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Dawn Anderson Nov 2014
Where do I draw the line
that runs between
and sad?
I wish I knew
but to tell the truth
it is a difficult task
to ask yourself questions.
So where does the
line stand?
Or does it
Mark Ball Nov 2014
still smile.
Your silence is a kind of
Yet, still I don't.
A name can be home to many faces.
There's more for me to see
The other way.
I know you more;
You could be the first point of contact,
They both were in love
Make of me, but
And she he;
With melancholy.
An impartial judge to this acquaintance.
The words of then are bled.
As to Yeats Inisfree.
Do not be familiar to me.
For he liked her,
But you are self-interested and
If only for awhile.
I am no more than what you
But when swept in a drunken
From words that were left
As we age
But, at the end of the day,
They wish it were
to me
Our bodies decay;
****** upon my hand-crafted pedestal,
But it had to end.
It conjures memories, feelings
'Cause I was glad to have known you,
Define me.
No less than how you
Our minds grow and
The sea is.
It's sad hearing yours, although I
and long forgotten places.
But keep your mouth and desires.
I put a few of my shorter poems in a random line generator. This is what came out.
Jacob Traver Nov 2014
Growing slowly in my mind
Little traces of lines I find
Lines drawing me ever closer to you
My longing desire I can never pursue
Poetic T Oct 2014
All I got every time
Was this
Please try again later,
I had tried to dial
But you weren't answering
My calls,
How could you disconnect
What we had
Our line was connected
For so long,
Were the voices at the end on the line.
But no matter
How many times I try,
"You'll not pick up"
I think your heart now rings for another
So my receiver I put down
As the call never to be
As our hearts are disconnected
Now from each other.
Styles Sep 2014
Playing with me is like, playing with ur life
Cut you down slice by slice, no knife
Make you a sacrifice, then slap you back to life
It’s a full on scrap when I rap,
You wasn’t ready for that,
I went straight to hell, after I made contact,
Battled in pitch black, now they won’t let me back,
how many MC you know, is rugged as that,
I’ve been to the unknown, and left an impact
I kept my pride, it’s all mine, fully intact,
I’m on my shrine, come from behind, ain’t no going back
If ur verses really nicer than mine, that’s fine – now rap.
My scripts, so wicked, they flip manuscripts with one rip,
I’ll tear you in half, my warpath is your bloodbath
You’re a joke so I just laugh, at this simple task
Terrorizing ur ***, the terror rising in your eyes
You shouldn't have ventured down this path
I’m wearing a jason mask, sipping a flask
Anyone else jump in, Freddy slicing his ***
My writing is brash,
If your a titan than clash,
If not, your just trash,
So I, Hulk smash,
Then wipe ur blood off my mask, and relax
And get back to stretching cash like yoga class.
cause I could care a lot less, about flows that's so monotonous
It just shows you’re a hot mess, Your raps blow so much you success
You are too slow, to keep up with my progress
my style been buck wild since I was a child it sounds like you are much less.
L'Amour Noir Sep 2014
There's a really thin line between our bodies.
If you know it's real, then everything will be blank.
If you don't believe in that thin line, then everything becomes real.
Dance with me tonight, I'll show you how it was everything made.
Loneliness is a keyword to a broken heart.
If you are lonely, open it.
Big Virge Sep 2014
I was sitting ... one night ...
on an ... Underground Train
having been … in town ...
doing the … Same ol' Same …  

Reciting words ….
That … sometimes … HURT … !!!!!

But …. saw some things
that did …. " Concern " …. !!!!!

Some peoples' … " Faces "
are in ….. " Places " …...

Not … TOO NICE … !!!!!!

Some were looking …
So …. " UPTIGHT " ….
That … " Freddy " …
would have … got a …

….. FRIGHT ….. !!!!!!!

and this is … why ...
I … Had To Write …
This Piece of … Poetry …
and share … The Vibe …

Some faces showed

……… " Pain " ………

and … Much Disdain … !!!!!

" Others " … showed ...

