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You are the oil above
After I had found my level
Tetiana Nov 2024
Minutes float by like water
you pass your quiet days,
difficult thoughts becoming hotter
don't drown, dear, into fault
it's just a phase,
just put your
bad and good on place.

Your thoughts fly like the wind
but it doesn't fan your fire,
your years just ticking away.
When will you require
that sincere naive fairy tale
to fade into grey?

You take your path as a road
which weaves like a wreath
and, after all it is slowed
to boring, joyless dance,
you feel wholly disturbed
like in sad episode.

Obediently, like a clock your heart goes
that is life-weary
and faith inside it froze,
it is weak being teary.

And your faith in a dream is in mind
it used to be joyful in flight,
but you're confused in a fight
with your fears which like beasts
lay in wait to eat you or bite.

But you, my love, have your time
to catch up with your dreams
just move on, try to climb
to the sky,
overcome all the frights.

Dreams will always be yours!
Spread your wings to take off
take whatever you want and know
that dreams will destroy all the flaws.


Спливають, як вода, хвилини.
ти проживаєш тихо дні:
складні думки, тяжкі години..
в тих днях ти тонеш у вині,
ти розкладаєш по площинах
думки веселі і сумні.
летять як вітер ті думки,
та не роздує він багаття,
лиш тихо жевріють роки,
а в тих роках пусті заняття,
наївні, щирі, мов казки.
та йдуть в нікуди ті стежки.

Стежки сприймаєш за дорогу,
яка плететься, мов вінок,
та, зрештою, вона убога -
нудний, безрадісний танок,
і він ще й сповнений тривоги,
що встряла в серці, мов клинок.
покірно, як годинник, йде
те зморене життям серденько,
бо в ньому віра - більш ніде -
подавлена і вже слабенька.

То віра в мрію, що в думках
колись так радісно буяла,
та ти заплуталась в страхах,
які, мов звірі, чатували,
щоб ти здалась, щоб ти упала.

Та ти, любима, маєш час,
щоб свою мрію наздогнати,
бо кожне серце має шанс
та сили, щоб жахи здолати.
біжи до неї, доганяй,
вона твоя і буде завжди!
Розправ вже крила і злітай,
бери що хочеш, просто знай,
що мрії нищать негаразди.
Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
The stars will not align
That has ever meant anything
Is taken and I'm left with the rind

You can't combat loss
It will touch you
Change you and destroy you
There will never be enough fingers to cross

Didn't expect it to be easy
But this is too much
How do I go on?
The one thing my failures have in common is me

Life can always be worse
But that means it can be better
I'm not that trend setter
The is starting to feel like a curse

Mark Wanless Oct 2024
you ain't going to
like it my words are no more
important than yours
Pax Sep 2024
i smell your scent,
like mangoes
i tasted them,
unripe & sour.
But I like it.
i like mangoes, i missed those uripped one, well this has dual meaning ;)
Àŧùl Jun 2024
Enter 2014, the jungle became a democracy,
And elections were held.
The lion won and became the king,
And the opposition were decimated.
A similar thing happened 5 years later,
And the hyenas all united beyond factions.

2024, the elections were held yet again,
The earlier king got lesser votes.
But the lion was chosen the king anyway,
Still, the hyenas behaved as if they won.
The prince of hyenas, 53 years of age,
Claimed a moral victory and they celebrated.

It's like the silver medalist celebrating,
And their minions are to blame.
We voted without thinking,
And they capitalised the game.
Everything they did to build the jungle,
Into a paradise went down the drain.
My HP Poem #1971
©Atul Kaushal
Amanda Kay Burke May 2024
Stuck on your image
All the moments we shared
How I wish it was someone else for which I cared
Good memories had in the past
Upset me cause they went too fast
I'll never know which portion of it was real
Or the number of emotions you swore to feel
I don't ever receive a straight answer from you
Perhaps you yourself never knew
The love reflected in your glacier eyes
More memorable than countless lies
The truth is difficult to forget
And even harder to accept
Do you ever step back and look at your life?
Or the mirror and ask yourself why?
I guess there's no way to know what you're feeling
Layers are endless
I keep peeling
I hesitate
Hoping you'll somehow revert
To the you that didn't make me hurt
It seems that was so very long ago
For some reason my heart won't let you go
Written 11-10-18
Carlo C Gomez May 2024
Bangle jangle
Strings of Mitra beads
Ankle-length sheath

Suzanna Hoffs
Painted lips
Shifting hips

Testing the poisons
Of her dance steps
Directly into the camera

Reimers Apr 2024
Enthralled by the lunar glow’s allure
Blindly treading the path I would endure
Stubbornly pressed on, heedless of the toll
Ignoring the cracks within my weary soul

As I draw closer, happiness and solace unfurl
Yet my touch, ignites the flames that wildly swirl
Burning yet I cling, despite the searing pain
I stand my ground holding you in my embrace

To my surprise, you pushed me away,
Leaving me adrift, lost in disarray.
Unaware, I’m falling into the void
Desperately clinging to the shadows

Was I naive, to have pushed so far?
Do I regret the burns and the scars?
With tears and a smile, I raise my fist,
"I would do it for you” as I fall in to the abyss
The contiuation of the Lalin poem
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