I remember Reaching for your hand before we first kissed.
I remember Enjoying the warmth of our hands touching as did our lips.
I remember Measuring my words whispered in your ear, to take you beyond bliss.
I remember Every tasted breath, before we kissed.
I remember Minutes spent together, the blood pounding in my state of light headed
I remember Brown eyes drinking in my blue eyes, as we touched finger tips.
I remember Every tasted breath, before we kissed.
I remember Relishing the next time our hands would be closer than our lips.
I remember
the letter
you wrote
saying it was
better that
this was good-
bye, I was across
the country
and could
not test the
look in your
eyes, gone
cold. This
is very old.
First serious girlfriend thirty-seven years ago.
A B a A a b A B rhyme scheme for the 8 lines