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raerion Feb 9
the memories when come upon
shred heart to pieces
the mole on the right side of your forehead
the creases next to your eyes
your beautiful smile lines
knowing the warmth of your hand was comfort
holding your icy cold was terrible agony
beloved was buried, unseen to others
so was a piece of my heart.
Rubianne Foster Dec 2024
“Mama tried,” Mama lied.
Mama stole your car and sold it for a price
Married five times, Mama never could decide.
Always called me ugly, but I have Mama’s eyes.
Betrayed by fate, Mama hates that she’s alive.
Stay up late at night just to hear Mama cry.
It’s hard to feel pity when Mama casts you to the side.
There was never any love in the house where Mama resides.
But sure, Mama tried. Mama Tried.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
M se premye mo ki sòt nan bouch tout bebe
M se premye mo nan alfabet, nan lang ti bebe
Se pa lèt a, ki sòti an premye nan bouch yon ti bebe
Kap di m, ma, manman, mom, mummy, mother, mama
Mère, kom nan manmi, madre,  mae, ma mère, mamma
M se 13 zièm lèt nan alfabèt laten
Se la ke lang romans yo komanse
Kòm franse, panyòl, italyen, pòtugè
M se yon lèt enpòtan pour la santé, la paix
La vie, le bonheur, les fleurs et le sapin
Nou kontan pou nou fete tout manman
Mèsi a tout fanm, manman se la pè e la jwa.

Copyright © 25 Me 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tout dwa rezève
Hébert Logerie se otè plizyè koleksyon powèm.
M is the first word or letter coming out of a baby's mouth.
They always said
How much the little girl
Was like her daddy in
The way she stood
Cute when she was small

But the older she gets
The more she takes on
More serious aspects of
My strengths
My weaknesses.

Proud to see her
Strong personality
Flashbacks of my youth.
Free in spirit
As a young deer
Kinking up its hind legs
In defiance of constriction.

A free spirit sees
No need for the fences
We build to contain it
To control our so-called
Base instincts.

In her my strengths are
but oh
So are my weaknesses
My weaknesses magnified!

Looking at this
Living mirror of myself
Seems to
A normal father/daughter

I think I see clearly because
I think I know myself so well.
I chastise myself
I condemn my weaknesses
The mistakes I made in my youth.

I look down at me
She looks up to me.

They say she is
So much like her daddy
But she is much more.
Part mama
Part gran
Part grandma
A tapestry of traits
All formed in her
Along with what her social
Environments have
Sown in and reaped of her.

The teenager often sees the
Outward beauty of a
Model or movie star.
Someone is always
Better looking
Someone else always
Has more of something.

I try so hard to help her see
That this is so common
A feeling.
She is above all this
She is not run of the mill.
I know she knows this
Deep inside.

Time has proved
That I see more
Than what meets the eye
But this knowing
Holds possible dangers.
I can see ahead to
Warn her of trouble
But there are troubles
That she must endure.
Every caring parent knows
This pain.

I do not want to fail her
But distance seems to grow
Between us when
I monitor her progress
When I push and ****
To make her less like daddy.
She shouldn’t be like me
I have too many regrets.

In the night hours
I sometimes hear sounds
That I cannot distinguish.
I hear fluttering sounds
That I think are birds
Flying out of the trees
But in reality it is the wind
Blowing high
Through the pines.

I see shadows of strangers
Seeking mischief
Shining bright
Lights at the family tent
In the cold
Of the cold night
But reality says it is
The distortion of the campfire
Through the fabric of the tent.

I cannot always distinguish
Certain sights and sounds
At certain times
But time reveals what
They truly are.

But to bite the tongue
When I wish to scold
Out of season.
To stop focusing on our
Likenesses to the point
Where I cannot differentiate
Between what she used to be
And what I used to feel
And the individual soul
That my daughter is.

