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Ritz Writes Feb 5
Teach me mother how to say NO..
To raise my voice and swim across the oceans.
To value safety over politeness.
To feel comfortable in my own skin without seeking any validation from the outside world.
Teach me mother to hit back, when I'm mistreated, when my feelings are not validated and disrespected.
Teach me mother to know what I want.
To be brave, stand tall and bold.
Teach me mother to believe in my dreams, to dream of a better world.
Because when you're gone, I'll carry the legacy, that doesn't have to be out of pain and suffering.
Mother, teach me to be my own hero so that I won't tread the path taken by you again.
As a woman, I empathize my mother.
As a daughter, I am angry.
Durante i giorni più freddi del potente inverno
Pensa a una dolce primavera e sogna un'estate mite
Durante le ore più dure della notte invernale
Pensa ai fiori e sogna una piacevole luce del sole.

Arriva la stagione, rimane un po' e poi fugge
La vita attraversa un evento circolare come l'ape
Come i raggi di luna che danzano attorno a Madre Terra
Per incantarla, abbracciarla e baciarla a morte.

Nel mezzo del profondo inverno, pensa a una primavera divina
E sogna giornate estive luminose e afose
Non sentirti mai disperato e pessimista per nulla.

Giorni migliori e notti gloriose sono sempre in arrivo
Rimani positivo e resiliente finché la tua testa è presente
Pensa e sogna un sole più caldo.

Copyright © gennaio 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tutti i diritti riservati
Hébert Logerie è autore di diversi libri di poesie.
Translation of : Thinking Of A Divine Spring in Italian by Hebert Logerie
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
M se premye mo ki sòt nan bouch tout bebe
M se premye mo nan alfabet, nan lang ti bebe
Se pa lèt a, ki sòti an premye nan bouch yon ti bebe
Kap di m, ma, manman, mom, mummy, mother, mama
Mère, kom nan manmi, madre,  mae, ma mère, mamma
M se 13 zièm lèt nan alfabèt laten
Se la ke lang romans yo komanse
Kòm franse, panyòl, italyen, pòtugè
M se yon lèt enpòtan pour la santé, la paix
La vie, le bonheur, les fleurs et le sapin
Nou kontan pou nou fete tout manman
Mèsi a tout fanm, manman se la pè e la jwa.

Copyright © 25 Me 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tout dwa rezève
Hébert Logerie se otè plizyè koleksyon powèm.
M is the first word or letter coming out of a baby's mouth.
Matthew Feb 2019
"I didn't know you were Queer."

What made you think I was straight?
Oriada Dajko Jan 2019
Tú que has creado algo más allá del tiempo
ni sabes que traes Dios en tu vientre,
un Dios más en nuestro mundo que nadie va a creer,
uno otro Dios que nadie tiene que entender,
uno otro Dios que no será aceptado por ninguno,
uno otro Dios más que será juzgado por cada uno,
y así regresara a ti, crucificado por su buena voluntad,
y solamente tú lo vas a ver aún como el Salvador,
porque solamente tú verás su Milagro,
vivirás la vida más que una vez con el
tocando el universo con sus manos, con su piel,
buscando la verdad con sus palabras, con su voz,
matando la soledad con su ser, con sus sueños,
muriendo cada momento con el
por ser incapaz a cambiar el Destino de su ser.
Brian McDonagh May 2018
May God
Overflow love
Through you,
Hour after hour.
Every day,
Render love to a weeping-child world!
A Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all mothers and those who have any form of maternal status living and deceased!!  I know I'm late, but I wanted to post this anyway.  I know I could have done something aside from an acrosstic this time around, but an acrosstic can sometimes get to the heart of a word in a special way.
Mikaelyn White Nov 2016
Mother, mom, madre, love.
You and I fit like a glove

Mother, mom, madre, friend.
You help me with problems I cannot mend  

Mother, mom, madre, teacher.
You are smarter than most preachers

Mother, mom, madre, God-send.
You taught me how to believe again

Mother, mom, madre, and more.
You are strong to the core!

Bad things will happen, and bad things have come
...but I'll always be your daughter

To my mother, mom, madre, and most of all love. God is watching us from above!
My mom is my everything.. and today is the day we celebrate her birth.
RyanMJenkins May 2016
New details have arisen, so much to process.
Right turn at Words, haven't been this lost yet
With anger comes regret, a downhill ***** tailspin
Feelings have changed, eyes have been opened.
Madre, I just want you to know your worth.  
Your kids cherish you, and we thank you for raising us since birth.  Let go of those that engulf you in hurt.  It's the worst at first, but the sun stays persistent.   You have a light inside you that I'll fight to not see diminshed.
You will rise to heights we've only seen in dreams.  I am there with a big hug the next time you close your eyes and breathe.
Despite being separated by a slew of states;
Our bond is beyond worldly,  depths reminding me to appreciate.
Pain is temporary, love is eternal
I'll be coming to Virginia through the next wormhole.  I'm still learning about taking risks and how to be, but just remember your smiling face is one I love to see.

— The End —