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Suhei 1d
Sorry for loving you
I am sorry that you have to love me
I never deserve you nor I will
I thought I can be person you can love

But ......

I look like story that will untold
A burning candle that can not be hold
I wish for your happiness and wish for lover that can not be
I hope you try to forgave me
Suhei 1d
I love all night , and stare back at you
May feel all different , cause no one talk to

Just feeling and emotion may sperate us
Would you search if I find myself lost
Just your face , just name
Just your hand , you are mine
I need some time .....

Would you mind ?
Would you mind ?
Zywa 4d
Well, when would one be

too old to do that, kissing --

under a shelter?
Novel "Onder de korenmaat" ("Under the bushel", 1991, Maarten 't Hart), chapter 10

Collection "The Note Tree"
Tell me, when we kiss
is the feeling absolute –under
the vibrations of our skins;

Do tongues absolutely say
their words together, in a
perfect melody?

Are these the vibes, in our dreams –
where we hope to catch the
made-up songs, were singing
in our heads?

We’ll probably only know when
we’re truly in love, I guess!
Thy lips, they call to the wilds unknown,  
A blend of virtue and desire sown.  
In sweetness deep, I wander, lost, astray,  
Thy lips, my love, are the haven where I stay.
The Call of Your Lips 21/02/2025 © All Rights Reserved by Jamil Hussain
Two lips are foreign before a kiss; we speak as friends,
laughing together as lovers – and hoping to finally kiss
as the latter.

But it takes time climbing up that ladder; taking each slow
step, to lead up to your matter meeting my matter; making
it really matter.

The sting of cheeks, the first time you taste something
so sweet; a flower on my lips by the scent of perfect
dreams – I’d shut my eyes each time we'd kiss; it’s just
a natural response, and one I hope lasts us both so long.

I haven’t kiss someone for so long, that it’s a taste I long.
Nobody Feb 16
I kissed someone last night
But something was off
Her lips pressed against mine
We made it clear that it was platonic
But the whole time
I was thinking of him
The sound of his voice
When he talks about something he loves
The way he curses when he drops his trombone
His laugh
His sigh
I don't think I've ever liked a girl
I kissed someone last night
And it was so, so wrong.
Guys help I think I'm gay
m Feb 11
i think i figured out
while i'm alive
i'll bleed out on the floor

and most everyone will go around me
and silent sound will sit beside me
so i feel the burn on my skin

but the tremble of my body will harmonize with yours and the blood we lie in
will taste like glitter when i kiss you

and the sound will sit in another room
while we fall asleep

just for the night
just for the night

silence was the sound of us breathing in just for the night
Faith Cubitt Feb 11
Its funny how I stare at this blank piece of paper.... and all I can think about is you.
but I see you in everything, so how is this any different?
maybe because we were never anything.... we were stolen glances, with quick intense touches, eye contact that made me feel dizzy, hands accidently touching and I thought my skin was gonna light on fire, everything was so intense.... it still is.
so why? why won't you just kiss me?
prove to me I'm not making this up.... I can't be.
but maybe it's like a dream, maybe it all feels so real but once you wake up you realize it was only you the whole time, making it all up.
I pray that's not the case.
I pray that you feel this crazy pull towards me as I feel to you.
I pray you feel the same, even just a little.
What's hiding beneath those deep blue eyes? (I just wanna drown in).....
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