They always say how
much she is like her daddy.
Maybe daddy needs to change.
A poetical sketch of one father and his daughter.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mamã foi embora
Ela já não está viva
Ela deixou a Mãe Terra
Ela está no cemitério
A mamã está mais longe
Ela está aqui e ali, realmente
A mamã se foi
E já não está aqui
Connosco, sob o sol
A mamã está no céu
Ela olha para nós e consegue ouvir
Ela está a divertir-se, em um sonho
Vendo-nos lamentar e gritar
A mamã está com a Virgem Maria
Ambos nos ouvem e riem
Tanto que choram no paraíso
Onde ninguém morre
Isto é uma gafe
Que viagem! A mamã foi embora
Mal os podemos ver nas nuvens
A mamã ainda está conosco
É invisível dentro de nós
Como desejamos que as outras mães façam
Feliz fica no cemitério
Que a terra seja leve e macia!

P.S. Este poema é dedicado a todos os que choram.
Translation of “Mommy Is Dead” in Portuguese.

Copyright © Avril 2024, Hébert Logerie, todos os direitos reservados.
Hébert Logerie é autor de várias coletâneas de poesia.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mama ist gegangen
Sie lebt nicht mehr
Sie hat Mutter Erde verlassen
Sie ist auf dem Friedhof
Mama ist weiter weg
Sie ist hier und dort, wirklich
Mama ist weg
Und nicht mehr hier
Bei uns, unter der Sonne
Mama ist im Himmel
Sie sieht uns an und sie kann hören
Sie hat Spaß, in einem Traum
Uns jammern und schreien zu sehen
Mama ist bei der Jungfrau Maria
Beide hören uns zu und lachen
So sehr, dass sie im Paradies weinen
Wo niemand stirbt
Das ist ein Fauxpas
Was für eine Reise! Mama ist gegangen
Wir können sie kaum auf den Wolken sehen
Mama ist immer noch bei uns
Sie ist unsichtbar in uns
Wie wir es anderen Müttern wünschen
Fröhliche Aufenthalte auf dem Friedhof
Möge die Erde leicht und weich sein!

P.S. Dieses Gedicht ist allen gewidmet, die trauern.
Translation of “ Mommy Is Dead” in German.

Copyright © Avril 2024, Hébert Logerie, alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtsammlungen.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Mamá se ha ido
Ya no está viva
Mamá dejo la tierra
En el cementerio
Mamá está más allá
Ella está, en verdad, aquí y allá
Mamá está muerta
Y ya no sale
Con nosotros, bajo el sol
Mamá está en el cielo
Ella nos mira y nos escucha
Está pasando un buen rato
Para vernos quejar y gritar
Mamá está con la Virgen María
Ambos nos escuchan y ríen
Con tanta alegría que ellas lloran
En el paraíso donde nadie muere
Mamá se fue, de viaje
Apenas puedes verlo en las nubes
Mamá se quedó con nosotros
Ella es invisible, dentro de nosotros
Y todos deseamos a otras madres
Felices estancias en el cementerio
¡Que la tierra sea ligera!

PD: Este poema está dedicado a todos aquellos que perdieron a 'Mamá'.

Copyright © Abril 2024, Hébert Logerie, todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de varias colecciones de poemas.
Ritz Writes Jul 2024
Imagine 💭
I had a dream where my mother  mustered the courage to own her truth; unabashedly and unapologetically. In that parallel universe, she owned her own identity, and not being defined as someone's wife or daughter. She never fell for anyone where she was obliged to stay, rather she dared to leave. Pursuing her dreams and travels to places she has never been before, chasing sunsets and dreams. Like the Phoenix from the ashes, she rebuilds her life from the scratch.
In another life, I don't wish to be born so that my mother can reap the benefit to live, laugh and love.
~RitzWrites 🥀
. "But behind all your stories is your mother's story, for hers is where yours begins." —Mitch Albom, For One More Day
Debra Lea Ryan Jul 2024
Hey even though I  got 'dem Blues
Ya Mama still loves you
Cryin' I have all night long
Missin'  our  little love  song

Only you know how to thaw my Heart
Oh Daddy - Oh Daddy - yur so Smart!
Sing me Baby our Winter Song
That warms us Honey all Night Long.

Blues N - Playing my Bass and working on some Lyrics.  Love it. Smiling and having some Fun too! Ha! Ja!
Zywa Jun 2024
In the empty hall,

standing next to her suitcase --

mum waits, and she cries.
Retrospective "Autobiografie van een flat" ("Autobiography of an apartment", 2024, Otto de Kat)

Collection "After the festivities"
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