at you right now.."
"You'll never change"

-yes daddy-

When my brother asks me why i'm crying
"Your sister is crying cause she knows she did something wrong"

-i'm sorry i dropped the cup of coffe on the floor-

"You've got to be ******* kidding me!"
"You will be the death of me!"
"You had to mess things up again didn't you?"
-sorry Daddy-
"Too late, i'm done with you never thinking!.."
"This is all your fault!"

I hate how i can't do something without instantly thinking -was that okay?-

"How dare you eat that taco without asking!"
"You just keep pishing my buttons!"
"This is YOUR issue!"
"You can't do anything right!"
"You need to be careful in how you respond to me"

But the ones that hurt the most..
"The house is peacefull when you're gone"
"We can't sleep when we know you'll be home soon"
"You'll never change"

I try my best.. And i can't just leave, cause i still love him.
It's gotten s bit better.. I could just move to my moms place, but it's really not that easy.
Em or Finn Sep 2015
You're a waste of space.
What's wrong with you?
Why can't you perform better on quizzes?
Why doesn't anyone want to be your friend?
You're too weird to have friends.
You don't deserve friends.
Stop looking at your phone.
Communicate with me for once.
You need help.
But I'm not going to be the stepping stone to get you to a professional.
You're useless.
Didn't anyone tell you your fake.
No one likes you four eyes.
I'm sorry I didn't mean it.
Why can't you think clearly.
Stop crying.
No one cares about your tears.
Be stronger.
Your creating a scene.
Control yourself.
I care about you.
Look prettier next time.
What's up with your style?
Stop trying to be unique. It's a bad look on you.
Be more talented.
Try harder.
It's only because I care.
You're not trying hard enough.
It's only because I care.
Fight back.
Not with words, with fists.
Stop being the nice push-over.
It's only because I care.

But now ...
I've stopped caring
This poem is about thoughts in my mind and how even our minds can be abusive.

— The End —