Yes …
These ... were faces ...
on the … Train … !!! …

I guess … they just …
" Reflect " ... The Times …
Much like … My Rhymes …

See …..
Things like … THIS ...
Help me … " Design " ...
Prose … that's built …
Inside … " My Mind " …

It's funny … how ...
A Face … Displays …
SO MANY … Things …
when on … A Train …

or … Anywhere … !!!!!
from … here to … there ...

But ….
Peak from ……………... Far … !!!
and … Don't You … STARE … !!!!

because … this can make
Some People ... "scared" … !!!
and ... May Result …
in … " Nasty Glares " … !!!!!

Days now …
Seem … Loooooonnnnnggggggg … !!!!!!

and just … Drag onnnnnnnnn … !!!!!!

Unless you're … RICH … !!!!!
and …. " Do Not Sit " ….
on … A Train ...
for ... Hours A Day ... !!!!!!!

Thats … " The Way " ...
Most Live … Today …

and makes … some faces …
display …. " PAIN " …. !!!!!!!!!!!!

Some Now …
Look … STRAINED … !!!!!
and look … So Drained …
and show that … Life ...
is … NOT ... A Game … !!!!!

" Some " …...
….. looked like …...
they were … " Delayed " … !!!

That's ... nothing new
on … London Trains … !!!!!

Even …. " Nice Faces " …
looked … REALLY STRESSED … !!?!!

Make up … Can't Hide ...
When you're … " Depressed " … !!!

I'm saying … MAN ...
What's happening … ?!?

A … Smiling Face ...
seems …. out of place … ?!?

The Young …
Look … Old … !!!
while … THEY …
seem … STUNNED …
by youth who … act …
like … when they glare ...
Old Folk should … RUN … !!!!!

Riding trains …
is NOT ... much fun … !!!

when peoples' looks ...
Resemble … GUNS … !!?!!

"Filled" ... with bullets …
" Cocked " … to shoot … !!!

It's as if you're in …
A … " Human Zoo " … !!!

Emotions … "caged" ...
and filled with … RAGE … !!!

" Reflected " … on ...
This …. Very Page ….

I … Never thought … !!!
A Face ... could sort …
" Mental Visions " ...
Through ... Such Diction … !!!

Trust me folks
those words … AREN'T …  

…….. " Fiction " …….. !!!!!

" Look for " … YOURSELVES …

But …
Look with … STEALTH … !!!

because ... as i've said …
Some Faces … tell …
A story that ….
could  … " HARM " ... your health … !!!!!

But then … " Some Faces " ...
aren't …. So Wild ….
and are … " Less Vile " ...
and Less … " Sterile " …

I'm talking of ….
those of a … " child "

whose face displays
a … " CAREFREE " … way … !!!

A face of … LIGHT …
and … " Sunny Days " …  !!!!!!!!!!!

A … " Late Night Train " …

One who's yet
to suffer … pain …
and has a life
that's … REALLY GREAT … !!!!!

Well ……..

" GOOD FOR THEM !!! " ….

is what I say … !!!!!

That's how it was …
in my … " Young Days " …

Well folks … that's how …
My Journey … went …

" Faces " ... made …
me use … my pen …
to write on things
I saw … in … Them …

" THIS " ….
all happened …
after …. Ten ….
One Tuesday Night …
on my … " Train Ride " …

A Journey … "FILLED" …
with … " Different Sights " …

but also … SMILES … !!!!!

That made … the journey
seem … " Worthwhile " … !!!!!

and that's … the way …
I'll let this …. END ….

Trains have taken …
me to … " Places " …

But ….

NOT … As Many …
as peoples' ….

….. " Faces " .....
It literally was, as written, the visions and sights of my late night train ride !!!
Is there a need to deny who you are?
And if there is what is the purpose?
Continue to pretend to be of a "superior" race, in the end you're still as the rest of us.
Slaves to a judgement based on the color of blood lines.
Admit to self that your heritage is as is known not as is spoken.
Stop the hipocrisy, and hunger for attention.
Clearly you lack patriotism and pride in who is truely running through your veins.
Why pretend to be someone you're not?
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